
TODO 107 ncks

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  • henry Butowsky

    henry Butowsky - 2000-11-10

    Hi Charlie,
        have added nco_netcdf.h and nco_netcdf.c ( the wrapper
        functions) to the repository.
        Have also changed and commited nc.h and ncks.c
        Could you try compiling on SGI, alphas etc.
        ( i hope i used the right CVS commands ! )
        And see if ncks works as normal

        regards Henry

    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2000-11-11


      OK, I think I misunderstood your previous message about where the
      size_t pointers were causing warnings. As I now understand it,
      the netCDF3 library uses type size_t variables to hold array sizes,
      whereas NCO uses type long. Array values, however, are never
      stored in type size_t variables. Before we decide how best to get
      rid of the warning messages I just want to make sure that this is
      in fact what the problem is. There is something on p. 43 of the
      netcdf manual rationalizing the use of size_t. If this is the case
      then I think I was mistaken about potential portability problems
      to 64 bit platforms.

      One problem is that size_t itself is not exactly representable as
      a netCDF type because it is usually unsigned int. I am now
      hesitant to change NCO to use size_t instead of long for
      all dimension sizes and strides. I do not care about portability
      to 16-bit platforms like msdos. I am beginning to think that
      casting the longs to size_t in the wrappers is a simpler,
      cleaner solution than changing the existing NCO. What
      do you think?


      • henry Butowsky

        henry Butowsky - 2000-11-11

        Hi Charlie,

           I agree with you about the re-casting of long * to
            size_t * in the wrappers. It saves having to change all
           the nco code. Shall give it a go
           regards Henry

        • henry Butowsky

          henry Butowsky - 2000-11-17

          Hi Charlie,
               Have done some more mods to the wrapper
          functions ( not commited them yet) . I'm off on
          holiday tomorrow for a week in the big apple (
          my first time in the states ). Shall be back
          on sunday 26th nov . see you soon


      • henry Butowsky

        henry Butowsky - 2000-11-11

        Hi Charlie,

           I agree with you about the re-casting of long *

        • henry Butowsky

          henry Butowsky - 2001-01-11

          Hi Charlie, Hope you had a good Xmas break.

          Just a brief question - With the NC_LONG aliased
          to NC_INT for netCDF3 how are we supposed to detect type longs in a NetCDF file ?

          • Charlie Zender

            Charlie Zender - 2001-01-11

            Yes, I had a nice break. Winter seems to have
            arrived here in So. Cal. I'd forgotten what
            a nice storm can feel like!

            >Just a brief question - With the NC_LONG aliased
            >to NC_INT for netCDF3 how are we supposed to >detect type longs in a NetCDF file

            Not sure I understand the question but I think
            you may not understand the storage format, so let
            me try to explain. netCDF files do not know anything about the type of machine they will be
            read on. So NC_INT = NC_LONG variables are always
            32 bit integers as stored in the file. netCDF3
            automatically converts whatever is in the file
            to the native type you specify with the _get()
            command. So if we want to use native type
            long int to hold NC_INT = NC_LONG variables,
            netcdf3 automatically does any necessary conversion (not true with netCDF2). Thus it
            is up to us to decide how we wish to store
            NC_INT = NC_LONG types. For now I think we
            should continue to use long int's to hold
            this type. Thus the netcdf3 NCO code should
            everywhere begin to use sizeof(long) instead
            of nctypelen(long) whenever allocating buffers
            to hold NC_INT = NC_LONG. If you want, you
            can typedef nco_long long and use
            sizeof(nco_long) etc. in the NCO code so we
            can then fiddle with the nco_long type more
            easily in the future. Does this make things
            more clear or did I miss the point of your question?


            • henry Butowsky

              henry Butowsky - 2001-01-16

              Hi Charlie,
              Shall re-phrase my earlier question.
              Given the enum nctype in netcdf.h has no type NC_LONG
              How can we detect when we come across a varible of type
              long -- for example when using nc_inq_var ?

              P.S . maybe I'm being really thick and missing something !

              • Charlie Zender

                Charlie Zender - 2001-01-17

                > Given the enum nctype in netcdf.h has no type NC_LONG

                I assume you mean the enum nc_type in the netcdf3
                header file netcdf.h

                > How can we detect when we come across a varible of type long?

                We only know the on-disk type of variable will
                say that it is an NC_INT. We will store it in
                RAM as a native type long. The netcdf library
                will do any necessary conversion for us within
                the nc_get_var_long() routine.

                > for example when using nc_inq_var ?

