
Nagstamon Nagios status monitor / News: Recent posts

Nagstamon moves to

Your favorite monitor of monitors tool is moving to

The new website is hosted on GitHub Pages and
made with Jekyll.

The download URL is now

Documentation is now available at

The RSS Feed is now

If someone has some Jekyll skills and would like to polish this website a bit
- you're invited to improve
Thanks in advance!... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2021-03-30

Icinga problem solved with Nagstamon testing release 3.5-20200731

According to getting-typeerror-with-new-host-objects/4761 the Icinga version
causes trouble for Nagstamon. This is solved in the latest testing release of
Nagstamon available at


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2020-08-14

Testing release 3.5-20200615 comes with experimental Prometheus support

Thanks to the efforts of the

the latest testing release of Nagstamon comes with experimental support for
Prometheus monitoring. This is a great addition,
being another monitoring solution outside the Nagios derivative universe.

Get it as always at read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2020-06-18

Bugfix release 3.4.1 out now

Despite a long period of testing there still where bugs in latest release 3.4.
Some of them are fixed in the latest bugfix release 3.4.1:

  • Centreon fix for acknowledgement when using autologin key
  • IcingaWeb2 fix support older setups
  • fix popup in systray mode on Windows
  • improved mode switching
  • better support for high resolution displays
  • build support for Python 3.8
  • improved Windows installer... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2020-01-26

Nagstamon 3.4 arrived

Finally a new stable version of Nagstamon is available. Its main changes were
almost completely contributed by its community - thank you for all the pull
Among the most notable improvements is the new feature of multiple hosts and
services selection which makes applying actions on them even faster:

Selection of multiple items... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-12-25

Nagstamon 3.4rc1 available

The first release candidate of Nagstamon 3.4 is out and available at
Changes are listed at
Please help testing to get a fully stable 3.4 soon - even if this release candidate has been well tested during the last months too.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-12-02

Testers needed for release 3.3-20191010

The last stable release 3.2.1 came out quite a while ago - so it's about time for the next one. To make sure admins around the world still will be able to monitor their systems there is another testing release. It comes with various fixes, freshen up components like Qt 5.13 and a shiny dark mode for macOS:

Nagstamon macOS dark mode... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-10-10

Nagstamon available via Flatpak

Thanks to the effords of @gabops and the Flatpak team Nagstamon is now available at Flathub:

Nagstamon at Flathub

Just install via:

flatpak install flathub de.ifw_dresden.nagstamon

Run it via:

flatpak run de.ifw_dresden.nagstamon


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-05-02

Greetings from Antarctica

These days I had a conversation with Aleksandr Nikulin from russian antarctic base "Progress". His IT department quite obviously uses Nagstamon too:

Cool. Might be one of the few places where the server room has no cooling but heating?

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-04-02

Fedora testing repository available

According to Nagstamon for Fedora is still stuck on version 1.0. To allow Fedora users to get updates automatically there is now a small repository available via

Get it like:

wget --output-document=/etc/yum.repos.d/nagstamon-testing.repo
dnf install nagstamon... [read more](/p/nagstamon/news/2019/03/fedora-testing-repository-available/)
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-03-27

Multiple item selection available now

Finally Nagstamon 3.3-20190208 allows to apply actions to multiple hosts and services at once:

Multiple selection and action

Just select the desired items with the CTRL and SHIFT key as it is known from various other multiple selection lists in your favorite applications.

In case the selected items are of the same type all actions which apply to all of them will be offered.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-02-11

Wrong malware detection

Various users already found Nagstamon being detected as malware - see Despite different virus scanners scanning results ( Nagstamon is not virus infested.

