
Installation Woes

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  • Alexander Anderson

    Hello, OpenBiblio Discussion Forum,

    I am trying to install OpenBiblio 0.7.2 on a laptop in order to familiarize myself with it.  I'm doing this for a small not-for-profit health food shop in Whitby, England.  We have a lending library of maybe 5,000 books (herbalism, homeopathy, psychology, yoga, &ct).  Eventually -- once I've got the hang of it -- OpenBiblio will sit on an external (3rd-party) server, alongside the rest of the shop's system.

    Now, my laptop has Windows 7 Professional with SP1, with EasyPHP installed.  Reading off localhost:1111/index.php, I have Apache 2.4.18 x86, PHP 5.6.19 x86, Port: 8080 & MySQL 5.7.11 x86, Port: 3306.

    I am now trying to get OpenBiblio itself going, but have encountered all sorts of little glitches.  The main problem seems to be that the installation tutorials that I've found are for older versions of OpenBiblio.  It took me a while to realize that I now have to specify the port numbers on localhost.  (The tutorials say localhost/index.php but to get anything to work I must type localhost:1111/index.php).
    I am trying to give the librarian user (me) full accees to the library database.  But I get a totally cryptic error...

    Error --
    SQL query:
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON fhs_library.* TO 'librarian'@'localhost';

    MySQL said:

    1524 - Plugin '*14E65567ABDB5135D0CFD9A70B3032C179A49EE7' is not loaded

    What is the likely problem?  Also, when I access localhost:8080/openbiblio/install/index.php I get these errors...

    Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-16.1\eds-www\openbiblio\classes\Query.php on line 36

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Plugin '*14E65567ABDB5135D0CFD9A70B3032C179A49EE7' is not loaded in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-16.1\eds-www\openbiblio\classes\Query.php on line 36

    Deprecated: mysql_query(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-16.1\eds-www\openbiblio\install\index.php on line 22

    What have I done wrong? 

    "What have I done to deserve this?"
    Sandy Anderson

  • Hans van der Weij

    OpenBiblio has not been updated recently, so its better to try less recent versions of PHP and MySQL.

  • Alexander Anderson

    Thanks muchly for that.

    With hindsight I can now say, "Duh..."


  • Alexander Anderson

    Hi "Help",

    I don't think the sample data has been installed. At least, I can't find any books in the data base.

    However, when I go to

    it no longer asks if I want to install the sample data, it just says "No action is required" and a link to "start using OpenBiblio". How do I get the sample data to (re?) install?


  • Alexander Anderson

    Dear Helpers,

    I am trying to install Fred LaPlante's "add on" for easily looking up and adding book details, Lookup Version 2.

    But where exactly is it??? In April 2017. All the links are either dead URLs or circular runabouts.

    [Turns to his paper bag and shouts into it: Ghaaaahhhh!!!!]

    Sandy Anderson

  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2017-04-24

    Hi Sandy,
    Lookup 2 is fairly long in the tooth I am afraid. I am not sure where the sourceForge copy went. But I do have an archival copy of what appears to be the last version I uloaded to SourceForge. I will try to attach it here.

    I haven't used OB v0.7+ in a VERY long time and do not have a copy installed here to test with. Good luck with it. I use developmental version of OB 1.0 which has lookup integrated into it.

    Fred LaPlante

  • Alexander Anderson

    Dear Fred LaPlante,

    Is this developmental version of OpenBiblio generally available? ie. Can someone like me download and start using it, or is it only used and useful for developers?

    Anyhoo, thank you for responding so quickly and posting up Lookup 2 again.


    • Fred LaPlante

      Fred LaPlante - 2017-04-26

      It is certainly available to anyone that wants to try it. Weather it
      suits you is hard to say; There are bugs in in that may or may not
      effect you, depending on how you use it. The user interface is
      definitely different, but should present no problems. Installation is
      VERY different - just place code into a folder under your web server and
      access OB from your browser, program will detect first time run and take
      you from there. Best way to find if it suits you is to download a copy
      and try it for a day or two.

      Fred LaPlante, WA1DLZ

      On 4/26/2017 5:51 AM, Alexander Anderson wrote:

      Dear Fred LaPlante,

      Is this developmental version of OpenBiblio generally available? ie. Can someone like me download and start using it, or is it only used and useful for developers?

      Anyhoo, thank you for responding so quickly and posting up Lookup 2 again.


