Hal Burgiss - 2003-12-05

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I don't mean to speak for Cristiano, but he is very busy
with school, and may not surface for a while. I don't think
he has abandoned MGT, but has other priorities at the moment.

Yes, I think he would be very grateful for any help with coding.

He was wanting to get MGT ported to GNOME2, and had started
that. There is a beginning of code in cvs somewhere (I
personally have not looked at it).
My guess is that he would love for someone to pick up on that.

Barring that, if you have any features that you just can't
live without, you can always attach a patch here on SF, and
we can go from there.

I don't think Cristiano was not planning anything except
bugfixes for 1.6.x branch though.

MGT is the best terminal out there, so I'd love to see more
work on it.