
#12 Beta testing..

leaf script (2)
Shoeb Ahmed

I tested the no.spam.tcl 1.7.1+1 (not the
no.spam.leaf.tcl as no changes have been made to
that.. isnt it?)

My findings are:
1)The MSG spams are being relayed very well to the hub
opped bot. Unlike the NOTC spams.
2)After the MSG spam (which is the only spam type
being relayed to the hub bot) is sent to the hub, _no_
action is being taken by the hub bot.

Pending tests: channel spam and part messages

NOTE: the notices are done by a spammer not known to
the bot. the bot isnt lagging too (leaf & the hub)..
nor is the spammer in the ignore lists. The hub bot is



  • Philip Richardson

    • labels: --> leaf script
    • milestone: --> 114089
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ppslim
    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Philip Richardson

    Logged In: YES

    I am unable to work ont he problem today, as it looks like
    a total overhoul job.

    I will need to setup some test bots to complete this, and a
    beta fix should be available by Thursday 15:00

  • Philip Richardson

    • status: open --> pending
  • Philip Richardson

    Logged In: YES

    I have looked through the code, and have made a few tests,
    and I plainly can't find anything wrong with either script.

    I am posting the leaf Tcl along side the Beta 1.7.1+1
    script, could you use both newer scripts please.

  • Philip Richardson

    • milestone: 114089 --> Awaiting_release
    • status: pending --> open
  • Shoeb Ahmed

    Shoeb Ahmed - 2001-12-09

    Logged In: YES

    Okay guys! Good news! no!spam is finally workin, I have'nt
    done intensive testing on it yet.. but the minimal ones
    needed to be decided whether its working or not proved it!

    Congrats PPslim, on the new stable version of no!spam :)
    I'll be back here with more bugs ;)

  • Philip Richardson

    • priority: 9 --> 5
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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