Previously I've used nco successfully on an http opendap site. Now the site has changed to using https. I've tested nco on my Windows desktop using the " ( 27M): Windows Self-Extracting Installer (last updated Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 15:29:26 UTC). Maintained by Pedro Vicente."
When I try the following command I get an access failure. Question: Does nco support https opendap, or only http opendap ?
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR
context: ^
ERROR: nco__open() unable to open file "\"
ERROR NC_EACCESS Access failure
HINT: NC_EACCESS errors signify a problem receiving data from a DAP server. This can occur, e.g., when NCO requests (with nco_var_get()) more data than the server is configured to dispense at one time. A workaround might be to request smaller chunks of data at one time. This can be accomplished by accessing hyperslabs or multi-slabs of data as described at
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -77. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-77) is "NetCDF: Access failure"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
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NCO supports http and https OpenDAP. I do not have a Windows machine to test on, though. MacOS follows. I am unsure how to resolve this. @pvicente if you're reading this, does this work for you?
zender@sastrugi:~$ncks-M-m-p{dimensions:boundary=4;eta_psi=776;eta_rho=777;eta_u=777;eta_v=776;ocean_time=UNLIMITED;//(1currently)s_rho=30;s_w=31;tracer=2;xi_psi=1172;xi_rho=1173;xi_u=1172;xi_v=1173;variables:doubleAkk_bak;Akk_bak:long_name="background vertical mixing coefficient for turbulent energy";Akk_bak:units="meter2 second-1";...
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I do have the same error;
will try to debug further
C:\nco>ncks -M -m -p
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR
context: ^
ERROR: nco__open() unable to open file "\"
ERROR NC_EACCESS Access failure
HINT: NC_EACCESS errors signify a problem receiving data from a DAP server. This can occur, e.g., when NCO requests (with nco_var_get()) more data than the server is configured to dispense at one time. A workaround might be to request smaller chunks of data at one time. This can be accomplished by accessing hyperslabs or multi-slabs of data as described at
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -77. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-77) is "NetCDF: Access failure"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
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this works for https (replacing 8 with 9, 7 with 8 and 'http' with 'https')
this will need to handle both http and https
/* Remote access detection; this should be replaced with NC_testurl; DAP-URL = "http://" host [":"port][abs-path] */if(strlen(fl_pth)<8UL)is_url=False;else{sng=(char*)nco_malloc(9);sng=strncpy(sng,fl_pth,9);sng[8]='\0';if(!strcmp("https://",sng))is_url=True;elseis_url=False;sng=(char*)nco_free(sng);}/* end else */
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Ahh, thanks Pedro. Methinks you have found the bug. Would you like to submit a PR that works with both http and https on Windows, or would you like me to take it from here?
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Charlie, it's best for you to take over; I am still 2 versions behind (will update soon);
but my dependencies are shaky, I did try to do a complete build , with bld.bat, that git clones all dependencies ;
but since this was setup, some dependencies changed, and now some fail to build;
so, I have to rely on the existing dependencies already built on my laptop, not ideal;
the ideal would be to have a dedicated git repo with all working dependencies ;
but this is a major time consuming effort
Last edit: Pedro Vicente 2021-05-09
