
ncap2 over every parameter

  • dominique briand

    Hello, I want to higlight for every parameter of my netcdf file how many points are not egal to 0. I'm wondering if the command ncap2 allows me for doing that. I already do it manually for 1 parameter of my netcdf file, but I want to run it automatically over every parameter...

    ncap2 -s 'where(SSH!=0)SSH=1;print(;' SM_OPER_MIR_diff.DBL test.DBL

    Do I have to write a script for thar?

  • henry Butowsky

    henry Butowsky - 2017-05-15

    Hi Dominque,
    Its a little tricky but you can loop over the variables in the input file using what we call variable pointers.
    Please look at the examples in nco/data -
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 hmb hmb 2105 Apr 10 11:48 vpointer-ex3.nco
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 hmb hmb 4096 Nov 30 15:45 vpointer-ex0.nco
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 hmb hmb 920 Nov 30 15:45 vpointer-ex1.nco
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 hmb hmb 1795 Nov 30 15:45 vpointer-ex2.nco
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 hmb hmb 545 Nov 30 15:45 vpointer-tst.nco

    The script looks for var types that are NC_DOUBLE and that have at least one dimension:
    But it can be easily modified

    to run the script use the command

    ncap2 -v -O -S vpointer.nco SM_OPER_MIR_diff.DBL test.DBL

    below is the script vpointer-ex.nco

    // Produce a list of all vars in input
    // each element of att list is of type NC_STRING
    // nb get_var_in() can take a single argument that can be a var name or regular expression
    // lists are of type NC_STRING and can are in essence ragged arrays

    // remember @var_nm is of type NC_STRING

    if( @var_nm.type()==NC_DOUBLE && @var_nm.ndims()>1 ){
    where( @var_nm !=0 )




  • henry Butowsky

    henry Butowsky - 2017-05-15

    The format is a little messed up
    here sthe script again.

  • henry Butowsky

    henry Butowsky - 2017-05-15

    Here it is

  • dominique briand

    ok, thanks! It helps, but sometimes I have negative numbers :/. I don't understand...
    How does this script lead with Na values?


    // remember @var_nm is of type NC_STRING


  • dominique briand

    Actually it seems my Na values ( that appear as _ when i dump) induce this problem,when I replace my _ by 0 (ncatted -a FillValue,NRfiX,d,d,1.0) it seems to work well. I'm gonna try to add this in the script

  • dominique briand

    actually my results are totaly different...:/, I m missing something!

  • henry Butowsky

    henry Butowsky - 2017-05-16

    HI Dominque,
    There are a couple of issues at play.
    Are all the vars you want to process all the same type ?
    do they all have the same FillValue ?
    The '
    ' in an ncdump indicates a fill value ?
    If you file is not too large can you pls post it to the forum and ill take a look

  • dominique briand

    I just paste here the header of one of my files, the vars are not the same type, the fillValue are different...

    I read that the elements with _fillValue are not taken into account, so my * should avoid them...