                Whenever nc_inq_var() returns NC_INT then we
                store it in a variable of native type long.
                native type long = native type int on 32 bit
                machines, but not necessarily on 64 bit machines.
                But this should not matter. We will always
                store type NC_INT in native type long.
                Or, as I suggested, store NC_INT in native
                type nco_int where we have previously
                typedef nco_int int
                This would make it easy to change internal
                storage type from int to long just by changing
                a single typedef.
                When netCDF begins to support an type NC_LONG
                (sometime in the future), this capability
                might be useful.

                Does this help?


                P.S. I just got "permission" to be using the
                64 bit itanium machines on the compile farm.
                But the login is not working. I will let you
                know when/if I get this sorted out.

    • henry Butowsky

      henry Butowsky - 2000-12-04

      Hi Charlie,
        Have changed the wrapper functions to include casting from
        from type long to size_t. This avoids compiler warnings.
      Would appreciate it if you could try out the new ncks containing the netcdf3 calls.

      Looks like there is a problem with test ncea 4 (packing and

      • Charlie Zender

        Charlie Zender - 2000-12-05

        Hi Henry,

        Hope you enjoyed your first trip to the states.
        Pretty crazy over here with the election.
        A sizeable minority is asking that HRH Queen Elizabeth
        be instated as head of our country.

        I tested the netCDF3 branch on Linux/Intel and it looks good.
        Yes, the packing test should still fail until further notice.
        I put the test in to fail to remind me that packing is not finished.

        nco_netcdf.c causes quite a few warnings on the SGI IRIX
        platform. SGI has great compilers so I take these seriously,
        and have appended the warnings so you can study them
        and see if there are any problems indicated. Apparently
        SGI  emits warnings when implicitly converting
        unsigned char * to const char *, etc. We need to get rid of those
        warnings somehow. If I'm reading the warnings
        correctly then the netCDF3 interface prototypes in netcdf.h
        are inconsistent with the declared types of NC_CHAR and

        It would be nice if you had an account on
        an SGI so you could work on this interactively yourself.
        I think sourceforge has a "compile farm" but it does not
        include an SGI machine, bummer.

        Anyway, look at the SGI warning appended below.
        See if they reveal any real problems.
        Let me know one way or the other.
        If you deem it safe then I can change the casting
        on a case by case basis until all the warnings
        disappear on the SGI. Before proceeding, however,
        I need you to tell me that will not break anything.


        cc -DSGIMP64 -I/home/ess/gudrun/didi/netcdf-3.4/include -64 -mips4 -O2 -mp -mpio
        -c ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c -o /home/ess/zender/zender/obj/SGIMP64/nco_netcdf.o
        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 371
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "const char *".

                rcd = nc_put_att_text( nc_id,var_id,att_nm,(size_t)att_len,(unsigned cha
        r *)vp);

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 402
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "char *".

                rcd = nc_get_att_text( nc_id,var_id,att_nm,(unsigned char *)vp);

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 536
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "char *".

                rcd = nc_get_var1_text( nc_id,var_id,(size_t*)indx,(unsigned char *)vp);

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 569
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "const char *".

                rcd = nc_put_var1_text( nc_id,var_id,(size_t*)indx,(unsigned char *) vp)

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 607
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "char *".

                rcd = nc_get_vara_text( nc_id,var_id,(size_t *)srt, (size_t *)cnt,(unsig
        ned char *) vp);

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 641
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "const char *".

                rcd = nc_put_vara_text( nc_id,var_id,(size_t *)srt, (size_t *)cnt,(unsig
        ned char *) vp);

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 644
          Argument of type "signed char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "const unsigned char *".

              rcd = nc_put_vara_uchar( nc_id,var_id,(size_t *)srt, (size_t *)cnt,(signed
        char *)vp);

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 673
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "char *".

                rcd = nc_get_varm_text( nc_id,var_id,(size_t *)srt, (size_t *)cnt,(ptrdi
        ff_t *)srd,(ptrdiff_t *)map,(unsigned char *) vp);

        cc-1164 cc: WARNING File = ../src/nco/nco_netcdf.c, Line = 705
          Argument of type "unsigned char *" is incompatible with parameter of type
                  "const char *".

                rcd = nc_put_varm_text( nc_id,var_id,(size_t *)srt, (size_t *)cnt,(ptrdi
        ff_t *)srd,(ptrdiff_t *)map,(unsigned char *) vp);

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Hi Charlie,
             Wow, the SG compiler is really sensitive. Its OK to change
             the castings of NC_CHAR. I assume that char is by default

             I think we have been a bit over-optimistic in the simplicity
             of the wrapper functions. We shall have to watch very carefully when converting netCDF 2 code which uses
          the -1 return value.  ( eg ncvarid ) . The netCDF3 code uses
          the error codes if for example a requested variable or attribute
          is not present in the file. I have already made ammends to
          nco_inq_varid but more are bound to come up ! Its a case of
          deciding to change the old code or adding a shadow -1 return value within the wrapper function.