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doubleAkp_bak;Akp_bak:long_name="background vertical mixing coefficient for length scale";Akp_bak:units="meter2 second-1";doubleAkt_bak(tracer);Akt_bak:long_name="background vertical mixing coefficient for tracers";Akt_bak:units="meter2 second-1";doubleAkv_bak;Akv_bak:long_name="background vertical mixing coefficient for momentum";Akv_bak:units="meter2 second-1";doubleCharnok_alpha;Charnok_alpha:long_name="Charnok factor for surface roughness";doubleCrgBan_cw;CrgBan_cw:long_name="surface flux due to Craig and Banner wave breaking";doubleCs_r(s_rho);Cs_r:long_name="S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points";Cs_r:valid_min=-1.;Cs_r:valid_max=0.;Cs_r:field="Cs_r, scalar";doubleCs_w(s_w);Cs_w:long_name="S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points";Cs_w:valid_min=-1.;Cs_w:valid_max=0.;Cs_w:field="Cs_w, scalar";doubleFSobc_in(boundary);FSobc_in:long_name="free-surface inflow, nudging inverse time scale";FSobc_in:units="second-1";doubleFSobc_out(boundary);FSobc_out:long_name="free-surface outflow, nudging inverse time scale";FSobc_out:units="second-1";doubleFalpha;Falpha:long_name="Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter";doubleFbeta;Fbeta:long_name="Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter";doubleFgamma;Fgamma:long_name="Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter";intLm2CLM;Lm2CLM:long_name="2D momentum climatology processing switch";Lm2CLM:flag_values=0,1;Lm2CLM:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLm3CLM;Lm3CLM:long_name="3D momentum climatology processing switch";Lm3CLM:flag_values=0,1;Lm3CLM:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLnudgeM2CLM;LnudgeM2CLM:long_name="2D momentum climatology nudging activation switch";LnudgeM2CLM:flag_values=0,1;LnudgeM2CLM:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLnudgeM3CLM;LnudgeM3CLM:long_name="3D momentum climatology nudging activation switch";LnudgeM3CLM:flag_values=0,1;LnudgeM3CLM:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLnudgeTCLM(tracer);LnudgeTCLM:long_name="tracer climatology nudging activation switch";LnudgeTCLM:flag_values=0,1;LnudgeTCLM:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLsshCLM;LsshCLM:long_name="sea surface height climatology processing switch";LsshCLM:flag_values=0,1;LsshCLM:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLtracerCLM(tracer);LtracerCLM:long_name="tracer climatology processing switch";LtracerCLM:flag_values=0,1;LtracerCLM:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLtracerSponge(tracer);LtracerSponge:long_name="horizontal diffusivity sponge activation switch";LtracerSponge:flag_values=0,1;LtracerSponge:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLtracerSrc(tracer);LtracerSrc:long_name="tracer point sources and sink activation switch";LtracerSrc:flag_values=0,1;LtracerSrc:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLuvSponge;LuvSponge:long_name="horizontal viscosity sponge activation switch";LuvSponge:flag_values=0,1;LuvSponge:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLuvSrc;LuvSrc:long_name="momentum point sources and sink activation switch";LuvSrc:flag_values=0,1;LuvSrc:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";intLwSrc;LwSrc:long_name="mass point sources and sink activation switch";LwSrc:flag_values=0,1;LwSrc:flag_meanings=".FALSE. .TRUE.";doubleM2nudg;M2nudg:long_name="2D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";M2nudg:units="day-1";doubleM2obc_in(boundary);M2obc_in:long_name="2D momentum inflow, nudging inverse time scale";M2obc_in:units="second-1";doubleM2obc_out(boundary);M2obc_out:long_name="2D momentum outflow, nudging inverse time scale";M2obc_out:units="second-1";doubleM3nudg;M3nudg:long_name="3D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";M3nudg:units="day-1";doubleM3obc_in(boundary);M3obc_in:long_name="3D momentum inflow, nudging inverse time scale";M3obc_in:units="second-1";doubleM3obc_out(boundary);M3obc_out:long_name="3D momentum outflow, nudging inverse time scale";M3obc_out:units="second-1";floatPair(ocean_time,eta_rho,xi_rho);Pair:long_name="surface air pressure";Pair:units="millibar";Pair:time="ocean_time";Pair:grid="grid";Pair:location="face";Pair:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";Pair:field="Pair, scalar, series";Pair:_FillValue=1.e+37f;Pair:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1173;doubleTcline;Tcline:long_name="S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width";Tcline:units="meter";doubleTnudg(tracer);Tnudg:long_name="Tracers nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";Tnudg:units="day-1";doubleTobc_in(boundary,tracer);Tobc_in:long_name="tracers inflow, nudging inverse time scale";Tobc_in:units="second-1";doubleTobc_out(boundary,tracer);Tobc_out:long_name="tracers outflow, nudging inverse time scale";Tobc_out:units="second-1";floatUwind(ocean_time,eta_rho,xi_rho);Uwind:long_name="surface u-wind component";Uwind:units="meter second-1";Uwind:time="ocean_time";Uwind:grid="grid";Uwind:location="face";Uwind:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";Uwind:field="u-wind, scalar, series";Uwind:_FillValue=1.e+37f;Uwind:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1173;intVstretching;Vstretching:long_name="vertical terrain-following stretching function";intVtransform;Vtransform:long_name="vertical terrain-following transformation equation";floatVwind(ocean_time,eta_rho,xi_rho);Vwind:long_name="surface v-wind component";Vwind:units="meter second-1";Vwind:time="ocean_time";Vwind:grid="grid";Vwind:location="face";Vwind:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";Vwind:field="v-wind, scalar, series";Vwind:_FillValue=1.e+37f;Vwind:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1173;doubleZnudg;Znudg:long_name="free-surface nudging/relaxation inverse time scale";Znudg:units="day-1";doubleZob;Zob:long_name="bottom roughness";Zob:units="meter";doubleZos;Zos:long_name="surface roughness";Zos:units="meter";doubleZos_hsig_alpha;Zos_hsig_alpha:long_name="wave amplitude factor for surface roughness";doubleangle(eta_rho,xi_rho);angle:long_name="angle between XI-axis and EAST";angle:units="radians";angle:grid="grid";angle:location="face";angle:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho";angle:field="angle, scalar";doubledstart;dstart:long_name="time stamp assigned to model initilization";dstart:units="days since 2016-01-01 00:00:00";dstart:calendar="proleptic_gregorian";doubledt;dt:long_name="size of long time-steps";dt:units="second";doubledtfast;dtfast:long_name="size of short time-steps";dtfast:units="second";doubleel;el:long_name="domain length in the ETA-direction";el:units="meter";doublef(eta_rho,xi_rho);f:long_name="Coriolis parameter at RHO-points";f:units="second-1";f:grid="grid";f:location="face";f:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho";f:field="coriolis, scalar";doublegamma2;gamma2:long_name="slipperiness parameter";doublegls_Kmin;gls_Kmin:long_name="minimum value of specific turbulent kinetic energy";doublegls_Pmin;gls_Pmin:long_name="minimum Value of dissipation";doublegls_c1;gls_c1:long_name="shear production coefficient";doublegls_c2;gls_c2:long_name="dissipation coefficient";doublegls_c3m;gls_c3m:long_name="buoyancy production coefficient (minus)";doublegls_c3p;gls_c3p:long_name="buoyancy production coefficient (plus)";doublegls_cmu0;gls_cmu0:long_name="stability coefficient";doublegls_m;gls_m:long_name="turbulent kinetic energy exponent";doublegls_n;gls_n:long_name="turbulent length scale exponent";doublegls_p;gls_p:long_name="stability exponent";doublegls_sigk;gls_sigk:long_name="constant Schmidt number for TKE";doublegls_sigp;gls_sigp:long_name="constant Schmidt number for PSI";intgrid;grid:cf_role="grid_topology";grid:topology_dimension=2;grid:node_dimensions="xi_psi eta_psi";grid:face_dimensions="xi_rho: xi_psi (padding: both) eta_rho: eta_psi (padding: both)";grid:edge1_dimensions="xi_u: xi_psi eta_u: eta_psi (padding: both)";grid:edge2_dimensions="xi_v: xi_psi (padding: both) eta_v: eta_psi";grid:node_coordinates="lon_psi lat_psi";grid:face_coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho";grid:edge1_coordinates="lon_u lat_u";grid:edge2_coordinates="lon_v lat_v";grid:vertical_dimensions="s_rho: s_w (padding: none)";doubleh(eta_rho,xi_rho);h:long_name="bathymetry at RHO-points";h:units="meter";h:grid="grid";h:location="face";h:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho";h:field="bath, scalar";doublehc;hc:long_name="S-coordinate parameter, critical depth";hc:units="meter";doublelat_psi(eta_psi,xi_psi);lat_psi:long_name="latitude of PSI-points";lat_psi:units="degree_north";lat_psi:standard_name="latitude";lat_psi:field="lat_psi, scalar";doublelat_rho(eta_rho,xi_rho);lat_rho:long_name="latitude of