      Installation Woes

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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  • Alexander Anderson

    Dear Fred LaPlante,

    I am slowly and methodically working through 'lookupInstall.txt' and doing the specified amendments to get Lookup 2 added on to OpenBiblio.

    (By the way, until reading through your lookupInstall read-me, I had never heard of YAZ or SRU. So the references to them are all very nebulous and moot at this point. Looking these TLAs up I learn that...

    YAZ -- is a programmer toolkit for development of Z39.50 clients and servers.

    SRU -- is a standard search protocol for Internet search queries, utilizing Contextual Query Language (CQL), a standard query syntax for representing queries.)

    However, I have had to come to a halt at part G, in order to write this message.

    I can't quite work out what it wants precisely. I mean, we're amending code here!

    g. Go to file ".../functions/inputFuncs.php". find the lines containing a long complex 'switch' structure. In there you will find 4 or more references like --> name="'.H($name).'"
    Wherever you do, change it to read: id="'.H($name).'" name="'.H($name).'"

    This wording is a bit nebulous from my end. Luckily I've done a bit of programming.

    Below is the switch code and the "references" I believe you're talking about. But what do I do for the very first reference, which already has an id="'.H($name).'" ? And can you give an example amendment for the other three references?

      switch ($type) {
      // FIXME radio
      case 'select':
        $s .= '<select id="'.H($name).'" name="'.H($name).'" '; ## reference?
        foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
          $s .= H($k).'="'.H($v).'" ';
        $s .= ">\n";
        foreach ($data as $val => $desc) {
          $s .= '<option value="'.H($val).'" ';
          if ($value == $val) {
            $s .= " selected";
          $s .= ">".H($desc)."</option>\n";
        $s .= "</select>\n";
      case 'textarea':
        $s .= '<textarea name="'.H($name).'" ';                 ## reference?
        foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
          $s .= H($k).'="'.H($v).'" ';
        $s .= ">".H($value)."</textarea>";
      case 'checkbox':
        $s .= '<input type="checkbox" ';
        $s .= 'name="'.H($name).'" ';                           ## reference?
        $s .= 'value="'.H($data).'" ';
        if ($value == $data) {
          $s .= "checked ";
        foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
          $s .= H($k).'="'.H($v).'" ';
        $s .= "/>";
        $s .= '<input type="'.H($type).'" ';
        $s .= 'name="'.H($name).'" ';                           ## reference?
        if ($value != "") {
          $s .= 'value="'.H($value).'" ';
        foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
          $s .= H($k).'="'.H($v).'" ';
        $s .= "/>";

    I do hope Lookup becomes a part of standard OpenBiblio next release.

    Looking forward to your replies,

    Sandy Anderson


    Last edit: Alexander Anderson 2017-04-27
  • Alexander Anderson

    Dear Fred LaPlante,

    OK, I've changed the last 3 lines marked with ("## reference?") in the switch statement.

    The (4) lines now read:

    $s .= '<select id="'.H($name).'" name="'.H($name).'" ';
    $s .= '<textarea id="'.H($name).'" name="'.H($name).'" ';  ##  …For Lookup 2
    $s .= 'id="'.H($name).'" name="'.H($name).'" ';  ##  …For Lookup 2
    $s .= 'id="'.H($name).'" name="'.H($name).'" ';  ##  …For Lookup 2

    I hope this is what you meant.


    I have another question. At Step 2 of the lookupInstall.txt instructions.

    It says:

    Step 2.

    If it does not already exist, create a new 'lookup2' folder within openbiblio.

    a. Extract and move all .php files, .js and .txt to the new
    '..\openbiblio\lookup2' directory.

    b. You may remove any of the old 'lookup' files in '..\openbiblio\catalog' from
    previous versions of Lookup, though they will be ignored if you leave them

    Now, in the unzipped lookup_2010-10-28 there's a subfolder called openbiblio, itself containing a single subfolder lookup2 holding 12 php files. How do I handle this subfolder situation? Do I drag and drop the openbiblio folder into lookup2, or should I put the php files directly in there? (There are name conflicts in that case.)

    Please clarify for me, a bear with little brain.

    Kind regards,

    Sandy Anderson


    Last edit: Alexander Anderson 2017-05-01
  • Alexander Anderson

    Dear Fred LaPlante,

    I understand OpenBiblio 0.7x is a long time ago for you. But I'm so close to the finish line for installing lookup_2010-10-28 (Lookup2). I wonder if I can get some good guesses and suggestions for what to do if I showed the name clash details. It might jog some memories.

