
Avalanche breakdown

  • Alain Portal

    Alain Portal - 2010-10-31


    I'm a new ngspice user (and a new spice user) and I should want to know if the
    avalanche breakdown effect of a bjt is simulated.

    I'm trying to simulate a small part of the following circuit:
    (only +130V, R2, Q1, R7, R4, R8, R5)

    Here is the description circuit:

    * Pulse generator
    .include 2N3904.ckt
    VCC 1 0 DC 130
    R1 1 2 100k
    R2 3 0 3.3k
    R3 4 5 22
    R4 5 0 10
    R5 5 6 47
    C1 2 0 50p
    Q1 2 3 4 2N3904
    .tran 100n 1000U
    .plot v(5)

    * Model generated on Aug 07, 01
    .MODEL 2n3904 npn
    +IS=1.26532e-10 BF=206.302 NF=1.5 VAF=1000
    +IKF=0.0272221 ISE=2.30771e-09 NE=3.31052 BR=20.6302
    +NR=2.89609 VAR=9.39809 IKR=0.272221 ISC=2.30771e-09
    +NC=1.9876 RB=5.8376 IRB=50.3624 RBM=0.634251
    +RE=0.0001 RC=2.65711 XTB=0.1 XTI=1
    +EG=1.05 CJE=4.64214e-12 VJE=0.4 MJE=0.256227
    +TF=4.19578e-10 XTF=0.906167 VTF=8.75418 ITF=0.0105823
    +CJC=3.76961e-12 VJC=0.4 MJC=0.238109 XCJC=0.8
    +FC=0.512134 CJS=0 VJS=0.75 MJS=0.5
    +TR=6.82023e-08 PTF=0 KF=0 AF=1

    In the circuit, C1 replace the open-ended 50 ohms coaxial line.


  • Dietmar Warning

    Dietmar Warning - 2010-10-31

    there is no avalanche breakdown modeled in the standard gummel poon model.
    Please look for modern bipolar model documentations like vbic, mextram and hicum.
    It is a script under /contrib/vbic which you can use to transform the existing GP model to vbic model as a starting point and the afterwards to play around with vbic model parameters avc1 and avc2 to fit the hopeful available avalanche characteristic data.
    Nothing ready for a quick lunch - in other simulators too.
    Sorry - Dietmar

  • Holger Vogt

    Holger Vogt - 2010-10-31


    attached my simple test on the transistor, prepared according to Dietmars suggestions:

    * Pulse generator
    *VCC 1 0 DC 130
    *R1 1 2 100k
    *R2 3 0 3.3k
    *R3 4 5 22
    *R4 5 0 10
    *R5 5 6 47
    *C1 2 0 50p

    *output characteristics to see if avalanche effect is modelled
    IBE 0 3 1u
    VEE 4 0 0
    VCE 2 0 1
    * QXXXXXXX nc nb ne <ns>
    Q1 2 3 4 0 2N3904L4

    * Model generated on Aug 07, 01
    * no avalanche effect included in model!!
    .MODEL 2n3904L2 npn
    +IS=1.26532e-10 BF=206.302 NF=1.5 VAF=1000
    +IKF=0.0272221 ISE=2.30771e-09 NE=3.31052 BR=20.6302
    +NR=2.89609 VAR=9.39809 IKR=0.272221 ISC=2.30771e-09
    +NC=1.9876 RB=5.8376 IRB=50.3624 RBM=0.634251
    +RE=0.0001 RC=2.65711 XTB=0.1 XTI=1
    +EG=1.05 CJE=4.64214e-12 VJE=0.4 MJE=0.256227
    +TF=4.19578e-10 XTF=0.906167 VTF=8.75418 ITF=0.0105823
    +CJC=3.76961e-12 VJC=0.4 MJC=0.238109 XCJC=0.8
    +FC=0.512134 CJS=0 VJS=0.75 MJS=0.5
    +TR=6.82023e-08 PTF=0 KF=0 AF=1