RHO-points";lat_rho:units="degree_north";lat_rho:standard_name="latitude";lat_rho:field="lat_rho, scalar";doublelat_u(eta_u,xi_u);lat_u:long_name="latitude of U-points";lat_u:units="degree_north";lat_u:standard_name="latitude";lat_u:field="lat_u, scalar";doublelat_v(eta_v,xi_v);lat_v:long_name="latitude of V-points";lat_v:units="degree_north";lat_v:standard_name="latitude";lat_v:field="lat_v, scalar";doublelon_psi(eta_psi,xi_psi);lon_psi:long_name="longitude of PSI-points";lon_psi:units="degree_east";lon_psi:standard_name="longitude";lon_psi:field="lon_psi, scalar";doublelon_rho(eta_rho,xi_rho);lon_rho:long_name="longitude of RHO-points";lon_rho:units="degree_east";lon_rho:standard_name="longitude";lon_rho:field="lon_rho, scalar";doublelon_u(eta_u,xi_u);lon_u:long_name="longitude of U-points";lon_u:units="degree_east";lon_u:standard_name="longitude";lon_u:field="lon_u, scalar";doublelon_v(eta_v,xi_v);lon_v:long_name="longitude of V-points";lon_v:units="degree_east";lon_v:standard_name="longitude";lon_v:field="lon_v, scalar";doublemask_psi(eta_psi,xi_psi);mask_psi:long_name="mask on psi-points";mask_psi:flag_values=0.,1.;mask_psi:flag_meanings="land water";mask_psi:grid="grid";mask_psi:location="node";mask_psi:coordinates="lon_psi lat_psi";doublemask_rho(eta_rho,xi_rho);mask_rho:long_name="mask on RHO-points";mask_rho:flag_values=0.,1.;mask_rho:flag_meanings="land water";mask_rho:grid="grid";mask_rho:location="face";mask_rho:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho";doublemask_u(eta_u,xi_u);mask_u:long_name="mask on U-points";mask_u:flag_values=0.,1.;mask_u:flag_meanings="land water";mask_u:grid="grid";mask_u:location="edge1";mask_u:coordinates="lon_u lat_u";doublemask_v(eta_v,xi_v);mask_v:long_name="mask on V-points";mask_v:flag_values=0.,1.;mask_v:flag_meanings="land water";mask_v:grid="grid";mask_v:location="edge2";mask_v:coordinates="lon_v lat_v";intnHIS;nHIS:long_name="number of time-steps between history records";intnRST;nRST:long_name="number of time-steps between restart records";nRST:cycle="only latest two records are maintained";intnSTA;nSTA:long_name="number of time-steps between stations records";intndefHIS;ndefHIS:long_name="number of time-steps between the creation of history files";intndtfast;ndtfast:long_name="number of short time-steps";doublenl_tnu2(tracer);nl_tnu2:long_name="nonlinear model Laplacian mixing coefficient for tracers";nl_tnu2:units="meter2 second-1";doublenl_visc2;nl_visc2:long_name="nonlinear model Laplacian mixing coefficient for momentum";nl_visc2:units="meter2 second-1";intntimes;ntimes:long_name="number of long time-steps";doubleocean_time(ocean_time);ocean_time:long_name="time since initialization";ocean_time:units="seconds since 2016-01-01 00:00:00";ocean_time:calendar="proleptic_gregorian";ocean_time:field="time, scalar, series";ocean_time:_ChunkSizes=512;doublepm(eta_rho,xi_rho);pm:long_name="curvilinear coordinate metric in XI";pm:units="meter-1";pm:grid="grid";pm:location="face";pm:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho";pm:field="pm, scalar";doublepn(eta_rho,xi_rho);pn:long_name="curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA";pn:units="meter-1";pn:grid="grid";pn:location="face";pn:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho";pn:field="pn, scalar";doublerdrg;rdrg:long_name="linear drag coefficient";rdrg:units="meter second-1";doublerdrg2;rdrg2:long_name="quadratic drag coefficient";doublerho0;rho0:long_name="mean density used in Boussinesq approximation";rho0:units="kilogram meter-3";doubles_rho(s_rho);s_rho:long_name="S-coordinate at RHO-points";s_rho:valid_min=-1.;s_rho:valid_max=0.;s_rho:positive="up";s_rho:standard_name="ocean_s_coordinate_g2";s_rho:formula_terms="s: s_rho C: Cs_r eta: zeta depth: h depth_c: hc";s_rho:field="s_rho, scalar";doubles_w(s_w);s_w:long_name="S-coordinate at W-points";s_w:valid_min=-1.;s_w:valid_max=0.;s_w:positive="up";s_w:standard_name="ocean_s_coordinate_g2";s_w:formula_terms="s: s_w C: Cs_w eta: zeta depth: h depth_c: hc";s_w:field="s_w, scalar";floatsalt_sur(ocean_time,eta_rho,xi_rho);salt_sur:long_name="surface