    Looky here...

    Contents of "lookup_2010-10-28\openbiblio\lookup2\":

      4,648    customHead.php
      2,769    LookupHosts.php
      4,536    lookupHostsData.php
      5,713    lookupHostsForm.php
      6,534    lookupHostsJs.php
      5,448    LookupHostsQuery.php
      3,519    lookupOptsEdit.php
      6,190    LookupOptsQuery.php
      2,849    lookupSrchPrep.php
      3,869    lookupSrchVals.php
      4,350    lookupSruSrch.php
      3,898    lookupSrvr.php

    And the PHP name clashes up in "lookup_2010-10-28\":

      4,615    customHead.php
      2,481    LookupHosts.php
      4,501    lookupHostsData.php
      4,948    lookupHostsForm.php
      6,349    lookupHostsJs.php
      4,882    LookupHostsQuery.php
      3,452    lookupOptsEdit.php
      6,188    LookupOptsQuery.php
      2,810    lookupSrchPrep.php
      3,489    lookupSrchVals.php
      3,241    lookupSruSrch.php
      2,848    lookupSrvr.php

    They're all consistently smaller than the previous list. From twenty bytes to a thousand-ish.

    And for good measure, here's the other PHPs in "lookup_2010-10-28\":

        219    customNav.php
      6,938    lookup.php
      2,447    lookupCutterCs3.php
      2,450    lookupCutterLoc.php
      4,425    lookupFunc.php
     16,623    lookupJs.php
      3,635    LookupOpts.php
      2,689    lookupOptsData.php
      5,980    lookupOptsForm.php
      2,469    lookupOptsJs.php
      6,758    lookupSruFunc.php
      2,678    lookupYazFunc.php
      2,972    lookupYazSrch.php

    If I reach a dead end with 0.7x, What are the problems you mentioned with using the current development version, OpenBiblio 1.x (with lookup integrated)? Are the problems worth mentioning for a user like me?

    ....'Cos all I want to do right now is to start populating the database with the 5,000 or so books in our health library, probably starting with the Herbalism shelves.

    I sent this via the forum too.




    Last edit: Alexander Anderson 2017-05-02
    • Fred LaPlante

      Fred LaPlante - 2017-05-02

      I can see why you are perplexed. Only solution that I see is to keep the
      the most recent version of each file in the lookup2 folder and ignore
      the rest.

      Fred LaPlante, WA1DLZ

      On 5/2/2017 6:46 AM, Alexander Anderson wrote:

      Dear Fred LaPlante,

      I understand OpenBiblio 0.7x is a long time ago for you. But I'm so close to the finish line for installing lookup_2010-10-28 (Lookup2). I wonder if I can get some good guesses and suggestions for what to do if I showed the name clash details. It might jog some memories.

      Looky here...

      Contents of "lookup_2010-10-28\openbiblio\lookup2\":

      4,648 customHead.php
      2,769 LookupHosts.php
      4,536 lookupHostsData.php
      5,713 lookupHostsForm.php
      6,534 lookupHostsJs.php
      5,448 LookupHostsQuery.php
      3,519 lookupOptsEdit.php
      6,190 LookupOptsQuery.php
      2,849 lookupSrchPrep.php
      3,869 lookupSrchVals.php
      4,350 lookupSruSrch.php
      3,898 lookupSrvr.php

      And the PHP name clashes up in "lookup_2010-10-28\":

      4,615 customHead.php
      2,481 LookupHosts.php
      4,501 lookupHostsData.php
      4,948 lookupHostsForm.php
      6,349 lookupHostsJs.php
      4,882 LookupHostsQuery.php
      3,452 lookupOptsEdit.php
      6,188 LookupOptsQuery.php
      2,810 lookupSrchPrep.php
      3,489 lookupSrchVals.php
      3,241 lookupSruSrch.php
      2,848 lookupSrvr.php

      They're all consistently smaller than the previous list. From twenty bytes to a thousand-ish.

      And for good measure, here's the other PHPs in "lookup_2010-10-28\":

      219 customNav.php
      6,938 lookup.php
      2,447 lookupCutterCs3.php
      2,450 lookupCutterLoc.php
      4,425 lookupFunc.php
      16,623 lookupJs.php
      3,635 LookupOpts.php
      2,689 lookupOptsData.php
      5,980 lookupOptsForm.php
      2,469 lookupOptsJs.php
      6,758 lookupSruFunc.php
      2,678 lookupYazFunc.php
      2,972 lookupYazSrch.php

      If I reach a dead end with 0.7x, What are the problems you mentioned with using the current development version, OpenBiblio 1.x (with lookup integrated)? Are the problems worth mentioning for a user like me?