          Had a good holiday -- New York was awesome
          Those deli's sure know how to fill a sandwich

          regards Henry

          • Charlie Zender

            Charlie Zender - 2000-12-05

            Hi Henry,

            A subtle problem like the one you point out deserves a thoughtful response:

            > I think we have been a bit over-optimistic in the simplicity
            > of the wrapper functions. We shall have to watch very carefully when
            > converting netCDF 2 code which uses
            > the -1 return value.  ( eg ncvarid ) . The netCDF3 code uses
            > the error codes if for example a requested variable or attribute
            > is not present in the file. I have already made ammends to
            > nco_inq_varid but more are bound to come up ! Its a case of
            > deciding to change the old code or adding a shadow -1 return value within the
            > wrapper function.

            NCO has some routines where receiving an error code from, e.g.,
            ncvarid() is expected, and some where receiving an error code causes
            an exit() (perhaps preceded by specific diagnostics of what went
            wrong).  So we do not want the NCO netcdf3 code to automatically exit
            when *_inq_* calls receive an error value. However, adding exceptional
            code to nco_inq_varid(), i.e., mimicing the netcdf2() interface with
            netcdf3() calls, is not, I think, the right way to handle this
            complexity because it violates the consistency between nco_* wrapper
            functions and the underlying netcdf3() calls. Let us keep to the
            paradigm that the nco_foo wrapper functions simply perform the extra
            step of printing an error message before exiting whenever rcd !=
            NC_NOERR after calling nc_foo.

            To handle the situation where rcd != NO_NOERR I propose one of two
            solutions. #1. We add new wrappers, e.g.,

            int nco_inq_varid_flg(int nc_id, char *var_nm, int *rcd)

            where rcd is set by the wrapped netcdf3 routine to the return code
            value so that the calling routine may handle the error. Thus, regions
            where old NCO allowed -1 return values (by setting ncopts=0 before
            call and ncopts=NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL after call would use these
            special nco_inq_varid_flg() and nco_inq_dimid_flg() routines as

            if(rcd == NC_ENOTVAR){...}else{possibly print error and die}

            #2. Simply put the netcdf3() call directly in the NCO code and not to
            use a wrapper for netcdf3() calls that are allowed to return an error

            The advantage of #1 is that it helps encapsulate all the netcdf3()
            calls in one file, nco_netcdf.c. These wrappers could someday be
            expanded to handle, say, hdf5 or some new data I/O and the NCO code
            itself would not need to change. Granted, that day is a long day off
            but there is something cleaner about working to the point where ncks.c
            and nc_utl.c can be compiled without the netcdf library because all
            netcdf-specific calls are isolated in nco_netcdf.c. The advantage of
            #2 is that it's simpler and no dirtier than what's already in NCO. And
            since you're coding this, you get to decide which solution to
            implement!  Of course you can also suggest another
            approach. Just try to keep any existing error diagnostics intact, e.g., if
            NCO currently takes the effort to print the file name and variable
            name where error occurred, so should the new NCO netcdf3() branch.


            • henry Butowsky

              henry Butowsky - 2000-12-11

              Hi Charlie,
                What about treating netCDF3 errors like netCDF2 errors.

              i.e. we decide what errors are fatal , and if the error number
              is required they set a flag prior to the call, so that non-fatal errors filter through ?

              • Nobody/Anonymous


                Can you send an example of what this would look
                like for, say, the nc_inq_varid() -type of
                situation that has raised this as a question?


                P.S. I switched to mozilla for my browser and
                it still does not have SSL login capability
                so many of my responses will have author=nobody
                until mozilla fixes this in the nightly builds.
                I apologize for any confusion this may cause
                but my switch to mozilla was dictated by other reasons.

          • Nobody/Anonymous

            OK I just checked in the changes to the 1.3 branch
            that are required for clean compilation on SGI.
            Instead of casting to type char * I changed the
            netcdf3 functions to call the *_uchar functions
            instead of the the *_text functions. I thought
            this was clearer.

            Unfortunately, I just ran on the
            1.3 branch and there are significant errors
            in the handling of NC_LONG variables on the
            64-bit SGI machine. This is not terribly
            surprising since NC_LONG == NC_INT = 32 bit
            integers on all machines but internal representation of type long on SGI is 64 bits.
            It took some time to get this right on the
            main NCO branch a few years back when 64 bit
            machines came along. You need to audit the
            1.3 branch code to see where the mismatch
            is occuring. Please read netcdf3 manual p. 130.
            Perhaps we should change NC_LONG to NC_INT in
            the 1.3 branch code?

