
Altitude Adjustment for Skiing/Snowboarding Tours (Remove Altitude Gain)

  • null888

    null888 - 2016-10-03

    I have found MyTourbook extremely useful but have one issue I have been unable to solve. All suggestions are welcome.

    I have included a few downhill skiing tours in my records. The recording device paused while on lifts so that upward altitude was not shown on the device but, when the data is entered into MyTourBook, the program is under the impression (either because the data is there or because of interpolation) that I have indeed travelled that upward distance.

    How can I adjust the tour so that the altitude gain is not displayed, particularly in my statistics overview (which is greatly distorted by this handful of tours)?


  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2016-10-07

    Can you attach a screenshot what is wrong or should be changed

  • null888

    null888 - 2016-10-16

    The forum doesn't seem to like my attachment. Hopefully a description will work:

    A sample day of skiing has 6000m of descent and 6000m of ascent. The ascent occurs because the person is sitting on a chairlift. It would be great to be able to exclude this ascent, because it isn't part of the activity (including it is a bit like including a train ride to a cycling event). The unwanted ascent data has many undesirable effects, such as distorting all statistics around altitude (the altitude gain from a few days of skiing can overwhelm months of other activities, making it difficult to compare those activities graphically).

    I can think of three ways to deal with this, although you may be able to think of better ones:

    1) Make it possible to ignore altitude gain on a per tour basis (or for all tours of a given category).

    2) Make it possible to discard all altitude data for a given tour, as it currently is possible to discard all distance information. (Actually, perhaps this is possible somewhere in the altitude editing menus?) This seems less desirable, because meaningful (descent) data is lost, but perhaps it would be easier to implement.

    3) Sidestep the problem, and make it possible to omit a certain category of tour from statistical summaries (if this is possible, I've missed how to do it).


  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2016-10-16

    can you move 1) and 2) into a new feature request

    3) Is already possible by using a different tour type for tours which you want to exclude. Most views/statistics display only tours from the selected tour type or tour type group.


    Last edit: Wolfgang ch 2016-12-04