
Thread for JSON backend discussions

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  • Charlie Zender

    Charlie Zender - 2017-03-24

    Have reconsidered, and now lean towards using "shape" instead of "dimensions". This would be consistent with NcML, and prevent parsers from needing to implement context-sensitive definitions.

    • Christopher Barker

      I think consisentcy with ncML is good, too.

  • Charlie Zender

    Charlie Zender - 2017-03-24

    Also just noticed a potential omission from the current definition and implementation: record dimensions. Record dimensions are fundamental to the on-disk representation of data in netCDF, so the JSON format seems incomplete without a way to tag a dimension as a record dimension. Or is the property of being a record dimension just another "hidden attribute" like compression and byte-order that JSON need not know about since it does not affect the data values? Am considering modifying the dimension definition from a name-value pair to an object containing two name-value pairs: "length = int" and "isUnlimited = bool" (same keywords as XML). Opinions?

  • Christopher Barker

    hmm -- I'm inclined to think that the the record dimensions are an impiimentation detail. and adding it to the dimension object does add one more level of indirection, which is kind of ugly.

    Though that isUnlimited flag would let you re-create essentially the same netcdf file from a JSON file -- which I'm sure is why ncML has it.

    I guess it comes down to use case -- might we want to use JSON like CDL and ncML -- as a human-readable versiin of netcdf -- or is really just antoher way to express the same data model?


    • Charlie Zender

      Charlie Zender - 2017-03-29

      It is possible to do it both ways. Leave the default dimension as a name-length pair as now. Then for extreme pedantic mode make the dimension an object. The same way an attribute becomes an object in pedantic mode.

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