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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NCO netCDF Operators

    Yes, that would solve the version churn that I mentioned due to different OS's producing different ANTLR files. However, it would be a significant modification to the build system. And would need to be rock-solid in CMake (and preferably Autoconf too) before being adopted. Volunteers welcome :)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NCO netCDF Operators

    Hi Brett, Your interpretation of the role of antlr2 is correct. I am not a fan of the Antlr dependency either. I suppose NCO could bundle the Antlr files instead of building them from source. I think we did so 10+ years ago. It's also possible for you to fork NCO and experiment with generating a useful distribution with the Antlr files included. If you succeed and it seems portable we could merge your changes in from downstream. One problem I seem to remember from the old days is that different OS's...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NCO netCDF Operators

    That command will all the values in the snowfall variable. If the units of snowfall are absolute amounts per day (and not, e.g., rates per second each day) then the sum will be the total snowfall during the period.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on NCO netCDF Operators

    First, Is the file that you are modifying a netCDF4 file or a netCDF3 file? I think the size increase is due to the underlying format. In netCDF4 it could be due to an inept chunksize. In netCDF3 it could be due to expanding the size of the record dimension. If time is the record dimension, then increasing it's size will allocate enough space to hold those extra records for every variable that includes the time dimension. Second, the "c" mode in your ncatted command requests "create" mode. This will...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NCO netCDF Operators

    In this first step we use ncwa to average-out the time dimension from the target variable (emi_co). We also extract it's spatial coordinates (which will not change) into a new file, The -C prevent associated coordinate variables (like time) from being pulled into the output file. ncwa -a time -C -v emi_co,lat,lon In this second step we append the three time-containing coordinate variables from the original file to the output of the previous command. ncks -A -v date,datesec,time...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on NCO netCDF Operators

    Every file needs to be the same shape, and have the same variables with your command. However, contains time_bnds but does not. Furthermore, is four times the resolution of These files need to be regridded and regularized before they can be averaged.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on NCO netCDF Operators

    Hello Again, I noticed you are at PNNL and work with E3SM colleagues so I bumped-up the priority of this feature. As of today and NCO 5.2.5-alpha03, ncclimo supports --exclude in timeseries mode. You can test the new executable in /global/homes/z/zender/bin_perlmutter/ncclimo. Please LMK how it works for you. Charlie

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on NCO netCDF Operators

    Hello Koichi, Thank you for brining this to my attention. Unfortunately this is an undocumented limitation of the --excludeoption for ncclimo, and there is no simple workaround. I just updated the manual to mention it. I have added removing this limitation to the general feature request list. However, it will require deep dive on my part. If your project is DOE or NASA-funded and this would be useful, then send me the details and I can prioritize it on the feature list. Charlie

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2000-01-14 22:10:09


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