            Presumably this problem will be triggered on
            any 64 bit machine, not just SGI. Do you have
            access to such a machine? Do you feel like
            working on an itanium machine? I know sourceforge
            has itanium's in its compile farm and it might
            be a fun project to try to work out these problems
            on an itanium. If you are unable to debug the
            NC_LONG problem let me know and I will try to
            give it a crack over the holidays. But I think
            this would be a good learning experience for you,
            and it would be cool to have an itanium port of
            NCO working. Of course this presume that netCDF
            will work out of the box on itanium, too.


            • henry Butowsky

              henry Butowsky - 2000-12-11

              Hi Charlie,
                  This conversion to netCDF3 is a MAJOR TASK -- I don't
                  mind while I'm not working I have the time. I don't mind
                  having a crack on the "itanium" machine.
                   You changed the _text calls to _uchar . Is this working ok
                  on 32 bit / LINUX machines ?

              Regards Henry

              P.S Maybe we should have a conflab on the phone about
              all the changes going down -- My number is
              UK --- 01727 846029 ( I think you are 8 hours behind)

              • Nobody/Anonymous

                > This conversion to netCDF3 is a MAJOR TASK

                I think you're done with 90% of the coding but
                getting the last 10% is always the hardest.
                Remember, it's possible the 64 bit issue is
                unrelated to the netcdf3 changes, and that
                they have just exposed a weakness in another
                part of the code.

                > You changed the _text calls to _uchar . Is this > working ok on 32 bit / LINUX machines ?

                I think so. After this experience it's become
                clear that some user programs should use the
                _text() calls but that NCO, which performs
                low level type conversions, should use the
                _uchar() calls.

                I assume you are using cvs update -kk
                to track the changes I make. On Linux the 1.3
                branch currently performs as expected by except for ncwa test 33 where I get

                ncwa 33: ttl would overflow without dbl_prc patch, wraps anyway: -31536S =?= -32768

                In other words the expected wrapping that occurs
                with overflow has changed. However, I have upgraded to glibc 2.2 and it's possible that the
                behavior of integer wrapping (which is presumably
                ill-defined by nature) has changed and I'm not
                worried about this too much, just curious whether
                you can duplicate it.

            • Nobody/Anonymous

              Hi Charlie,
                 Have just updated my netCDF 3 branch and everything is
                 broken. I can't print out any variables with ncks. Maybe
                 its my setup. Also getting an error message " Attempt to convert between text and numbers"  when trying to print out
              text ( ncks -H -v fl_nm_arr ). This was why I orginally
              decided to use _text instead of _uchar. Whats working on your setup ?


              • Nobody/Anonymous

                On my linux box seems to works fine BUT
                you're right, when I use simple ncks commands
                everything goes to hell. On the IRIX machine,
                everything appears to work with except
                for NC_LONG stuff like we discussed.

                I think you should go back to using the _text
                functions for now. In other words back out my
                changes. CVS allows you to retrieve previous
                versions of files, do that. The first goal is
                to get stuff working on your machine, Linux.
                Hopefully backing out my changes to _uchar will
                help the Linux performance, although I'm not
                sure why the "converting between text and numbers"
                error has begun to pop up. It's disconcerting.
                I actually had the netcdf 1.3 branch hang my
                Linux machine yesterday after making one small
                change. That's never happened before.

                One priority now is to add a test to
                that will fail right now so that if the code
                gets into this state again we have an easy way
                to know. All I do when I make a change is make
                sure works as expected. So I had no
                easy way to know that things had broken on Linux.

                The NC_LONG issue may be playing a role with
                the Linux problems. The problem with NC_LONGs
                on IRIX is clear to me now. If you look at
                the memory allocation, NCO always allocates
                using nctypelen(NC_LONG)=4 whereas it reads
                into native type longs where sizeof(long) = 8
                on IRIX. So changine get_var_long to get_var_int
                might be a quick fix for IRIX, but it leaves
                other problems remaining. netcdf3 always reads
                into native types so we essentially are forced
                to pick a native type to handle NC_LONG.
                With netcdf2 we did not have to do that because
                we had the nclong alias to use. It seems to me
                the only logical choice to handle NC_LONG is
                to use native type int (= 4 bytes on all machines
                I know of) and, to lessen confusion, change
                all occurences of NC_LONG to NC_INT. Does this
                make sense? Again, there is no reason I can
                think of that NC_LONG issues are causing current
                problems with Linux, but you never know.

