
translate pull down menu

udo muecke
  • udo muecke

    udo muecke - 2008-10-10

    I'm working on an adapt of the german translation. but at some points translation don't work:
    - where can i translate the items of the pull down menues for the reports?
    - also the translation of "Checkout Privs" at the admin navbar don't work, and i have no idea why.
    - it is the same with the whole navbar of the reports area.
    it would be very nice if someone can help me?

    • udo muecke

      udo muecke - 2008-10-10

      i don't think the problem is on the translation file, cause also the "help", which is translated on the other navbars isn't translated on the one of the reports section. so i think, the navbars/reports.php don't read the Localize correctly. but i can't find the mistake into the script, cause i don't know php and compared with oter files it seems me correctly.

    • udo muecke

      udo muecke - 2008-10-10

      at this point not the variable "checkout_privs" but the english term "Checkout Privs" must be translated.



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