
#49 AdvancedSearch-0.6.X incl. translations & more improvements

H.-J. Tappe

Another patch for this most-wanted feature:
- allow search on "All (Title, Subject, Author)",
- search subtitle in combination to the title
- allow search restriction to categories and / or materials).

This patch is based on a 0.5.X patch but differs from the existing patches in
the following ways:
- Patch against existing files for easy inclusion into the main code trunk
- Make use of existing classes and functions
- Improved selection handling:
- Select inversion instead of select all-which is the same as selecing none)
- Select management separated between categories and materials
- Fix of PHP form management
- Translation support (en is part of this patch)

For the maintainers:
It was noticed that the search feature can be used in several places (OPAC,
Cataloging, ...). Maybe, it could be a good idea to have the search form code in
the shared/-directory and including it wherever needed.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    How to use this patch?

  • H.-J. Tappe

    H.-J. Tappe - 2008-07-25

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    I'm not sure if I understand the question, but I'll give it a try:
    A *.patch file is a standard "unified diff" format (which can be read with a text editor) to show or apply changes to software source code:
    - Lines starting with "+++" or "---" show the original files.
    - Lines starting with "@@" show the patch start lines in the original and modified file plus the lines resulting from the patch (patch length), separated from the start lines by a comma.

    A "patch" program can be used to apply the patch to the source code. If you start in the main openbiblio directory, this patch includes two levels of other directories, which the patch program needs to strip, so e.g. "patch -p2 < advancedSearch.patch" will do the job (Linux example).

    See also (also watch the links to Windows programs at the end of the articles):

    Another option (in case you don't have access to a patch program) is to modify the source code according to the differences as shown in the file.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    How to install this patch?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Self-explanatory search mask (adds options to the search, see description), once installed.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Everything is fine , except "Cataloging." In this section is not sorting properly.
    When looking "magazines" show results and other types of materials.

  • H.-J. Tappe

    H.-J. Tappe - 2008-07-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Thanks for the hint. I uploaded an update of the patch.

    Best regards,
    H.-J. Tappe
    File Added:

  • H.-J. Tappe

    H.-J. Tappe - 2008-07-26

    AdvancedSearch-0.6.X Update #1

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Now , everything is perfect.Thank you very much.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    How to install it on Windows?

  • H.-J. Tappe

    H.-J. Tappe - 2008-07-31

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    The installation of the patch under Windows is described in the discussion (2008-07-25 08:42) and has been followed (the manual way) already, so I don't see what part is missing. Open the *.patch file and see the differences which have to be applied to the code.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    would it be possible to have this patch broken out in an easier install method? perhaps a zip of the altered files that could be ftp'd to a server? i do not have necessary access to my server to run a *.patch and would have to hand code all this in.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • ayryq

    ayryq - 2010-03-12

    may I suggest the addition of MARC field 505a (formatted contents note) to the search, allowing finding (for example) a short story in a compilation. In BiblioSearchQuery.php
    } elseif ($type == OBIB_SEARCH_ALL) {
    $join .= "left join biblio_field on biblio_field.bibid=biblio.bibid "
    . "and biblio_field.tag='505' "
    . "and (biblio_field.subfield_cd='a') ";
    $criteria =

  • ayryq

    ayryq - 2010-03-12

    Also, it is simple to make this search the default by changing which line says "selected" in:

    <option value="title"><?php echo $loc->getText("indexTitle");?>
    <option value="all" selected><?php echo $loc->getText("indexAll");?>

  • seyah chroeng

    seyah chroeng - 2017-07-14

    I have installed obiblio(V: 0.6.1) on my locahost run on window 8 with WampServer.
    I want to install advancedSearch.patch to my obiblio on localhost.
    I try with this H.-J. Tappe - 2008-07-25 post but, It can not work for me

    Please guide me.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Hans van der Weij

    Follow the link in the message above your message and download the attachment.

  • seyah chroeng

    seyah chroeng - 2017-07-14

    I have added the file from folder already.
    the result is working well but, I don't see "Location/Call Number, Publisher" in search filter.

    What should I do next to the result as ""

    Best Regard,

  • Hans van der Weij

    One of my comments on "Setup up Search like UHRC Library" says:

    This is not exactly like the older version of the advanced search patch UHRC is using.

    Untested suggestion: upgrade to our latest release, currently 0.7.x
    When your run keyword search in 0.7.1 and higher, you will get results from the field(s) for publisher. There is also an option for call number search.

  • seyah chroeng

    seyah chroeng - 2017-07-15

    @Hans van der Weij,

    Thanks so much for your guide and your time.


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