Johan - 2011-04-29

I am quite furstrated with this. I have been googling all day long trying to understand how to use Ogre. At first I read loads of things on the Ogre webpage but I am not familiar with C++ and as we do Java at school I thought I will try with ogre4j. However I have no idea what and how to do anything. I read the limited wiki but there is not essential information for a beginner. It just states "An ant build.xml file is provided in the src package. To build only the Java part use the target " but what does that mean? How do I build it? Which files do I use? What's the difference between C++ and Java? Should I build both? I run Ubuntu and I installed ogre from synaptic and now I want to use ogre4j but have no idea what I should do. There is a lot of talk about SWT, libraries etc so in the end a beginner gets just even more confused. Isn't there a simple way to just start playing with ogre? I am not that familiar either with Eclipse, just the basics.