salinity";salt_sur:time="ocean_time";salt_sur:grid="grid";salt_sur:location="face";salt_sur:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";salt_sur:field="salinity, scalar, series";salt_sur:_FillValue=1.e+37f;salt_sur:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1173;intspherical;spherical:long_name="grid type logical switch";spherical:flag_values=0,1;spherical:flag_meanings="Cartesian spherical";doublesz_alpha;sz_alpha:long_name="surface flux from wave dissipation";floattemp_sur(ocean_time,eta_rho,xi_rho);temp_sur:long_name="surface potential temperature";temp_sur:units="Celsius";temp_sur:time="ocean_time";temp_sur:grid="grid";temp_sur:location="face";temp_sur:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";temp_sur:field="temp_sur, scalar, series";temp_sur:_FillValue=1.e+37f;temp_sur:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1173;doubletheta_b;theta_b:long_name="S-coordinate bottom control parameter";doubletheta_s;theta_s:long_name="S-coordinate surface control parameter";floatu_sur(ocean_time,eta_u,xi_u);u_sur:long_name="surface u-momentum component";u_sur:units="meter second-1";u_sur:time="ocean_time";u_sur:grid="grid";u_sur:location="edge1";u_sur:coordinates="lon_u lat_u ocean_time";u_sur:field="u_sur, scalar, series";u_sur:_FillValue=1.e+37f;u_sur:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1172;floatv_sur(ocean_time,eta_v,xi_v);v_sur:long_name="surface v-momentum component";v_sur:units="meter second-1";v_sur:time="ocean_time";v_sur:grid="grid";v_sur:location="edge2";v_sur:coordinates="lon_v lat_v ocean_time";v_sur:field="v_sur, scalar, series";v_sur:_FillValue=1.e+37f;v_sur:_ChunkSizes=1,776,1173;floatwetdry_mask_psi(ocean_time,eta_psi,xi_psi);wetdry_mask_psi:long_name="wet/dry mask on PSI-points";wetdry_mask_psi:flag_values=0.f,1.f;wetdry_mask_psi:flag_meanings="land water";wetdry_mask_psi:time="ocean_time";wetdry_mask_psi:grid="grid";wetdry_mask_psi:location="node";wetdry_mask_psi:coordinates="lon_psi lat_psi ocean_time";wetdry_mask_psi:field="wetdry_mask_psi, scalar, series";wetdry_mask_psi:_ChunkSizes=1,776,1172;floatwetdry_mask_rho(ocean_time,eta_rho,xi_rho);wetdry_mask_rho:long_name="wet/dry mask on RHO-points";wetdry_mask_rho:flag_values=0.f,1.f;wetdry_mask_rho:flag_meanings="land water";wetdry_mask_rho:time="ocean_time";wetdry_mask_rho:grid="grid";wetdry_mask_rho:location="face";wetdry_mask_rho:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";wetdry_mask_rho:field="wetdry_mask_rho, scalar, series";wetdry_mask_rho:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1173;floatwetdry_mask_u(ocean_time,eta_u,xi_u);wetdry_mask_u:long_name="wet/dry mask on U-points";wetdry_mask_u:flag_values=0.f,1.f;wetdry_mask_u:flag_meanings="land water";wetdry_mask_u:time="ocean_time";wetdry_mask_u:grid="grid";wetdry_mask_u:location="edge1";wetdry_mask_u:coordinates="lon_u lat_u ocean_time";wetdry_mask_u:field="wetdry_mask_u, scalar, series";wetdry_mask_u:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1172;floatwetdry_mask_v(ocean_time,eta_v,xi_v);wetdry_mask_v:long_name="wet/dry mask on V-points";wetdry_mask_v:flag_values=0.f,1.f;wetdry_mask_v:flag_meanings="land water";wetdry_mask_v:time="ocean_time";wetdry_mask_v:grid="grid";wetdry_mask_v:location="edge2";wetdry_mask_v:coordinates="lon_v lat_v ocean_time";wetdry_mask_v:field="wetdry_mask_v, scalar, series";wetdry_mask_v:_ChunkSizes=1,776,1173;doublexl;xl:long_name="domain length in the XI-direction";xl:units="meter";floatzeta(ocean_time,eta_rho,xi_rho);zeta:long_name="free-surface";zeta:units="meter";zeta:time="ocean_time";zeta:grid="grid";zeta:location="face";zeta:coordinates="lon_rho lat_rho ocean_time";zeta:field="free-surface, scalar, series";zeta:_ChunkSizes=1,777,1173;
I cannot speak on behalf of Pedro, who could post the executable on his own if he had them. In any case, the bug was fixed a year ago so if you use, say, the Anaconda NCO package for Windows then the problem should be fixed there, too.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I cannot speak on behalf of Pedro, who could post the executable on his own if he had them. In any case, the bug was fixed a year ago so if you use, say, the Anaconda NCO package for Windows then the problem should be fixed there, too.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I have taken your advice and installed miniconda3 on my Windows PC.
