Uwe Kindler - 2016-07-22


I tried to compile sqlite3 in a mingw32 shell because I need to compile with SQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY. I did the following steps.

  1. Downloaded sqlite-autoconf-3130000.tar.gz
  2. cd into sqlite-autoconf-3130000
  3. ./configure --disable-static CPPFLAGS="-DSQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY"
  4. make

This caused the following error:

libtool: warning: libobj name 'sqlite3.Tpo -c -o sqlite3.lo sqlite3.lo' may not contain shell special characters.

The above steps work fine in a old MSYS 1 environment. Has anyone an idea what is going wrong here. I thought I could work around the problem by simply building the sqlite package from the MSYS2 repository like decribed in the Contributing to MSYS2 manual. Therefore I did the following steps (the toolchains for mingw64 and mingw32 are already installed):

  1. pacman -S base-devel
  2. git clone "https://github.com/Alexpux/MINGW-packages"
  3. cd MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-sqlite3
  4. makepkg-mingw -sLf

This is the output:

==> Erstelle Paket: mingw-w64-sqlite3 3.13.0-1 (Fr, 22. Jul 2016 13:55:15)
==> Prüfe Laufzeit-Abhängigkeiten...
==> Prüfe Buildtime-Abhängigkeiten...
==> Empfange Quellen...
  -> sqlite-autoconf-3130000.tar.gz gefunden
  -> LICENSE gefunden
==> Überprüfe source Dateien mit sha256sums...
    sqlite-autoconf-3130000.tar.gz ... Durchgelaufen
    LICENSE ... Durchgelaufen
==> Entpacke Quellen...
  -> Entpacke sqlite-autoconf-3130000.tar.gz mit bsdtar
==> Entferne existierendes $pkgdir/ Verzeichnis...
==> Beginne build()...
/home/Uwe Kindler/MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-sqlite3/PKGBUILD: Zeile 30: ../sqlite                                                            -autoconf-3130000/configure: No such file or directory
==> FEHLER: Ein Fehler geschah in build().
    Breche ab...

Sadly the output is in german - don't know how to change that - I would prefer english. But the error is

/home/Uwe Kindler/MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-sqlite3/PKGBUILD: linw 30: ../sqlite                                                            -autoconf-3130000/configure: No such file or directory

So has anyone any idea what is going wrong here?

Thank you,