      ....'Cos all I want to do right now is to start populating the database with the 5,000 or so books in our health library, probably starting with the Herbalism shelves.

      I sent this via the forum too.



      Installation Woes

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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  • Alexander Anderson


    I've got EasyPHP 14.1 up and running. I've got OpenBiblio 0.7.2 installed.

    And I've installed Lookup2 (lookup_2010-10-28) to the best of my ability.... now in the OpenBiblio Admin (http://localhost/openbiblio/admin/index.php) I've got two new sections, Lookup Options and Lookup Hosts.

    My Lookup Options are:

    Protocol: YAZ
    Maximum no of hits: 50
    Keep Dashes:
    Call Number Type: LoC
    Use Default Dewey:
    Default Dewey Code: 813.52
    Generate Cutter if none: ✔
    Cutter Type to create: LoC
    Dewey Cutter Word No.: 1
    Use Auto Collection: ✔
    Fiction Collection Name: Fiction
    Index no. of Fiction Code to use: 1
    LoC Fiction Codes PQ PR PS PT PU PV PW PX PY PZ
    Dewey Fiction codes: 813 823

    My first Lookup Host in the list is Library of Congress (

    However when I lookup ISBN 9781844132096, which is a hardback, "Bill Clinton: Mastering the Presidency" by Nigel Hamilton, I get

    Nothing found for ISBN = 1844132099


    Some advice please:

    Should I try using lookup2_17Dec2010 instead, or try installing OpenBiblio 1.x, with Lookup integrated?

    Sandy Anderson

  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2017-05-05

    I have found that in the last ten years or so that a lookup by ISBN is largely pointless. There are so many editions of any work, each with its own ISBN code that the chances that LoC has a copy on file is near to zero. I usually do my lookups by Title and author and then enter the correct isbn by hand.

  • Alexander Anderson

    Dear Bill LaPlante,


    I have just entered "Bill Clinton: Mastering the Presidency" by Nigel Hamilton, 2007, to start the database off. I just had to amend the ISBN, publisher and place of publication (London, not New York) to reflect our particular copy's. ...Et voilà!

    Thank you Open Biblio and community, and you Bill LaPlante.




    Last edit: Alexander Anderson 2017-05-06
  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2017-05-06

    Hmmm, unless the copy of Lookup you have is WAY out of date (it could be) you should only have had to enter: Title 'Bill Clinton', and author 'Hamilton, Nigel' to see a list of all possibilities. From the hit list you would simply click on the closest match to your holding. Much quicker.

    The help package is pretty minimal and altogether current. Help is best written by people other than the developers. They 'know it all already' and are frequently wrong. Now if you want to volunteer...?

  • Alexander Anderson

    PS. I do hope OpenBiblio 1 (with Lookup integrated) is coming out soon. Also, is the kind of heuristic advice you just gave me (like "I have found that in the last ten years or so that a lookup by ISBN is largely pointless") in the help system? I think it's a vital ingredient for most user-installers. I for one am pretty darn naïve.

    PPS. I am just starting to work my way across the first shelf of Herbalism, about 50 books. Each new entry in the database has a barcode number auto-assigned to it. Can I leave barcodes, stickers and readers to later or should I address it now? (Meaning, learn how to make a page of barcode stickers, stick 'em onto their respective books, and how to scan them in openbiblio?)

  • Alexander Anderson


    OK. I'm volunteering.

    But give me a while to find all the problems and workarounds, while trying to use the Lookup system. I think in a couple weeks or so I'll be in a position to start improving the Help.



    Last edit: Alexander Anderson 2017-05-06
  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2017-05-06

    Release of ver 1.0 is not up to me. You need to talk with Hans.

    As I mentioned before, it is usable at this time depending on which features are imporrtant to you. I can think of 6 libraries that are currently using it. Many others have enquired, but I have not heard that they ever put it in production.