ncks responds normally when addressing locally stored files such as:
(base) C:\Users\kwhit>ncks -m -p C:\Users\kwhit\OneDrive\Documents\SailFastLLC\TidalCurrents
netcdf iho {
component_string_length = 6 ;
components = 125 ;
idcode_string_length = 19 ;
name_string_length = 20 ;
stations = 4509 ;
When I try to access the same file from an http server it fails:
(base) C:\Users\kwhit>ncks -m -p
syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD, expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR
context: <html^><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center><hr><center>nginx</center></body></html>
ERROR: nco__open() unable to open file "\"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -90. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-90) is "NetCDF: file not found"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
Likewise, it fails when addressing an https server,
(base) C:\Users\kwhit>ncks -m -p
syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD, expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR
context: <html^xmlns=""xml:lang="en"lang="en"><head><metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>TDS - Error report</title><linkrel="stylesheet"href="/thredds/tds.css"type="text/css"/></head><body><h1>HTTP Status 404 - Not Found</h1><HRsize="1"noshade="noshade"><p><b>Status</b> 404 - Not Found</p><HRsize="1"noshade="noshade"><h3>THREDDS Data Server Version 4.6 -- <ahref=''>Documentation</a></h3></body></html>
ERROR: nco__open() unable to open file ""
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -90. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-90) is "NetCDF: file not found"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
So my original problem which only occurred with https now seems to include http. Any thoughts/suggestions?
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I get the similar behavior as you on the file above. It could be an NCO error. However, my DAP access to another file works fine. So it could also be a remote DAP configuration issue. Please try this and report what happens: ncks -m
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
I believe I found my problem. I was using ncks with a "thredds/fileserver" URL. I should have used a "thredds/dodsC" URL. When I make that change it works!
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Previously I've used nco successfully on an http opendap site. Now the site has changed to using https. I've tested nco on my Windows desktop using the " ( 27M): Windows Self-Extracting Installer (last updated Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 15:29:26 UTC). Maintained by Pedro Vicente."
When I try the following command I get an access failure. Question: Does nco support https opendap, or only http opendap ?
Thanks for your help.
Kevin White
c:\Program Files\nco>ncks -M -m -p
syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or SCAN_ERROR
context: ^
ERROR: nco__open() unable to open file "\"
ERROR NC_EACCESS Access failure
HINT: NC_EACCESS errors signify a problem receiving data from a DAP server. This can occur, e.g., when NCO requests (with nco_var_get()) more data than the server is configured to dispense at one time. A workaround might be to request smaller chunks of data at one time. This can be accomplished by accessing hyperslabs or multi-slabs of data as described at
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -77. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-77) is "NetCDF: Access failure"
nco_err_exit(): ERROR NCO will now exit with system call exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
NCO supports http and https OpenDAP. I do not have a Windows machine to test on, though. MacOS follows. I am unsure how to resolve this. @pvicente if you're reading this, does this work for you?
I do have the same error;
will try to debug further
I did notice that there is a space between the -p URL and the file name
this is how the variable for the file name is assigned
0x0000022afcd994c0 "\"
then this call fails with error -77
the problem is that https is not considred here
this works for https (replacing 8 with 9, 7 with 8 and 'http' with 'https')
this will need to handle both http and https
Ahh, thanks Pedro. Methinks you have found the bug. Would you like to submit a PR that works with both http and https on Windows, or would you like me to take it from here?
