
command line

  • Thorsten Jaecks

    Thorsten Jaecks - 2000-05-27

    i got some problems after installing the muffin.deb package for my debian-gateway. since theres is no X-server on it i have to use the command line, but it doesn't work. how do i configure muffin; can't find any docuentation of it...

    • Joel Roth-Nater

      Joel Roth-Nater - 2000-09-13

      in case you're still wondering: as far as i understand, muffin is a window-oriented program and you can't start it without a running instance of x. it would certainly be nice to have a (restricted) terminal-only mode for use on servers. in any case, since the jdk is linked against the x libraries, you need them to be present on your machine even if your program doesn't actually use them.


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