    inc = 15 ;
    lat = 584 ;
    lon = 1388 ;
    double Azimuth_Angle(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Azimuth_Angle:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Azimuth_Angle:long_name = "Angle class averaged Azimuth angle value corresponding to the measured BT value over current Earth fixed grid point. Measured as angle in pixel local tangent plane from projected pixel to S/C direction with respect to the local North (0 if local North)" ;
    Azimuth_Angle:units = "degrees" ;
    double BT_3(inc, lat, lon) ;
    BT_3:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    BT_3:long_name = "Angle class averaged Brightness temperature 3rd Stokes parameter over current Earth fixed grid point, obtained by polarisation rotation from L1c data" ;
    BT_3:units = "K" ;
    double BT_4(inc, lat, lon) ;
    BT_4:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    BT_4:long_name = "Angle class averaged Brightness temperature 4th Stokes parameter over current Earth fixed grid point, obtained by polarisation rotation from L1c data" ;
    BT_4:units = "K" ;
    double BT_H(inc, lat, lon) ;
    BT_H:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    BT_H:long_name = "Angle class averaged Brightness temperature in H-pol over current Earth fixed grid point, obtained by polarisation rotation from L1c data" ;
    BT_H:units = "K" ;
    double BT_V(inc, lat, lon) ;
    BT_V:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    BT_V:long_name = "Angle class averaged Brightness temperature in V-pol over current Earth fixed grid point, obtained by polarisation rotation from L1c data" ;
    BT_V:units = "K" ;
    int Days(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Days:_FillValue = -2147483647 ;
    Days:long_name = "UTC Time at which the averaged BT was taken, in EE CFI transport time format. Days" ;
    Days:units = "d" ;
    double Eta(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Eta:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Eta:long_name = "Angle class averaged Direction cosine : Eta" ;
    Eta:units = "NA" ;
    double Footprint_Axis1(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Footprint_Axis1:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Footprint_Axis1:long_name = "Angle class averaged Elliptical footprint major semi-axis value" ;
    Footprint_Axis1:units = "km" ;
    double Footprint_Axis2(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Footprint_Axis2:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Footprint_Axis2:long_name = "Angle class averaged Elliptical footprint minor semi-axis value" ;
    Footprint_Axis2:units = "km" ;
    byte Grid_Point_Mask(lat, lon) ;
    Grid_Point_Mask:_FillValue = 0b ;
    Grid_Point_Mask:long_name = "Grid_Point_Mask" ;
    Grid_Point_Mask:units = "NA" ;
    double Incidence_Angle(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Incidence_Angle:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Incidence_Angle:long_name = "Angle class averaged Incidence angle value corresponding to the measured BT value over current Earth fixed grid point. Measured as angle from pixel to S/C with respect to the pixel local normal (0 if vertical)" ;
    Incidence_Angle:units = "degrees" ;
    short Nviews(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Nviews:_FillValue = -32768s ;
    Nviews:long_name = "Number of views used to compute Angle class averages" ;
    Nviews:units = "NA" ;
    double Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_3(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_3:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_3:long_name = "Angle class BT standard deviation in the Brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel " ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_3:units = "K" ;
    double Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_4(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_4:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_4:long_name = "Angle class BT standard deviation in the Brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel " ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_4:units = "K" ;
    double Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_H(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_H:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_H:long_name = "Angle class BT standard deviation in the Brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel " ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_H:units = "K" ;
    double Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_V(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_V:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_V:long_name = "Angle class BT standard deviation in the Brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel " ;
    Pixel_BT_Standard_Deviation_V:units = "K" ;
    double Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_3(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_3:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_3:long_name = "Angle class averaged Error accuracy measurement in the brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel" ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_3:units = "K" ;
    double Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_4(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_4:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_4:long_name = "Angle class averaged Error accuracy measurement in the brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel" ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_4:units = "K" ;
    double Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_H(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_H:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_H:long_name = "Angle class averaged Error accuracy measurement in the brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel " ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_H:units = "K" ;
    double Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_V(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_V:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_V:long_name = "Angle class averaged Error accuracy measurement in the brightness Temperature presented in the previous field, extracted in the direction of the pixel" ;
    Pixel_Radiometric_Accuracy_V:units = "K" ;
    int UTC_Microseconds(inc, lat, lon) ;
    UTC_Microseconds:_FillValue = -2147483647 ;
    UTC_Microseconds:long_name = "UTC Time at which the averaged BT was taken, in EE CFI transport time format. Microseconds" ;
    UTC_Microseconds:units = "10-6s" ;
    int UTC_Seconds(inc, lat, lon) ;
    UTC_Seconds:_FillValue = -2147483647 ;
    UTC_Seconds:long_name = "UTC Time at which the averaged BT was taken, in EE CFI transport time format. Seconds" ;
    UTC_Seconds:units = "s" ;
    float X_Swath(lat, lon) ;
    X_Swath:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
    X_Swath:long_name = "Minimum distance of grid point to the sub satellite point track" ;
    X_Swath:units = "m" ;
    double Xi(inc, lat, lon) ;
    Xi:_FillValue = -32768. ;
    Xi:long_name = "Angle class averaged Direction cosine: Xi" ;
    Xi:units = "NA" ;
    float dinc(inc) ;
    dinc:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
    dinc:long_name = "Width of each class of angles" ;
    dinc:units = "degrees" ;
    float inc(inc) ;
    inc:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
    inc:long_name = "Selected Incidence Angles" ;
    inc:units = "degrees" ;
    float lat(lat) ;
    lat:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
    lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
    lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
    float lon(lon) ;
    lon:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
    lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
    lon:units = "degrees_east" ;

  • henry Butowsky

    henry Butowsky - 2017-05-16

    You can modify the loop so the 'where' is onlu applied to type double:
    you can make a list of the vars you want to operarate upon.

    insead of @all=get_vars_in();
    @all={"BT_3"s,"BT_4"s, "BT_H"s, "BT_V"s};


  • dominique briand

    For example, two parameters that give me negative results

    byte Days_Of_Revisits(lat, lon) ;
    Days_Of_Revisits:_FillValue = 0b ;
    Days_Of_Revisits:long_name = "Days of revisits used for the retrieval" ;
    Days_Of_Revisits:units = "NA" ;

    int Mean_Acq_Time_Seconds(lat, lon) ;
    Mean_Acq_Time_Seconds:_FillValue = -2147483647 ;
    Mean_Acq_Time_Seconds:long_name = "Seconds of Mean time of acquisition for Soil Moisture value of DGG point" ;
    Mean_Acq_Time_Seconds:units = "s" ;

  • dominique briand

    Actually I process a large number of different files, and want to work with every var to detect which var contains a non 0 value!

  • dominique briand

    Maybe I can explain better what I want to do, I try to detect the differences between the results of the same process over the same dataset but with different processing cluster (same software, different hardware). I first run a ncdiff, the results are sometimes really small (10^-13 for example) and I neglect them. But sometimes, the results are significative, and I noticed that isolated pixels are really different. My goal is to evealuate how many they are.

  • dominique briand

    I can't fix my problem...but maybe it comes from the NaN values. One parameter just has NaN values, the result of my script gives me -32767, that corresponds to the _fillvalue...




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