
#52 BUG - FileOptimizer - .PNG file: 1-BIT Converted To 8-Bits


1-BIT PNG Files (2 colours) are converted to 8-BITS.

This maybe undesirable for their intended usage requires 1-BIT files.

Can you have option to ONLY convert bits HIGHER if the option is enabled, Also give warnings/logs that this conversion has happened.


  • Roger

    Roger - 2018-10-12

    This is for Version 13.x (can you move it to tha MileStone) and delete THIS message

  • Nikkho

    Nikkho - 2018-10-12

    I can implement that, but it would be a custom code. Being FO a only a frontend, I will expecting plugin/tools reporting a warning or error, and so FO could raise it too.

  • Roger

    Roger - 2018-10-13

    Then I guess you should following it up with the other Tools authors to negotiate a reporting protocol which you can use. Or create an option that needs to be enabeld for the conversion to occur.

  • Nikkho

    Nikkho - 2018-10-15

    Thanks, I will add it to my ToDo list, even thought my priority is bug fixing, support, and then new features.

  • necros

    necros - 2020-07-27

    was it lossless mode?

  • Roger

    Roger - 2020-07-29

    Yes. LossLESS.

  • necros

    necros - 2020-07-30

    can you provide sample file?

  • Roger

    Roger - 2020-07-30

    Attached is Before and After.

    Note I used Photoshop to load the After file, and it was a 8-bit indexed colour file. Some other programs that are just viewers, report it as 1-Bit but that is probably because only 2 colours are used in the image.

  • necros

    necros - 2020-07-31

    yes ,2 colors with 2 runs on Fast mode (and yes your source 1bit greyscale file becomes 1 bit pallete file) - so I think Photoshop processes this kind of file incorrectly? Its not FO bug but Photoshops IMHO.


    Last edit: necros 2020-07-31
  • Roger

    Roger - 2020-07-31


    The color type. fileld in the file header is being modified from 0 (GrayScale) to 3 (Indexed channel containing indices into a palette of colors) . The26th byte in this particular file.

    You can test it out by using a hex editor and changing the 26th byte back to 0 (from 3). There wil be inversion of colours be cause you are not remapping the colour table back. But that is 'proof' that bit-depth is changed.


    Last edit: Roger 2020-07-31
  • necros

    necros - 2020-08-01

    File header being modified by what software?

    • Roger

      Roger - 2020-08-01

      As part of the FileOptimiser's optimisation process. The optimised file has the file header modified (and also some other data).

  • Nikkho

    Nikkho - 2022-07-17
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Nikkho

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