
Spanish Translation for openbiblio-0.5.2-pre4

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Here is a new Spanish translation for OpenBiblio 0.5.2-pre4

    You can download it from here:

    Todavía faltan por traducir algunas expresiones. Me gustaría recibir sugerencias de mejora...

    Jesús Martín

    • Micah Stetson

      Micah Stetson - 2006-06-15

      Thanks.  I updated the wiki to point to it.


    • Marconi Poveda

      Marconi Poveda - 2006-11-03


      I'm tryng to help in the spanish translation but i have no write access. What i should do?

      • Micah Stetson

        Micah Stetson - 2006-11-03

        I'll need to commit the translation to CVS for you, but I haven't had time to catch up on my backlog of work.  There are a number of translations waiting for full integration, and I would like to have them in CVS for the 0.6.0 release that should happen in the next few weeks.  It's just that I'm the only one working on this right now, and there are a number of things I need to deal with first.  Stay tuned.



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