
Need MARC Field Customization

Ben Watson
  • Ben Watson

    Ben Watson - 2006-05-10

    I am using this to track Audio/Visual equipment, thus I do not need a lot of the extra fields that are given. I would like to remove/modify MARC fields when adding equipment (Biblio).

    I would also like to change the input to read New Entry instead of New Biblio, but it's not a big deal...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You need to go into catalog/biblio_fields.php.
      The comment 'Please modify the following default MARC field values for each installation' will show you the section you have to edit.

      You can delete all the printUsmarcInputText you don't need, and you can add others that you do.


      As for changing 'New Biblio' to 'New Entry', you just need to go into locale/en/navbars.php and make the change directly (this is the translation file for english installations).

      Antonio Páez
      antonio at pentaedro dot com

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        The comment Antiono mentions is not in my version, but probably you'll understand anyway how to delete or add fields.
        Just want to add the latest release offers (0.5.2pre4) an additional method for adding fields easily. Custom MARC fields can be added for each Material Type. Go to Admin tab: Material types. Click link MARC fields in column Function.


        • udo muecke

          udo muecke - 2008-10-27

          hm, i just could add one Marc field. After this the "Select"-Funktion is not working anymore. and on the other hand i have to delete some standard Marc-fields. Can someone help me?


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