
TODO 117

  • henry Butowsky

    henry Butowsky - 2000-10-12

    Hi Charlie,
        Need further clarification on this one, what do the wrappers
        what do the wrappers that call nc_error go round ?

        Also it seems a bit daft to embark on TODO 82 , when nc_utils
        needs breaking up into smaller files ??
    regards Henry

    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2000-10-12

      When we switch to the netCDF3 interface all function calls are of the


      where there are about a hundred different functions of this form
      (one for each type of variable and each type of action).
      When rcd != NC_NOERR then an error has occured and should
      be handled (granted NCO error-checking is currently haphazard).
      Instead of checking and handling errors in the main
      code, we want to wrap each native netCDF call with a similarly
      named NCO function that calls a single, universal error handler.
      e.g., we use
      rcd=nco_var_foo(nc_id,var,...) which calls nc_var_foo() internally
      and, in addition has an error handling block tacked on like
      if(rcd != NC_NOERR) nco_handle_netCDF_error(rcd);
      and nco_handle_netCDF_error(rcd) does something like
      {fprintf "%s", nc_strerror(rcd)); exit(-1); for now.
      See the netCDF manual p. 30 for detailed example.
      Then all the netCDF error handling goes through a single function,
      nco_handle_netCDF_error() rather than cluttering up code

      The work required to adapt the netCDF3 interface is  substantial,
      but probably worthwhile since it is 50% faster than netCDF2.
      You should try converting one or a few functions first to get a
      feeling for what is required. Then we can discuss your ideas
      for an implementation in more detail. It's even possible that a
      C++  solution would be more optimal than a C solution, but
      I'd need to be convinced that is the case.

      • henry Butowsky

        henry Butowsky - 2000-10-23

        Hi Charlie,
            Have started on the netCDF3.x functions.
            Please see patch_netcdf.
            Have tried out the converted functions in cpy_var_val in ncks.c
            Every thing seems to be OK
            several points.
            a) With netCDF3.x it seems impossible to detect the type text
               ( the nctypes are the same as netCDF2.x ).
               I was getting an error message when reading "text" using
               nc_get_vara_schar. So I am using the _text family of functions
               in place of _schar family. This seems to work. This could                                cause some deep bugs to appear !!
            b) I am typecasting the void pointers in the _get and _put function families  to make the conversion process quick. Some compilers may complain about this.    

        • Charlie Zender

          Charlie Zender - 2000-10-24

          Hi Henry,

          I am examining the patch. Nice work so far.
          It looks much like I expected.
          I will send back a revision to the patch soon.
          Let's not commit any of these netCDF 3 changes to CVS
          until I release the backlog of new features that already exists,
          i.e., at least nco 1.22 and 1.23. I'll try to do this in the next
          few weeks. Then we can start the netCDF3 changes
          as nco 1.3.x, and perhaps make a new CVS branch.

          Here are my comments on the patch:
          1. Since these are wrapper routines, let's preserve the netCDF
          convention of verb_noun in routine names, e.g.,
          nco_get_var1() instead of nco_var_get1().
          This way wrapper name is nearly identical to routine name.

          2. Make as many of the calling arguments to the wrappers
          "const" as possible.

          3. Initialize rcd to NC_NOERR and have wrapper return rcd
          rather than return 1.

          4. Use NCO standard names instead of netCDF names in the
          wrappers. e.g., nc_id instead of ncid, var_typ instead of typ,
          srt (stands for start, oddly enough) instead of indexp, var_val
          instead of ip. The reason is so the NCO code has internally-consistent
          names for everything. If anyone gets motivated to do a native
          HDF NCO implementation, this discipline will pay off big time.
          Because then, rather than having to remember the NCO,  HDF,
          and netCDF names for the same variable, we just need to use
          the NCO name for everything. The idea is that NCO can evolve
          to have its  own internal representation of data, and, at a different
          level, NCO communicates to files using the appropriate library,
          e.g., netCDF or HDF. But internally we want NCO to be as
          self-consistent as possible.

