
netcdf3 issues

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Henry,

    I tried latest 1.3 version tonite and it failed on Linux so I
    did not try on 64 bit machines. Are you sure you committed the changes
    that allowed it to pass the test suite? Please verify that your
    working version is checked in. I committed some changes that removed
    all the NETCDF2_ONLY code since this makes no sense in the 1.3

    Coding style: Will you please put comments at the end of
    clauses saying which clause just ended?

    if (foo){
    } /* endif foo */

    I find that code is much easier to read this way since often
    the beginning and ending of a clause are not on the screen at the same
    time. Here are sample commands that failed for me:

    ncdiff -O -C -v PS
    ncdiff -O -C -v three_dmn_rec_var

    Please verify the behavior of these commands on linux
    with your code and let me know what you find. Also, whenever you make
    changes that seem to work, you should commit that changes so I can
    stay in sync. And don't be afraid to edit doc/Changelog so that I can
    read in English what the English have been up to...

    Once I have the code working on Linux then I will test on 64 bit

    Thanks, Charlie 

    • henry Butowsky

      henry Butowsky - 2001-03-06

      Hi Charlie,
      Have fixed the ncdiff problem  and fixed a problem with
      ncrename.  ( commited nc_utl.c and nco_netcdf.c).

      Took a fresh copy of the source from the repository .
      With the exception of ncrecinq , it seemed to compile
      OK with NO_NETCDF_2 flag

      Regards Henry

      • Charlie Zender

        Charlie Zender - 2001-03-06

        Hi Henry,

        OK your latest changes seem to have fix the test suite problem
        on Linux for me too. So I ran the 1.3 test
        suite on 64 bit SGI machine and it choked on
        operations with NC_LONG. Not surprising, I
        guess. I'll try to look into why tomorrow.


        • henry Butowsky

          henry Butowsky - 2001-03-15

          Hi Charlie,
            Hows the 64 bit compilation going ?
            Anything I can do to help ?

          Regards Henry

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            good news is code compiles 64 bit with gcc
            and with sgi native compilers. bad news is
            code hangs in dbx debugger so is hard to analyze
            problems. i'm installing gdb to see if that works
            any better. thanks but nothing to be done until
            i get a debugger working and not hanging....

            • henry Butowsky

              henry Butowsky - 2001-03-28

              Hi Charlie,
                 Hope everything is well -- When will be able
              to make the netcdf3 the main branch and continue
              development ?

    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2001-03-27


      I just tagged nco-1_3_3.
      It builds and tests fine on 32 and 64 bit platforms. It contains changes to many files
      so please sync up with it. The default build
      is with NO_NETCDF_2 now.

      I've also begun to add internationalization
      features, so far only put the hooks into
      ncra.c. Anyway, do you have any changes you'd
      like to make before making 1.3.x the stable
      release (and renaming it 1.4)?


    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2001-03-28

      Hi Henry,

      I hope you got my last message sent two days
      ago which does not seem to have posted to
      sourceforge as it should have. What it said was

      I have tagged nco-1.3.3 which is a completely
      working netCDF3 version. I then asked if there
      were any features you could think of that we
      should add to it before making it the main
      trunk and releasing it as 1.4. I've added some
      items to the TODO list but these are not relase-
      critical. Probably the main thing I can think
      of that needs to be done is to update the
      user's guide in a few places to reflect the
      new netCDF3 interface. I suggest we make
      any changes now and tag nco 1.3.4 over the
      next week and then release 1.4.0 = 1.3.4.



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