
syntax tree

  • Charlie Zender

    Charlie Zender - 2002-08-28

    Hi Henry,

    Thought you would be interested in this nice
    little lexer/parser reference:

    It demonstrates the use of a syntax tree that
    might be a nice way to graft language
    functionality (if, while, for) to NCO.
    This is where the opr_ctl() and freeNode() and
    other language hooks in ncap came from.
    Grep for Nie02 to find them all...


    • henry Butowsky

      henry Butowsky - 2002-08-29

      Hi Charlie, I looked at the site but couldn't find their code for a basic interpreter. Is it the source in the Overview page ?

      regards Henry

      P.S have commited some changes to ncap_aed_lookup()

      • Charlie Zender

        Charlie Zender - 2002-08-29

        It's described in the printed manual (the PDF link)

        I actually have not looked at the online stuff, just
        the manual, which is very good.


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