
#8 Best visualID didn't work in CDE

Program (402)
Chris Ross

When running NEdit 5.2DEV in Solaris/CDE, the menu, scrollbars, and
dialogs have completely BLACK foregrounds and backgrounds, making them
unreadable. Only the main text area is normal.

This fixed the black backgrounds:
nedit -xrm "*visualID: Default"

The "Best" visualID did not work in my case. The colors that went black
were all dynamic colors from the CDE desktop palette. Switching palettes
from the CDE Style Manager dynamically changes these colors on all
applications except NEdit, unless the visualID is set to "Default".

"Best" is the default; but "Default" is best (at least for CDE). :-)


  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-02-02
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • milestone: 100100 --> 103146
    • assigned_to: nobody --> edel
  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-02-09
    • milestone: 103146 --> 103147
  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-02-09

    Changed group to development. Problem only in dev version.

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-02-25

    Logged In: YES

    Is CDE doing something funky like preallocating writeable
    colors, and jamming them into the resource database? Can
    you send a dump of "appres nedit" ?

  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2001-02-26

    Logged In: YES

    The only relevant resources returned by "appres nedit" are:

    *0*ColorPalette: Olive.dp
    *enableToggleColor: True
    *enableCDEColorFactors: True
    *enableToggleVisual: True
    *XmMenuReduceGrabs: True
    *background: #C300C300B900
    *foreground: #000000000000

  • Alexander Mai

    Alexander Mai - 2001-08-23

    Logged In: YES

    High priority (>5) and not addressed? Wasn't there a patch?

  • Alexander Mai

    Alexander Mai - 2001-11-24

    Logged In: YES

    Will time out unless it gets updated.

  • Alexander Mai

    Alexander Mai - 2001-11-24
    • priority: 7 --> 4
    • status: open --> pending
  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2001-11-30
    • status: pending --> open
  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2001-11-30

    Logged In: YES

    I just built the official 5.2 release for Solaris 2.6/CDE,
    and experienced the same problem and solution (visualID:
    Default). Don't remember seeing this problem in several
    development versions of NEdit, but it is still here.

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-12-28
    • labels: 100100 --> Program
    • milestone: 103147 --> release
  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-12-28

    Logged In: YES

    Try this:

    nedit -xrm '*useColorObj: False'

    and let me know what happens. (Changed group to "release"
    as this is out in the field now.)

  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2001-12-28

    Logged In: YES

    Results for NEdit 5.2 and Solaris/CDE:

    Built on: Solaris, Sparc, Forte C
    Built at: Nov 29 2001, 18:38:10
    With Motif: 1002 [@(#)OSF/Motif Version 1.2.6]
    Running Motif: 1002
    Server: Sun Microsystems, Inc. 3600

    Primary text editing pane is normal in all cases below.
    Using "visualID: Default" still looks the best, with the
    exception of selecting help text.

    1) nedit

    Menus, scrollbars, dialogs, text entry panes, buttons, etc
    always have completely BLACK foregrounds and backgrounds.

    Help text is readable (black on light gray background),
    and help text selections are visible (medium gray).

    2) nedit -xrm '*visualID: Default'

    Menus, scrollbars, dialogs, text entry panes, buttons, etc
    all use the CDE color palette dynamically (they change
    immediately when the CDE color scheme changes).

    Help text is readable (black on light gray background),
    but help text selections are NOT visible (same color as

    3) nedit -xrm '*useColorObj: False'

    Menus, scrollbars, dialogs, buttons, etc all use the
    CDE color palette STATICALLY. (They do NOT change when
    the CDE color scheme changes). ALL text panes in dialogs,
    the statistics line, and the incremental search line have
    gray backgrounds with black text.

    Help text is readable (black on light gray background),
    and help text selections are visible (medium gray).

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-12-29

    Logged In: YES

    Good, we're making progress. First, here's my opinion on
    the matter:

    - We really need to avoid the black on black situation in
    the default configuration. That's the main goal here.
    - Getting readable colors by default is far more
    important than getting the CDE dynamic colors.

    After researching a bit (thank you Google groups), here's
    what I take of it:

    CDE sticks the dynamic pixel colors into the database, so
    that the color manager can change colors on-the-fly.
    However, the problem is it ONLY works with 8-bit visuals.
    Basically CDE screws up the color resources for non-default
    visual apps! You can't have the dynamic colors if your app
    wants a deeper visual.

    There appears to be a legal API for querying the dynamic
    colors, and at least getting a _copy_ of them. This way, I
    think, the colors will be the same as the color manager
    provides, even if it doesn't change dynamically. But,
    these APIs appear to only be in Motif 2.0 or 2.1, and
    poorly documented at that. (My experience with new 2.x
    features is that they're buggy and terribly documented all

    So, the choices we have are:

    1) Change the default visual ID to "default" everywhere.
    Good, but that means folks will never get the deep color
    support just because one platform does stinky things.

    2) Change the default visual ID to "default" just on
    Solaris/CDE. I don't know a way to reliably detect this.

    3) Turn off 'useColorObj' globally. We lose the nice
    dynamic-color feature in some places, but it's a good
    tradeoff to avoid the black on black syndrome.

    4) We turn off 'useColorObj' only when the visual is not
    the default. This seems like the best bet, but I don't
    know of its feasability.

  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2001-12-29

    Logged In: YES

    The test results I posted today were tainted by a sticky
    app-defaults file from a previous version of NEdit.
    Sorry about that. I will test it again next year. :-)

  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2002-02-14

    Logged In: YES

    The color results I previously reported happen when the
    file is non-existent, or an old version. In those
    instances, the
    menu font was larger like in 5.0.2.

    I created my own app-defaults file from nedit.c, and that
    cured the
    blackout problem. This is strange, since I would expect the
    behavior as using no app-defaults file. However, the new
    file replaces all dynamic menu background colors with plain
    grey. NEdit
    looks the same whether I use visualID: Default, useColorObj:
    True, or none.

    Also, after stripping the "nedit" from the beginning of the
    lines of my
    hand-made app-defaults file, the blackout problem returned.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if want the app-defaults file
    I created.

    -- Chris R.

    P.S. What is the benefit of deep color visual support?
    It doesn't seem that NEdit uses too many colors.

  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2002-07-11

    Logged In: YES

    This bug still exists in 5.3. Looking back at Scott
    Tringali's suggested solutions from 12/28/2001, the
    best option (in my opinion) is:
    Change the default visual ID to "Default" just on

    A supplementary solution is:
    Turn off 'useColorObj' only when the visual is not
    the default.

    We could implement both options, but I would still
    prefer a Default visual ID for Solaris/CDE, so that
    CDE's dynamic colors may be used.

    Does anyone know how to detect CDE when compiling?
    There must be a Motif #define somewhere...

  • Chris Ross

    Chris Ross - 2002-07-11

    Logged In: YES

    Retraction: this bug seems to have been fixed in the final
    5.2 release, and does NOT occur in the 5.3 release. A
    sticky 5.0.2 app-defaults file was giving me bogus results

    However, CDE's dynamic color palette was sacrificed by
    using only a grey background for menus, window panes,
    scrollbars, etc. Is there a way to restore this?

    See bug #544053: "NEdit doesn't use CDE palette".

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-07-11
    • status: open --> open-invalid
  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-07-11

    Logged In: YES

    Closed in favor of 544053.

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-07-11
    • status: open-invalid --> closed-invalid

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