
disable the download option in xspf player

  • - 2007-04-15

    i disabled the download option in the xspf player is it ok? look here

    • spiderpage

      spiderpage - 2008-02-24

      I would also like to disable to download option in this player.  How exactly is this done? Just commenting out the code line for the download option in the .as file didn't work.

    • Daem0nX

      Daem0nX - 2008-09-30

      Open the file, scroll down to the bottom and comment out the following line.
      my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Download this song", function(){getURL(playlist_array[track_index].location,"_blank")},true));

      After you've made that change, save and re-publish the .swf file. Upload, clear cache and test.

    • smgolden

      smgolden - 2009-01-25

      If I could disable the download option in this player, it would meet my needs precisely.  What software package is required or available to "save and re-publish the .swf file"?  I would hope something other than Macromedia Flash itself is available to do this, as it currently runs $1700.00 US.


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