          5. More comments in the headers and add the function name
          at the bottom, if you can. Adding these comments make life easier
          later on, and it's usually easy to cut and paste them from other

          About your other points,

          Using the _text family is probably best, but _uchar should
          also work. _schar should not work because text characters
          are unsigned, i.e., 0--255, not signed -127--+128. Here is
          my question to you: Why does nc.h define ptr_unn and val_unn
          to use signed char for NC_CHAR buffers? I have no idea
          why I defined them this way.
          I do not know if it is right or wrong, but right now I'm thinking
          that those should be changed to unsigned char. Perhaps
          you could look into this and perform some tests as to which
          behaves better.

          About the typecasting. There are three alternatives:
          1. Never typecast void pointers. This requires writing a gazillion
          wrappers, one for each netCDF routine, and thus moving the
          case statements into the main code. Both are unacceptable.

          2. Cast as you are already doing. This is fine, and no case
          statements need to be in the calling code. I am concerned about
          compiler warning messages. It's important to me that the code compiles
          cleanly with gcc -Wall or g++ -Wall with no warnings. Other compilers
          I do not really care about. But if you cannot get gcc/g++ to compile
          cleanly then stop what you are doing and we should rethink the

          3. Use C++ overloading and switch to C++. This is also fine, but
          would take much longer as there are many more unknowns in moving
          to C++, including the fact there is a netCDF C++ library wrapper
          already and the fact that to cleanly take advantage of a C++ overloaded
          API most of the existing NCO structures would have to be ported to
          C++, i.e., all the void *'s would need to be removed.
          The netCDF C++ wrapper from Unidata works but seems cumbersome
          (although this may be unavoidable when doing generic programming like NCO).
          Also, I think the netCDF C++ wrapper library is built on netCDF2
          definitions so there may not be a performance boost even after
          all that work (not sure about this, should ask Unidata).
          So this option requires lots of planning and probably could not
          be accomplished in an evolutionary way.

          • henry Butowsky

            henry Butowsky - 2000-10-25

            Hi Charlie,
                Been having a read of the netCDF C manual.According to this
                NC_CHAR should definitely be unsigned.The manual is vague
                          about NC_BYTE I quote
                "It is possible to interpret byte data as either signed (-128
                 to 127) or unsigned (0 to 255). However, when reading byte                     data to be converted into other numeric types, it is interpreted as               signed."
                However netCDF.h has the line
                "NC_BYTE =       1, /* " signed 1 byte integer" */
                Also ncgen treats byte variables as signed.
                So I guess we should as well.
                That makes two unenviable changes to make -- NC_CHAR to
                         unsigned and NC_BYTE to signed. You got them the wrong way                round bro'.
                The sensible thing would be to change them now rather than
                propagate the mistakes in the wrapper functions. I 've had a                      quick look, making the changes is not that bad. Most of the
                          changes are in nc_utils.c. I don't think the changes will cause
                          severe compatability problems as the netCDF2 library probably
                          reads them correctly before converting to the "wrong" types.
                How and when do you want me to tackle it ?

            • Charlie Zender

              Charlie Zender - 2000-10-25

              Yikes!  Well it's always better to find the big bugs before the users do!

              Actually it's not surprising that this hasn't shown up as a problem.
              People rarely use NC_BYTE. People use NC_CHAR all the time, but
              the vast majority store strings in it, and English strings, at least, are
              always represented by the 7 bit ASCII characters so values from 128--255
              are very rare. Anyway, it would be great if you would take a crack at
              fixing this.

              Please sync to the current repository, implement the fix, and see whether
              reading the NC_CHAR values in still works. Let me know if there
              are any user-visible side effects. If your fix works go ahead and commit
              it and we'll include it in the coming 1.2.2 release.


              • henry Butowsky

                henry Butowsky - 2000-10-27

                Hi Charlie,
                    Have commited to above fix . the affected
                    files are ncatted.c , nc.h, nc_utl.c. Everything seems to work
                    ok --
                    I took nc_error exit out of nc_utl.c so I can use it for my wrapper

                    regards henry

                • henry Butowsky

                  henry Butowsky - 2000-11-03

                  Hi Charlie,
                      Have completed the wrapper functions ( please see my latest
                      patch ) . How do you want to proceed with updating to netCDF3
                      the project ? Maybe I could just update ncks.c to start with ?  It
                      would give us something to benchmark !

                      Regards Henry

                  • Charlie Zender

                    Charlie Zender - 2000-11-04


                    Nice work on the wrappers, the look clean and ready to go.
                    Yes, I'd say start with one operator as a proof of concept.
                    ncks is fine, but will probably take the most time to convert
                    to netcdf3. ncrename or ncatted are probably the easiest
                    operators to convert.

