
#122 lines truncated when scrolling

Program (402)

Using nedit 5.2 under RH 7. When scrolling through a text file, random lines are truncated and then restarted on the next line. This happens apparently randomly and without warning EVEN WHEN I'VE NOT MADE ANY CHANGES TO THE FILE. The same thing happened with 5.1.1 under RH7 and Mandrake 7.x.



  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-01-22

    Logged In: YES

    A little more detail would help here. Is this "continuous
    wrap" mode, and you're expecting a different wrap mode? Is
    the file actually changed on disk?

    Are you using an old version of LessTif, or the official
    Linux binary from our website?

    Please send the first 10 or so lines from "Help > Version"
    on 5.2.

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-02-07

    Logged In: YES

    Are you using a variable-width font in conjuction with
    continuous wrap mode and syntax highlighting? We've had
    some recent fixes in this area, but you can work around it
    by using the same sized fixed-pitch font for all your fonts.

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-02-07

    Logged In: YES

    Are you using a variable-width font in conjuction with
    continuous wrap mode and syntax highlighting? We've had
    some recent fixes in this area, but you can work around it
    by using the same sized fixed-pitch font for all your fonts.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


    As a matter of fact I was indeed using syntax highlighting
    but I don't recall the font. It was probably the default


  • Eddy De Greef

    Eddy De Greef - 2002-02-11

    Logged In: YES

    The continous wrap related fixes cannot have caused this
    (the bugs only showed when the file was modified).

    It looks to me as if you were browsing through a file
    of which the lines were slightly longer than the width
    of the window, and that you were using continous wrapping
    mode. This could result in the effect that you describe.
    If that's the case, increasing the window width or turning
    off countinous wrapping should make the problem disappear.

  • Andrew Hood

    Andrew Hood - 2002-02-11

    Logged In: YES

    There is a long standing bug in continuous wrap mode where
    it does not get the line numbers right if you cause a line
    to wrap. The line numbers will be off from the continuation
    of the wrapped line to end of the window.
    To get the numbers right you have to force a window redraw.
    For example, scroll the offending line offscreen and back again.

  • Eddy De Greef

    Eddy De Greef - 2002-02-11

    Logged In: YES

    Andrew, can you be more specific ?
    Is there a more detailed bug report? If not, can
    you open a new one (including version, scenario,...),
    because it has probably little to do with this report.

  • Eddy De Greef

    Eddy De Greef - 2002-05-02
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Eddy De Greef

    Eddy De Greef - 2002-05-02

    Logged In: YES

    No more responses to the original bug report,
    and the second one was reported separately (and
    solved). Closing this.


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