
Problem in installation

  • mohab

    mohab - 2006-05-27

    Hi all,

    I have a problem when istall myCMMS version jan-2006
    after make the steps in setup.php file i get the error when ( Generating text resource files from Table TEXTRES, setup_nav, setup_menu )

    the error message is appear in mt browser:
    (Object not found!

    The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.

    If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
    Error 404
    Sat May 27 09:47:08 2006
    Apache/2.2.0 (Linux/SUSE)

    i am use suse linux version 10.1

    if any body know this error please reply to me


    • Werner HUYSMANS

      Werner HUYSMANS - 2006-05-27

      To run myCMMS (at this time) you need to have the language files in the directory resources.
      The MySQL contains the necessary information in the table TEXTRES. The PHP file generates these files using the TEXTRES table.
      Normally /admin/standalone-resourcegenerator.php runs also OUTSIDE myCMMS.

      HOT NEWS: I will change the textresources fundamentally in a few months and will be using a more standard solution namely gettext.
      Advantages : the code remains better readable.

      NOTE: You may mail directly if more convenient...

    • mohab

      mohab - 2006-05-27

      thanks for your reply,

      what are you mean about : (Normally /admin/standalone-resourcegenerator.php runs also OUTSIDE myCMMS.)

      please reply to me


    • Werner HUYSMANS

      Werner HUYSMANS - 2006-05-28

      Your web root directory [webroot]/admin/...


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