                    I've created a new NCO branch called netcdf3 using

                    cd ~/nco
                    cvs tag -b netcdf3

                    I want to you to begin to check in your changes on this branch.
                    To do this you will need to checkout NCO from the repository
                    using a special command,

                    cvs co -r netcdf3 -kk nco

                    or you can switch your existing working code to be on that branch

                    cd ~/nco
                    cvs update -r netcdf3

                    As you proceed with the netcdf3 implementation, check in your
                    changes. This will be the nco 1.3.x series. I've already tagged
                    the existing base code of the netcdf3 branch with the version
                    nco-1_3. Your first changes (the wrapper functions) should be
                    committed to the repository (e.g., in nco_wrp.c), and, once they
                    build, given version tag nco-1_3_1. Increment the 1.3.x minor version
                    numbers as you see fit (nco-1_3_2, ....).

                    I know all this CVS stuff is confusing at first, but give it a try
                    and read some of the CVS manual. When I finish the remaining
                    nco 1.2 releases in a few weeks then I will switch the code so that
                    the netcdf3 branch becomes the main trunk. By that time hopefully
                    you will have some entire operators converted, and we can begin
                    releasing them publicly.


                    • henry Butowsky

                      henry Butowsky - 2000-11-08

                      Hi Charlie,
                          I'm getting warnings from the compiler (gcc) about  incompatible
                          pointer types when calling my wrapper functions. These
                          occur  in the functions where the arguments are of type  
                           " const size_t " or  size_t  ( many  of the arguments in the
                          orignal netCDF3 functions are of type size_t ).  what do
                          suggest I do about them ? Maybe I could recast the
                          the pointers to type size_t in the wrapper functions ?

                          The fastest way for me to update to netCDF3 is to do it all in
                          one go rather than file by file. I use the package sniff for project
                          management and it has a very good global search and replace


                      • henry Butowsky

                        henry Butowsky - 2000-11-08

                        Hi Charlie,
                            Just to further clarify the above problem.
                            The long * pointers in netCDF2.x have been replaced by
                            size_t * pointers in netCDF3.x

                        regards henry

                        PS I hope Gore wins !!

                        • Charlie Zender

                          Charlie Zender - 2000-11-08

                          Yes, I noticed the pointers had changed  from long * to size_t *.
                          The smart thing to do is to change NCO to size_t where necessary.
                          We want NCO to fully switch to netCDF 3 compatibility, so we
                          must follow the netCDF library routine definitions.
                          Where this involves tinkering with the difference between
                          long and nclong it may be tricky. I don't know but this is an example
                          of why changing and testing one operator (e.g., ncks) first
                          might be wise.
                          64 bit machines like SGIs and Compaq Alphas are where I
                          expect the problems, if any, will show up. In case you don't
                          have access to such machines, I can run on them
                          once you have an NCO 1.3.x version that you expect will run.

                          I'm not sure I answered your original question. If not, let me know
                          and send me an example of any problems you're running into.


    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2000-10-12

      I see the name-space issue as separate from the file splitting issue.
      Routines (and structures) which require netCDF capability or are NCO-specific should have an nco_ prefix. These happen to all
      be in nc_utl.c currently, but nc_utl.c should be thoughtfully
      dismembered--it's too big. Routines (and structures) which are
      more generic, not netCDF/NCO-specific should be given a
      different prefix so they may be put into a separate library which
      can be used by other software which has no knowledge about NCO.
      Currently these routines are in csz.c and csz_ is a good prefix for now.

      pck.c, which contains the new packing routines, is a good example
      of a more rational file structure than nc_utl.c. pck.c contains all the
      routines specific to packing. Ideally it would have its own header,
      pck.h, which would be split off from nc.h, which is now a global header.
      nc.h should eventually become nco.h and just #include all the headers
      of the other nco library files, e.g. pck.h, var.h, dmn.h, avg.h...
      Similarly there should be a csz.h for the NCO-indenpent routines.
      That's the long term goal, anyway. For now we just want to start
      moving routines which are rationally related into smaller, more
      self contained files. It can be done in stages, there's no reason
      to try to do it all at once, except, possibly, over-caffeination :)


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