
Lookup Problem

  • John Leyshon

    John Leyshon - 2010-11-29

    I am having problems with the Lookup plugin for Z39.50 searches.
    I solved my first problem when I realised that I must use 'openbiblio' as the name of the main directory.

    I didn't realise that the LookUp Options in the Admin tab required all the open fields to be filled. There are no defaults. If I don't put something in every field the program crashes. Is this the way it is supposed to work ??

    Next problem. Having loaded the Options (I think - no error messages), clicking on the LookUp Hosts brings up a page with just the following: A line that says 'View LookUp Hosts: "  then below that a blue box with 'Order: Use: URL: portname: Database: UserID: Password: "  and below that a box with a button labelled "Add New Host". There are no Hosts listed although the documentation suggests that they should be there and no error messages. How do I rectify this problem ??

    This may be part of the above but when I go to Cataloging and On-Line Search v2 (without selecting a Host because I couldn't), entering an ISBN and clicking Search, the program hangs. I do not get any response. I do not get the notice suggesting pressing F5 after 30 secs or anything.

    Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong ? I am running OpenBiblio 0.6.1 on Microsoft IIS on a Windows XP machine using MySQL v 5.0.16 and PHP 4.4.4

  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2010-11-29

    It sounds like the Lookup-specific database tables are incomplete. Please confirm that the tables listed below are indeed in your OpenBiblio database.

    Fred LaPlante

    ## Lookup v2 installation ####################################################

    ## Step 1. ###################################################################
    Extract the following database files files and move them to your openbiblio
       MySQL data directory:

    - 'cutter.MYD', 'cutter.frm', and 'cutter.MYI'
    - 'lookup_settings.MYD', 'lookup_settings.frm', and 'lookup_settings.MYI'
    - 'lookup_hosts.MYD', 'lookup_hosts.frm', and 'lookup_hosts.MYI'

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I deleted all of the lookup files and the modified openbiblio files, downloaded both the 2009 and 2010 versions of lookup, put new files in the lookup directories, the 6 files in the openbiblio data file in MySql, replaced the openbiblio files and modified them according to the installation instructions.
    The result - exactly the same as in the first post.
    It appears as if Lookup can write to the data files but does not read them. Is this aproblem because I am using IIS on a Windows XP machine or did I modify the php files incorrectly? Where do I find the sql statements used to read the data files?
    Perhaps the author of Lookup could upload the modified openbiblio files so that errors in changing the php files do not occur.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sorry, I should have said that I reloaded the 9 (nine) database files

  • John Leyshon

    John Leyshon - 2010-12-05

    I'm still having trouble with Lookup

    I am running MySql 5.0.16-nt and PHP 4.4.4 on a Windows XP machine using IIS and access using IE 8.0.6001

    For some reason my machine neither reads nor writes to the Lookup database files (Lookup_host and Lookup_settings), contrary to what I thought before.

    No defaults appear in Settings nor do any Hosts appear. When I try to enter settings I get a message in red that " Lookup settings have been updated"  but when I look at that database file with PHP-Admin 2.6.2, nothing has changed.

    Both the Lookup_settings and Lookup_hosts database files are populated and have the same security settings as all the other files.

    Is this a problem with the program coding or is it a mistake I have made.
    Are there files from the older versions of Lookup that I should include but have not - I only used the files from Lookup-2009-08-09 and Lookup2010-01-09

    I hope someone can help solve this problem because Openbiblio is a great program and I really need this plugin to enable me to search using z39.50

  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2010-12-06

    Well, I am sure this is not what you want to hear, but IE8 is not the way to go. Lookup does not work at all for me on IE while Firefox, Safari, and Chrome all work just fine.

    You can prove that to yourself by getting a copy of Firefox 3.6 and it's add-on fireBug. the combination is much more likely to work and you will be able to more easily see what is happening behind the scenes. If that isn't possible I suggest trying Safari which also has a pretty good debugger built-in.

    IE 9 is expected to be much more standards compliant, but for now…

    Fred LaPlante

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Fred
    You won't want to hear this but I have tried Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, as well as IE8 and I get the same result with all of them. No read or write from the database so no loading of defaults or Z39.50 sources
    It appears that my problems are more complex than originallty thought. I am beginning to suspect the javascript program.
    Do I need to download and install anything from ? What about Ajax and where do i get it ?
    I am also behind a router/firewall. Could this be a problem.
    Sorry to be such a pain but I would really like to get this working.

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I think I was having a similar problem to this. It was caused by lookup needing a PHP function which only exists in PHP 5.2 or later. I note that you are using PHP 4.4.4

    Here is the what I wrote in another thread:

    My problem was that some lookup files require the function "json_encode()". But this function is not included in PHP below version 5.2. This showed up as a fatal error in my Apache error log. A few Linux distros (including the latest CentOS release I was using) still have PHP 5.1.x. Instead of trying to upgrade PHP I downloaded a wrapper from and added it to the lookup2 folder and modified some lookup files to require the wrapper. It is written so that if you upgrade to PHP 5.2.x the wrapper will not be used.

    Although if you are using windows it might be easier to upgrade to a newer version of PHP.




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