
#20 Auto-bookmark search results

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Erez Hadad

Here is another killer feature which I've seen so far only in Notepad++: allow automatically setting bookmarks on all search results. This is extremely useful when I want to follow the changes in a particular subset of the log (such as the log of a particular component) along the entire log.


  • Matej Naglić

    Matej Naglić - 2011-09-11
    • assigned_to: nobody --> themryl
  • Matej Naglić

    Matej Naglić - 2011-09-11

    I don't have much experience with Notepad++, so I don't know how exactly should this feature work, but I'll take a look at it and see what I can do! Anyway, thanks for the suggestion!

  • Erez Hadad

    Erez Hadad - 2011-09-11

    Allow me to explain:
    Let's say you have a particular component ABC that you want to track along the complete log of all of your application. Also, suppose that this component has a unique log signature string "@@ABC@@" in all of its log entries. All you do now is pop up your log viewer, open the logs files generated by your application and search for all the instances of that signature string, and also check "bookmark every search result". Then, by traveling on the bookmarks, you can see the flow of logs for the ABC component.

  • Erez Hadad

    Erez Hadad - 2011-09-11

    Hmm.. I just noticed that traversing bookmarks on Eclipse is quite cumbersome. There are no "go to next bookmark" or "got to previous bookmark" key shortcuts. Every traversal requires switching between the bookmarks view and the editor view. Can you do something about that? i.e., can your plugin add those missing shortcuts?

  • Matej Naglić

    Matej Naglić - 2011-09-11

    @erezhdd12 Hmm.. I think I see what you mean. Yes, this would be a cool feature! I don't know if I'm going to implement it in the next release, but I'll look into it and see that I implement this in one of next versions. As for your other suggestion (adding shortcut keys), I don't know. I think I may go with implementing my own view for these log bookmarks (since the standard Eclipse bookmarks are for code) and then I'll add key shortcuts. But I like the idea. I'll also see if it can be improved upon somehow.


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