The binaries for Windows and macOS are packed with PyInstaller from According to their issue tracker they already know the problem of being detected as malware, as noticed in They also state that there is not much more to do than telling the antivirus software vendors that they are wrong.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-01-10

macOS system tray icon crash fixed

Nagstamon 3.2 has a bug in its macOS version. Clicking the green icon in system tray (which way too seldomly appears) crashes the whole application. See

This issue is fixed in the first testing version of this new year. Get it from


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2019-01-05

Nagstamon 3.2 available

Finally the changes since the last stable have summed up to a new small release - version 3.2. It mostly consists of fixes and enhancements of already existing features, contributed by the community:

  • new Zabbix backend
  • added Sensu/Uchiwa changes
  • fixed Opsview/Nagios duration counter
  • fixed Centreon new versions
  • fixed non-closing floating statusbar
  • fixed certain custom notification action bugs
  • fixed certain keyring bugs... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-12-20

Testers wanted for next stable release

All commits and fixes which have summed up over the year are now considered stable enough to form the next stable release: 3.2. As it includes newer versions of Python and Qt it could need some more testing, so everyone is invited to have a look at the release candidate at


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-12-13

Fedora 29 + Nagstamon

If anybody using Fedora also has problems when upgrading to 29 this trouble might be resolved with the testing version of Nagstamon:

If Fedora would update its Nagstamon package from 1.0 (which does not run anymore) to the current version this problem would not exist. See for details. ... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-11-05

Happy birthday, Nagstamon!

It is always hard to believe how fast time is passing by… especially if accompanying something from the very beginning. This year's August 15th is the 10th anniversary of Nagstamon's first release in 2008 - time to look back…

Happy birthday, Nagstamon!

The first step for more relaxed monitoring has been the great Nagios Checker for Firefox plugin. It allowed to work without keeping an eye on the mail inbox to see if there where any alerts. But soon the need to watch a Firefox window to see the overall status became irritating too.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2018-08-14

Nagstamon 3.0.2 bugfix release available

Nagstamon 3.0.2 brings back previously lost Retina compatibility for macOS users. This obviously is an improvement:

Nagstamon 3.0 lost Retina


Nagstamon 3.0.2 got Retina back


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-09-22

Nagstamon 3.0.1 bugfix release available

Despite testing for months there still are bugs in Nagstamon of which some are fixed now:

  • some trouble with Zabbix
  • non-working filters for Op5
  • update detection and self-signed certificates

Get the bugfix relase 3.0.1 at

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-09-20

Nagstamon 3.0 finally out

During the last year a lot of contributions to Nagstamon contained many improvements and new features - so many, that a new major version number is justified. The changes include:

  • added Kerberos authentification
  • added increased security by taking TLS seriously
  • added window mode
  • added large OK label for fullscreen and window mode
  • added click-somewhere-to-close-statuswindow mode
  • added custom views to Check_MK
  • added monitor type Monitos3
  • added monitor type SNAG-View 3
  • added monitor type Sensu
  • switched to pyinstaller... read more
Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-09-13

How to solve trouble with self-signed certificates

Since latest version 3.0 Nagstamon checks the validity of the monitor server's certificate as default. This check can be disabled, but many users will see an error message in their Nagstamon status window when first starting:

Pressing the 'Fix error'-button will show up the server's settings dialog.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-09-13

Nagstamon 2.1 20170810 about to become next stable

Nagstamon 2.1 20170810 is about to become the next stable release. To make sure it deserves this tag it still needs some testing. Help out by grabbing your free copy at and report any bugs to

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-08-10

Nagstamon 2.1 20170804 available

The next testing release comes with tons of fixes and a newly introduced window mode:

Also new is the option to close the status window by clicking somewhere inside instead of hovering out or clicking the X button. This mode seemed the only escape to handle the problems Nagstamon has on Wayland on latest Fedora, but used on a daily basis has come out pretty practical.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-08-04

Nagstamon 2.1 20170725 available

Nagstamon 2.1 20170725 finally comes with configurable TLS security. Either ignore it or use custom or official CAs. See

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-07-25

Nagstamon 2.1 20170724 available

Lots of GUI fixes mostly for GNOME3, fixes for at least IcingaWeb2 and Centreon, Python 3.6 and Qt5 5.8 for Windows, packaging with PyInstaller are all new. For details see

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2017-07-24