
abnormal appears when using ncea or ncra

  • Guangshan chen

    Guangshan chen - 2009-04-20

    Hi all,

    I met a problem when I used ncea to average three NetCDF files. Abnormal value
    appears in the final file. The missing value in the original files is -9999. The normal
    value range is -44 to 81. But When I used ncea to average the three file, the normal
    value range becomes to -6664. to 81. It seems the some missing values are involved
    in the calculations.

    How to deal with this problem? Thanks.


    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2009-04-20

      a quick fix may be to add '-t 1' to the command line.
      try to avoid NCO 3.9.5.
      the preferred solution is to upgrade your NCO.
      if this bug occurs with 3.9.7 then please send us a full report.


      • Guangshan chen

        Guangshan chen - 2009-04-20

        Hi Charlie,

        Thanks for your quick response.

        I tried adding "-t 1" in the command line.
        But It does not work.

        What else can cause this kind of problem?

        I run NCO on NCAR machine. I don't know whether NCO 3.9.7 is installed or not.
        Could you help try it using version 3.9.7?
        The sample date are small.



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