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Showing 14 results of 14

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
17 Httpd.cgi() form decoding is incorrect None open 2007-03-12 2007-03-12  
16 problem in Referer Filter (option allowSameDomain) None open 2006-02-25 2006-02-25  
15 Cuts Big html files None open 2004-11-19 2004-11-19  
14 Latest CVS: Problems with OptionsFrame None open 2003-07-28 2003-07-28  
13 Google search breaks None open 2003-03-15 2003-03-15  
12 Muffin *requires* access to graphical interface None open 2003-03-11 2003-03-11  
11 ImageKill can't handle invalid html None open 2002-03-01 2002-03-01  
10 Latest CVS has no way to compile None open 2002-01-04 2002-01-04  
9 Muffin maybe has quirks with non-html None open 2002-01-03 2002-01-03  
8 Wrong properties directory at W2K and Wi None open 2001-12-15 2001-12-15  
7 NoThanks "kill" of URL in SCRIPT SRC blocks all access None open 2000-12-15 2000-12-15  
5 NoThanks not catching all matches None open 2000-09-13 2000-09-13  
3 tagattr frame.noresize remove doesn't work None open 2000-08-09 2000-08-09  
2 muffin will not compile (Linux) None open 2000-08-03 2000-08-03  
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