                • henry Butowsky

                  henry Butowsky - 2000-12-12

                  Hi Charlie,
                      Shall add some tests to for ncks
                      The current tests clearly are not sufficient

                  Regards Henry

              • henry Butowsky

                henry Butowsky - 2000-12-14

                Hi Charlie,
                   Have commited the following
                   nco_netcdf.c -- converted _uchar back to_text
                   nco_netcdf.h -- added nco_inq_varid_flg and nco_inq_dimid_flg
                   ncks -- added the above calls and corrected some errors
          -- more tests for ncks

                   looks like ncks is working ok now -- check it out !

                • Charlie Zender

                  Charlie Zender - 2000-12-14


                  This sounds great. I'll update my copy and test while on the road.
                  Once things appear to be working on Linux, please make a
                  CVS tag, e.g., nco-1_3_3 or whatever so we have a clean
                  branch. After that we'll have to worry about 64 bit machines
                  and getting rid of nctypelen(). It occurred to me that since the
                  netcdf3 paradigm is to let the user put any netcdf type, e.g.,
                  NC_LONG, into any machine internal type, e.g., int, long,
                  that we maybe we should make our choice of representation
                  of NC_LONG generic. For example, we define a new type
                  typedef NCO_INT int
                  typedef NCO_FLOAT float
                  which tells NCO that it should internally represent the
                  netcdf3 type NC_LONG as a long, and type NC_FLOAT
                  as a float. Then we can do a machine dependent
                  definition so that
                  SGI 64 bits: typedef NCO_INT int
                  Intel 32 bits: typedef NCO_INT int
                  and on both typedef NCO_LONG NCO_INT
                  Anyway, we must drop all references to nclong
                  (a netCDF2 thingy), and we should, in my opinion,
                  start using NC_INT instead of NC_LONG just to avoid
                  confusion as the manual recommends. Thoughts on this?

                  More after Xmas,

    • henry Butowsky

      henry Butowsky - 2001-02-12

      Hi Charlie,
         Sorry I've not been contributing for a while
      but I have some time now. I'm still a little unsure about how the longs variables are delt with.
      According to the netCDF manual " long is a depreciated synonom of int !!" -- Still  tell us what do with nctypelen call and I should be able
      to continue with the upgrade to netCDF3

      regards Henry

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Hi Henry,

        Last night I finally put out 1.2.2. Thanks for your help on that, by the way.

        For 1.3, for now, nctypelen(NC_FOO) should everywhere be replaced by nco_typ_lng(NC_FOO)
        where that function is defined below:

        nco_typ_lng(nc_type nco_typ)
          /* Purpose: return native size of specified netCDF type */
          case NC_FLOAT:
            return sizeof(float);
          case NC_DOUBLE:
            return sizeof(double);
          case NC_INT:
            return sizeof(int);
          case NC_LONG:
            return sizeof(long);
          case NC_SHORT:
            return sizeof(short);
          case NC_CHAR:
            return sizeof(unsigned char);
          case NC_BYTE:
            return sizeof(signed char);
           default: dfl_case_nctype_err(); break;
        } /* end switch */
        } /* end nco_typ_lng() */

        and dfl_case_nctype_err() is something I added
        to the 1.2.x branch recently.

          /* Purpose: Convenience routine for printing error and exiting when
             switch(nctype) statement receives an illegal default case
             NCO emits warnings when compiled by GCC with -DNETCDF2_ONLY since,
             apparently, there are a whole bunch of things besides numeric
             types in the old nctype enum and gcc warns about enums that are
             not exhaustively considered in switch() statements.
             All these default statements can be removed with netCDF3 interface
             so perhaps these should be surrounded with #ifdef NETCDF2_ONLY
             constructs, but they actually do make sense for netCDF3 as well
             so I have implemented a uniform error function, dfl_case_nctype_err(),
             to be called by all routines which emit errors only when compiled with
             This makes the behavior easy to modify or remove in the future.

             Placing this in its own routine also has the virtue of saving many lines
             of code since this function is used in many many switch() statements. */

          (void)fprintf(stdout,"%s: ERROR switch(nctype) statement fell through to default case, which is illegal.\nNot handling the default case causes gcc to emit warnings when compiling NCO with the NETCDF2_ONLY token (because nctype defintion is braindead in netCDF2). Exiting...",prg_nm_get());
        } /* end dfl_case_nctype_err() */

        I'd like to begin to help with the 1.3
        branch soon, as the 1.2.x stuff is basically
        done and I want to merge the last changes into
        1.3. So when you get things in 1.3 to a point
        where they are either working or you are at a
        good stopping point where I can muck around
        for a bit, let me know.


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