Charlie, it's best for you to take over; I am still 2 versions behind (will update soon);
but my dependencies are shaky, I did try to do a complete build , with bld.bat, that git clones all dependencies ;
but since this was setup, some dependencies changed, and now some fail to build;
so, I have to rely on the existing dependencies already built on my laptop, not ideal;
the ideal would be to have a dedicated git repo with all working dependencies ;
but this is a major time consuming effort
Last edit: Pedro Vicente 2021-05-09
OK, I'm making the patch now and will add a test for https DAP access under Windows.
netcdf nos.gomofs.2ds.f001.20210507.t18z {
boundary = 4 ;
eta_psi = 776 ;
eta_rho = 777 ;
eta_u = 777 ;
eta_v = 776 ;
ocean_time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
s_rho = 30 ;
s_w = 31 ;
tracer = 2 ;
xi_psi = 1172 ;
xi_rho = 1173 ;
xi_u = 1172 ;
xi_v = 1173 ;
double Akk_bak ;
Akk_bak:long_name = "background vertical mixing coefficient for turbulent energy" ;
Akk_bak:units = "meter2 second-1" ;
// global attributes:
:file = "" ;
:format = "netCDF-4/HDF5 file" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4, SGRID-0.3" ;
:type = "ROMS/TOMS quicksave file" ;
:title = "gomofs forecast RUN in operational mode" ;
:var_info = "varinfo.dat" ;
:rst_file = "" ;
:his_base = "nos.gomofs.fields.forecast.20210507.t18z" ;
:sta_file = "" ;
:grd_file = "" ;
:ini_file = "" ;
:tide_file = "" ;
:frc_file_01 = "" ;
:bry_file_01 = "" ;
:clm_file_01 = "" ;
:nud_file = "" ;
:script_file = "./" ;
:spos_file = "" ;
:NLM_TADV = "\n",
"temp: Akima4 Akima4 \n",
"salt: Akima4 Akima4" ;
:NLM_LBC = "\n",
"zeta: Cha Cha Cha Clo \n",
"ubar: Fla Fla Fla Clo \n",
"vbar: Fla Fla Fla Clo \n",
"u: Rad Rad Rad Clo \n",
"v: Rad Rad Rad Clo \n",
"temp: RadNud RadNud RadNud Clo \n",
"salt: RadNud RadNud RadNud Clo \n",
"tke: Gra Gra Gra Clo" ;
:svn_url = "" ;
:svn_rev = "101201" ;
:code_dir = "/gpfs/dell1/nco/ops/nwtest/nosofs.v3.3.5/sorc/ROMS.fd" ;
:header_dir = "/gpfs/dell1/nco/ops/nwtest/nosofs.v3.3.5/sorc/ROMS.fd/ROMS/Include" ;
:header_file = "gomofs.h" ;
:os = "Linux" ;
:cpu = "x86_64" ;
:compiler_system = "ifort" ;
:compiler_command = "/usrx/local/prod/intel/2018UP01/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/bin64/mpif90" ;
:compiler_flags = "-fp-model precise -ip -xHost" ;
:tiling = "040x028" ;
:history = "ROMS/TOMS, Version 3.9, Friday - May 7, 2021 - 7:09:30 PM" ;
:ana_file = "ROMS/Functionals/ana_btflux.h, ROMS/Functionals/ana_stflux.h" ;
:DODS_EXTRA.Unlimited_Dimension = "ocean_time" ;
} // group /
Thanks for looking into this. Will look forward to a future release that fixes the bug.
Any chance that Pedro will be able to release a Windows executable in the foreseeable future that fixes this problem?
I cannot speak on behalf of Pedro, who could post the executable on his own if he had them. In any case, the bug was fixed a year ago so if you use, say, the Anaconda NCO package for Windows then the problem should be fixed there, too.
I cannot speak on behalf of Pedro, who could post the executable on his own if he had them. In any case, the bug was fixed a year ago so if you use, say, the Anaconda NCO package for Windows then the problem should be fixed there, too.
Can't open remote files with ncks running miniconda. Refer to above discussion. Can you confirm if this is a bug? Any help appreciated.
Thanks Kevin
I get the similar behavior as you on the file above. It could be an NCO error. However, my DAP access to another file works fine. So it could also be a remote DAP configuration issue. Please try this and report what happens:
ncks -m
I tested with your command and the response was fine. I tried again with my 2 failed examples and got the same errors as reported before. Hmmm?
This suggests a potential DAP server configuration issue. I am open to other ideas, I just do not have any bright ones myself.
I believe I found my problem. I was using ncks with a "thredds/fileserver" URL. I should have used a "thredds/dodsC" URL. When I make that change it works!