
#964 Info Message Booking Policy - Future - Administrator



is there a way to give the administrator the message that when the booking policy "$max_per_interval_area_enabled['future']" is set that there is a collision? All other effects are ok - if he ignores it, the entry is still stored as usual. Maybe with an exclamation mark?

Best Regards,


  • Campbell Morrison

    Ah, good idea, if I understand you correctly. You mean that if there's any kind of policy conflict and you're an administrator then you show a third symbol (eg an exclamation mark) instead of the green tick?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-26

    yes exactly - therefore the other admin users get the message that there are duplicate bookings of a user..

  • Campbell Morrison

    Oh, I don't think I understand after all. There can never be duplicate bookings of a user.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-27

    sorry for the misunderstanding. For sure I mean mulitple bookings in the future on DIFFERENT time slots....

  • Campbell Morrison

    OK, but I still don't quite understand. If an ordinary user tries to make multiple bookings this won't be allowed by MRBS, so the situation can't happen. An admin is allowed to make them and I thought you were suggesting that they should still be allowed to make them, but that an exclamation mark is displayed on the edit_entry form when they are making the booking to bring it to their attention. That seems like a good idea to me - ie to let them know that they are doing something which they can olnly do because they are an admin - but it won't be visible to other admins.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-04-27

    correctly - the normal user isn't able to do it. All admins get the message and can ignore it but some admins must react on that warning...

  • Campbell Morrison

    OK, thanks. I'll look at making the change.