
sqrt() operations

  • Charlie Zender

    Charlie Zender - 2000-07-13

    I have been thinking about how to implement a unary square root
    function in a quick and dirty way so we can get real standard
    deviations and RMS computations done (without waiting for
    ncap, which solves the problem more elegantly). I think the best
    way to do this is to add the -y sqrt option to ncea or ncrcat.
    Adding it to ncea has the advantage of working on record and non-
    record variables. Then, e.g., ncea -y sqrt would
    replace a file by its square root, and ncea -y sqrt
    would write the square root of the average (which is useless,
    but not harmful). The appropriate combination of
    ncra,ncdiff, and ncea would then produce real standard deviations
    and square roots. Any comments on this approach?

    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2000-07-13

      The previous post was a little of the mark.
      It turns out that, without creating a new, speciality operator,
      the easiest way to implement sdn is to add an rms option
      which behaves like avgsumsqr and then follows up with
      an sqrt operation. This seems to work. see new test case
      in So multifile timeseries sdn takes 5 steps!

      ncrcat -O -v rec_var_flt_mss_val_dbl 2>> foo.tst
      ncra -O -y avg -v rec_var_flt_mss_val_dbl 2>> foo.tst
      ncwa -O -a time 2>> foo.tst
      ncdiff -O -v rec_var_flt_mss_val_dbl 2>> foo.tst
      ncra -O -y rms -v rec_var_flt_mss_val_dbl 2>> foo.tst

      but simple rms, which is useful in its own right, takes only
      one step (the final step of sdn). Smoketest this everyone.
      And see if it works with ensembles (ncea) as it should but
      with caveat below.

      Only know problem is that sdn normalizes by N not N-1.
      This does not bother me as much as it should because I would
      use this on long timeseries. But doing sdn on ensembles of files
      where there are not many realizations would make this a real
      problem. So what's needed is a patch to var_normalize() or
      a new var_normalize_sdn() which subtracts one first and does
      appropriate error checking. Note that this is where definitions
      of rms and sdn would diverge--true rms should not normalize
      by N-1, so perhaps new option rmssdn should be added to
      indicate normalization by N-1? opinions?

      • henry Butowsky

        henry Butowsky - 2000-07-14

        I'm still unclear how you get from rms to sdn in a single step -  Still if rms is simply sqrt(avgsumsqr) then it is trivial to implement. Normalization patch shouldn't be a problem

        • Charlie Zender

          Charlie Zender - 2000-07-14

          Yes, exactly, rms is implemented as sqrt(avgsumsqr).
          Have a look, it's all committed. There were no changes
          to ncwa so it shouldn't trip up what you are doing now.
          If you want to write the normalization patch, please do.

    • henry Butowsky

      henry Butowsky - 2000-07-14

      I agree with you. The best place for the sqrt function is in ncea (ncra) along with the other functions. It will then be a 4/5 stage process to get the sdn. ( Using ncea -y avgsumsqr, and ncea -y avgsqr )

      It isn't a very neat solution, but it should work.
      Had a quick look at ncap. Looks very interesting, the lex and bison stuff !


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