
Nagstamon Nagios status monitor / News: Recent posts

Nagstamon 2.1 201707234 available

Lots of GUI fixes mostly for GNOME3, fixes for at leastIcingaWeb2 and Centreon, Python 3.6 and Qt5 5.8 for Windows, packaging with PyInstaller are all new. For details see

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-07-24

Nagstamon 2.1 20170323 available

Update notification works again now. Too sad the previous release could not inform you of this…

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-03-23

Nagstamon 2.1 20170315 available

In the last months a bunch of improvements mostly for Zabbix and Centreon were added as seen in

Get it at

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-03-22

Nagstamon 2.1 20161102 available

Starting with the 2.x releases development versions will get odd numbers and stable ones even ones. So good news is there is a 2.1-20161102 out there which brings major improvements for Centreon, Zabbix and Op5 thanks to the ongoing efforts of several contributors. See details at GitHub.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-11-02

Nagstamon 2.0.1 bugfix release available

Despite months of testing there were some bugs in the latest stable release, which hopefully are gone now. This release tries to fix the following bugs:

  • Major Centreon bug making it useless
  • Wrong Icinga version check
  • Thruk login problem
  • EWMH initialization trouble
  • Systrayicon left mouse click brought context menu
  • DBus crashes

Thanks to all contributors!... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-10-20

Nagstamon 2.0.1 beta 20161017 available

Just makes Nagstamon start on Linux even if DBus cannot be initalized.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-10-17

Nagstamon 2.0.1 beta 20161007 available

The bugfix release tries to fix certain issues:

  • Major Centreon bug making it useless
  • Icinga version check fix
  • Thruk login fix
  • EWMH initialization change
  • Systrayicon left mouse click without context menu
  • DBus crash workaround

Get it at

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-10-07

Nagstamon 2.0 finally out!

After a major overhaul Nagstamon is finally available in its 2.0 incarnation. Being formerly formed of Python 2 and GTK 2 it now comes freshly reshaped, made of Python 3 and Qt 5. This technology shift caused the longer absence of any other stable release, but was absolutely necessary to make sure there will be future releases too.


... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-08-30

2.0 RC1 available

IcingaWeb2 status info fix, RDP default action fix, preparation of RC1

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-08-29

2.0 BETA-20160825 available

Centreon fixes, Icinga fixes, IcingaWeb2 fixes and several GUI fixes...

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-08-25

2.0 BETA-20160729 available

Fixed last IcingaWeb2 fix

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-07-29

2.0 BETA-20160727 available

Avoid dialog chaos at first start, rearranged and colorized server status label, fixed IcingaWeb2 cookieless basic auth

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-07-27

2.0 BETA-20160707 available

Fixed moving statusbar on refresh, reorganized server options, small fixes

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-07-07

2.0 BETA-20160601 available

Opsview mostly working again, timeout values for servers customizable, archive event action for Check_MK Events, GUI fixes

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-06-01

2.0 BETA-20160530 available

Fixed regression dialog bug

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-30

2.0 BETA-20160527 available

More Centreon fixes, flat buttons, about dialog added

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-27

2.0 BETA-20160524 available

Centreon mostly works, runs on Debian Sid, fixed Zabbix notification bug

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-24

2.0 BETA-20160513 available

Next attempt to fix vanishing statusbar in Windows, fixes for Op5 Icinga2Web2 Thruk

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-13

2.0 BETA-20160512 available

Apparently successful attempt to fix vanishing statusbar in Windows

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-12

2.0 BETA-20160511 available

Brings back system keyring support, fixes sort order chaos, tries to fix vanishing statusbar, better fit to dark desktop themes (and light as well), tons of small fixes

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-05-11

2.0 BETA-20160429 available

Status window now shrinks and increases horizontal size automatically, fixed Check_MK

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-04-29

2.0 ALPHA-20160427 available

Added status window option to systray menu as fix for Ubuntu

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-04-27

2.0 ALPHA-20160426 available

Clipboard integration, Customization of browser possible, fixed Check_MK notification filter

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-04-26

2.0 ALPHA-20160415 available

Use more efficient table, use alternating colors instead of grid, fixes for Icinga2

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-04-15

2.0 ALPHA-20160419 available

Allow customization of alternating colors, fixes missing context menu in OSX

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-04-15