    .model 2n3904L4 npn
    * VBIC model parameters generated from above data by perl script sgp2vbic
    * see
    + level=4
    + rcx  = 2.65711
    + rci  = 0.0
    + rbx  = 0.634251
    + rbi  = 5.203349
    + re   = 0.0001
    + is   = 1.26532e-10
    + nf   = 1.5
    + nr   = 2.89609
    + fc   = 0.512134
    + cje  = 4.64214e-12
    + pe   = 0.4
    + me   = 0.256227
    + cjc  = 3.015688e-12
    + cjep = 7.53922e-13
    + pc   = 0.4
    + mc   = 0.238109
    + cjcp = 0
    + ps   = 0.75
    + ms   = 0.5
    + ibei = 6.13333850374693e-13
    + nei  = 1.5
    + iben = 2.30771e-09
    + nen  = 3.31052
    + ibci = 6.13333850374693e-12
    + nci  = 2.89609
    + ibcn = 2.30771e-09
    + ncn  = 1.9876
    + vef  = 566.483710419377
    + ver  = 8.69028854282359
    + ikf  = 0.0272221
    + ikr  = 0.272221
    + tf   = 4.19578e-10
    + xtf  = 0.906167
    + vtf  = 8.75418
    + itf  = 0.0105823
    + tr   = 6.82023e-08
    + td   = 0
    + ea   = 1.05
    + eaie = 1.05
    + eaic = 1.05
    + eane = 1.05
    + eanc = 1.05
    + xis  = 1
    + xii  = 0.9
    + xin  = 0.668948
    + kfn  = 0
    + afn  = 1
    * avalanche parameters added according to
    *, page 13
    * You have to play with both parameters to obtain suitable description of real transistor behaviour!
    * This is just a guess!!
    + avc1 = 0.02
    + avc2 = 110

    * initial condition for transient: V(2) set to 0
    *.ic V(2) = 0

    *tran 100n 1000U
    *plot v(2) v(5)
    dc vce 0 150 0.1 ibe 100u 1m 100u
    plot vee#branch




  • Alain Portal

    Alain Portal - 2010-11-05


    Thank everybody for pointing me the VBIC model, link is now bookmarked (and some others too).
    I succeed to create some others bjt models.

    Thank Holger for the circuit file, I learnt a lot with it during this week.

    But I failed to find suitable values for avc1 and avc2, circuit simulation isn't as expected.
    Is there a way to evaluate them with some characterics form datasheet?

    I made a try with a similar circuit using a 2n2369, result is worst…
    Circuit is on the Linear Application Notes, page 93: Note/an47fa.pdf

    * Pulse generator
    .include 2n2369l4.model

    VCC 1 0 DC 100
    R1 1 coll 1Meg
    R2 base 0 10k
    R3 emit 0 50
    C1 coll 0 20p

    * QXXXXXXX nc nb ne <ns>
    Q1 coll base emit 0 Q2N2369L4

    * initial condition for transient: V(2) set to 0
    .ic V(coll) = 0

    tran 1n 1U
    plot v(coll) v(emit) v(base)
    plot v(emit)


    .model q2n2369l4 npn
    + level=4
    + rcx  = .6
    + rci  = 0.0
    + rbx  = 10
    + rbi  = 0
    + re   = 0
    + is   = 1e-16
    + nf   = 1
    + nr   = 1
    + fc   = .5
    + cje  = 4.5p
    + pe   = .75
    + me   = .2418
    + cjc  = 2.83
    + cjep = 0
    + pc   = .75
    + mc   = 86.19m
    + cjcp = 0
    + ps   = 0.75
    + ms   = 0
    + ibei = 1.27681307456588e-18
    + nei  = 1
    + iben = 9.195e-15
    + nen  = 1.389
    + ibci = 7.88022064617809e-18
    + nci  = 1
    + ibcn = 0
    + ncn  = 2
    + vef  = -1.60440280094598e+16
    + ver  = -0.689700348076935
    + ikf  = .3498
    + ikr  = 0
    + tf   = 227.6p
    + xtf  = 4
    + vtf  = 4
    + itf  = .3
    + tr   = 1.073u
    + td   = 0
    + ea   = 1.11
    + eaie = 1.11
    + eaic = 1.11
    + eane = 1.11
    + eanc = 1.11
    + xis  = 3
    + xii  = 1.5
    + xin  = 0.9165
    + kfn  = 0
    + afn  = 1
    + avc1 = .02
    + avc2 = 100



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