    I have never used book barcodes, though I do have them auto-created. Since they are just a number, you could simply write them on the inside of the cover (perhaps along with the call no in case it gets lost from the spine) for convenience. Our local public library which uses OB ver 6 does that and will probably never do anything else since that works.You can always add real barcodes to the books later. For my personal library I hand-write the call number to a small adhesive sticker that I place on the spine and cover with a piece of clear adhesive tape. The tape is VERY important as the stickers do not adhere well to most book material.

  • Alexander Anderson

    I am in Whitby, England.

    I have started to populate my OpenBiblio Catalogue database with books from a library of some 5,000+ health books. I'm using OB 0.7.2 and have Lookup2 as an add-on.

    I am trying to switch on COPAC (Consortium of [University and Research Libraries] Online Public Access Catalogues, UK academia-based) as a Lookup Host. (Currently it's only the Library of Congress that's activated.)

    When I try to tick the "Use" box:

    • Name: COPAC
    • URL:port
    • Database: copac
    • lookup_hostsContext
    • lookup_hostsSchema
    • Order: 2
      Use: ✔
      User Id:

    I get back...

    Database Query Error - You've Probably Found a Bug
    Database query failed

    Please give all the information on this page to your support personnel.

    Query update lookup_hosts set seq='2', active='y',host='', name='COPAC', db='copac', user='', pw='', context='', schema='' where id=2 failed. The DBMS said this:

    Unknown column 'context' in 'field list'

    What is the likely problem?

    And how do I work around this major annoyance (perhaps even rebuild something: ie. uninstall and go install something else?) so that I can start getting proper hits on older Herbalism books, pre 1970s, some without ISBN or even an "SBN" that were printed in the UK?

    Sandy Anderson


    Last edit: Alexander Anderson 2017-05-06
  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2017-05-06

    A few years ago I worked with with Neil redgate of Nothern Scotland. He is using ver 1.0 and instigated a large number of the features that ver 1 now has. He too wanted to use COPAC for all his Envirenmental publications. Unfortunately COPAC (as I recall) did not support Z39.50 which OB is based upon, but uses XML instead. That might be OK, but we were unable to find a map of the XML tags to Z39.50 tags.

    But ver 1.0 has the setup data for COPAC and it shows the syntax as 'dc'. I believe that 'context' is no longer in use. FOr your case, I would look at LoC and see what context value is used their and use that for COPAC. LoC seems to be the lead developer of the world-wide development of both Z39.50 and SRU. Also LoC has a great set of references for both of these with an index into the specifications for most Libraries.

  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2017-05-06

    It just occurred to me that you might really want to use the DOI mechanism for your Herbalism papers. Especially if they are usually published as pamphlets rather than 'books'. That would definately be the cae for County Agricultural Extension service here in the States. For that you would have to go to ver 1.0 where it was added at Mr. Redgate's request. A mechanism for handling 'books' that are collections of published papers, each of which needs seperate identity, was also added for him.

  • Alexander Anderson

    To Fred, and all,


    So tantalizing, this glitch with editing any of the lookup hosts.

    Is there any way to switch 'Use' to 'on' for COPAC, outside of the php web interface? ie, directly via mySQL.

    Barring that option, I'm having to consider scrapping everything and starting again with OpenBiblio 1.x.

    The 'collections' of papers feature will be useful for all the Steiner papers, by the way.

    Sandy Anderson

  • Alexander Anderson

    Dear Sandy,

    You wrote:

    "Is there any way to switch 'Use' to 'on' for COPAC, outside of the php web interface? ie, directly via mySQL."

    There sure is. You go into Administration, http://localhost/home/ and (under the heading Modules) open "MySQL Administration : PhpMyAdmin 4.1.4". Over on the left of the resultant page, click on the openbiblio database, then find and click on the entry lookup_hosts. Click 'Edit' on the COPAC line, and change the 'active' enum (-eration) from 'n' to 'y', and click the 'Go' button...

    ...Unfortunately, having done all that, nothing ever gets returned for the COPAC repository!

    Hope this helps, somehow, Sandy.


    PS. Have you thought of trying again with OB 1.x?

  • Fred LaPlante

    Fred LaPlante - 2017-05-08

    Sure, you can use phpMyAdmin or equiv to simply change the 'active' field of the pertinent row in table 'Lookup_hosts'.

    But as I mentioned earlier, COPAC does not support MARC tags (via Z39.50 or SRU). They only provide an XML output which OB cannot handle as there is no way to map the results to the atabase.

    So other than using an online search via normal browser means and then manually posting data to OB, you are out of luck with COPAC and any other that doesnt support MARC tags.

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