
#554 Group By Ownership


Hi I've made a ticket from this discussion topic to request a feature of grouping (virtual decks) by Ownership.

This helps to easily identify, and Group By, those cards in a decklist that I do not own (yet) and get an overall cost to buy them quickly.


  • Jon

    Jon - 2016-09-29

    Hi Alena, thank you so much for looking into this. I think i might've misunderstood the idea of Group by Ownership for Virtual decks.

    Because none of the cards in a virtual (net) decklist are 'Owned,' to get an idea of those cards I have / don't have, for each card i must manually compare the 'Count' and 'Own Count' fields (specifically the 'Y' in the 'X/Y' of the 'Own Count' field representing how many i own in my 'Main' list). The difference is how many cards I need to buy to build the deck.

    Is it possible to calculate this difference, and then 'Group By?' That is the true indication of how much it would cost me to complete a deck.

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2016-09-29

    Sorry I did not read the bug properly when I implemented this. I have to create a special field for "Y".
    Because you can group by Own Count now (I added custom groupping) but it won't be any good...

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2016-09-30

    Hmm. It much more harder then you would think (not from software perspective btu from logical implementation). You want to know how many cards you missing. I could have just done that, give you Z - C count (Z is own cards of this 'name' in your overall collection, Y is of specific set which should not matter unless you are collector) but most people I think would not disband they decks to get a new deck so I would need a count of some sort of free cards? I created a feature actually which suppose to solve it in a diffrent way called Materialize. Basically lets pretend you have deck with 4 cards "Lich's Mirror".
    You have 4 of these cards own, 2 in main collection, one if deck xxx and one if deck myfavorite.
    Own Count for this line in "lich" deck is 0/4/4.
    From the deck view toolar menu (upside down triangle) select action Materialize...
    It will ask what collections you want to pull the cards from. You can select main and xxx, because the rest you don't want to disband. Now it will show a preview of where it will pull the cards from. 2 from main, 1 from xxx and one left. If you press done you see now
    2 cards MOVED from main, and 2 vertual cards deleted from lich
    1 cards MOVED from xxx, and another virtual card deleted
    You left with 2 rows now. One listed 3 card, Own with Own Count 3/4/4, and one remaining card 0/4/4 and its virtual. Now you can filter only virtual card and Count column to see what you need to buy (or print this list). The disadvantage cards are moved from your collection, so its not in collection main any, its in this deck.

  • Alena Laskavaia

    Alena Laskavaia - 2016-10-11

    I posted another beta version where I added Own Total column (same as Z in Own Count)
    To group by that column you need to add custom groupping first in Window-.Preferences-.Magic Preferences->Custom Groups



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