
Can I use Zet processor model in ngspice

  • fiveight

    fiveight - 2017-01-12

    Hi All:
    Zet processor is written in verilog.
    I want to use it as a model in ngspice. Can I use adms change verilog into C, and use Zet processor in ngspice?

  • Robert Larice

    Robert Larice - 2017-01-12

    The processor is most certainly described at the gate or RTL level.
    To simulate this reasonably you need a verilog simulator. From the free software world I would recommend icarus verilog, which I know myself to work well.

  • fiveight

    fiveight - 2017-01-13

    But I still want to know that can I use ADMS to change verilog into C, and use it in ngspice?For example, the verilog files from OpenCore

  • Robert Larice

    Robert Larice - 2017-01-13

    opencores too is talking about digital circuits. adms is a tool to translate
    device models written in verilog-a to c code wich can be linked with various
    spice's to make those models available in these spice's.
    These models are "analog" models, decribing nonlinear differential equations.
    The sort of things you are talking about really doesn't have anything to do with verilog-a or spice. Again, look at the icarus verilog simulator, which will at least help you to understand what the original digital verilog is meant to be about.

  • fiveight

    fiveight - 2017-01-17

    I asked this question because I already have an eda software which can simulate spice file. And I notice that xspice have AND/OR/NOT gate models. If I can synthesis verilog files to gate level and change it into spice file with gates models, I can simulate verilog with my eda software.


    Last edit: fiveight 2017-01-17
    • Justin Fisher

      Justin Fisher - 2017-01-17

      This might work from a purely functional viewpoint, but xpice models might
      not tell you all you want to know about timing violations, so tread
      carefully. Presumably you have other software that does this?

      I once worked for a large semiconductor company who for smallish digital
      circuits on mixed signal IC's would synthesize to gate level then use this
      to create a Spice netlist at transistor level which could then be used in
      mixed signal Monte Carlo simulations.

      Kind regards,

      Justin Fisher.

      • fiveight

        fiveight - 2017-01-18

        Yes, I don't care timing violations and other aspects, I just want a purely functinal simulation.
        Is there any open source software which can synthesize verilog file to spice netlist file?

    • marcel hendrix

      marcel hendrix - 2017-01-17

      And I notice that xspice have AND/OR/NOT gate models.

      Please note this remark that I found in a commercial SPICE manual:

      "Gate delays in XSPICE are stored i.e. like a transmission line not like a real gate. Gate delays in other simulators may be inertial, so that if a pulse shorter than the propagation delay is received, it is swallowed and not transmitted."


  • Francesco Lannutti

    Hi fiveight,
    what you need to create is called CDL. Basically you need to map your gate level to a technology (if not already) and then substitute each gate with the equivalent SPICE subcircuit and then run the simulation.
    I don't know if it exists a free tool for doing that, but most of the commercial LVS tools do it.


  • fiveight

    fiveight - 2017-01-19

    I will try yosys.


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