
#909 Need Confirmation as default


MRBS 1.5.0
MySQL 5.1.73
PHP 5.4.20
I want to start with Thanking the MRBS community for creating and keeping MRBS alive and growing
it is a brilliant and wonderful booking and scheduling system that has tremendously increased the ease
and saves large amounts of valuable time in operations of our space and area assets at the organization.
it is much more clean, tight, easy to use and not overloaded whith fluff yet still extremely versitile with the ability to customize just about every aspect needed to to keep our nomenclature and protocalls in place
Far and above Superior to options that are highly over priced and cant to half of what can be done with MRBS... Awesome, Very Appreciated,, Thank you
That said,,
I have for the longest time been running the Confirmation as going to tentative as default
I changed the settings {shown below from my} as described in the documentation, to False so it would now treat new entries as default "Confirmed"
unfortunately with the changes made it will still only create a new entry by default as "tentative"
for the sake of argument we also changed it in the, to no effect.
I also have changed my original install on a duplicate system with MRBS 1.4.x , {1.4.1 I believe}
with the same results

  What can I be missing, and if there is possibly an alternative way in getting "new" entries to default to be

   Any help or Ideas are very appreciated,, thank you

   The respective lines from my Follows


// Allows bookings to be marked as "tentative", ie not yet 100% certain,
// and confirmed later. Useful if you want to reserve a slot but at the same
// time let other people know that there's a possibility it may not be needed.
$confirmation_enabled = FALSE;

// The default confirmation status for new bookings. (TRUE: confirmed, FALSE: tentative)
// Only used if $confirmation_enabled is TRUE. If $confirmation_enabled is
// FALSE, then all new bookings are confirmed automatically.
$confirmed_default = FALSE;

Thank you


  • Campbell Morrison

    The config settings just determine the settings for any new areas you create. For existing areas you need to change the settings through the web browser. Login to MRBS as an admin, go to the Rooms page, select the area you want to change and click the Edit icon.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-03-02

    Very appreciated, Thank you
    I have it working once again,,
    One more thing if I could get some help with
    I have added custom fields and have them displaying in day.php properly as I want them
    however I need to change the day and week views to display the "full description" in place of "brief description {name}"
    if there is a way to do this I would appreciate any help I can get
    Thank you

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-03-03

    Thank you for the direction I believe we now have that sorted,,
    I have changed to a Drop Down menu for selecting the "Brief Description" to only a hand full of available choices when entering new bookings
    How can I also replicate that on the Report page
    to where the "Match Brief Description" will be a Drop Down list like that which is now on the
    entry page
    If I can accomplish this I will be done and very greatful
    Please and Thank you

  • Campbell Morrison

    Presumably you are using $select_options[''] to generate the drop-down? Have you used an associative array or an ordinary array?

  • Campbell Morrison

    Here's a version of report.php that should do what you want. (I haven't tested it on 1.5.0, so there may be some dependencies on other changes that I've missed). I've added it to the default branch in changeset df33d386fd2b.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-03-06

    Thank you and thank you to all the contribs, MRBS andd what it is is so very appreciated
    and very under-rated,
    I have been able to put the help and changes in to play and works great,,
    My question and the help I am looking for now is, is it possible to sent couple of pages I changed and have it put somewhere where people that may seek the same type of changes could access them to use ??
    Thank you again so much

  • Campbell Morrison

    You could always post your changes on

  • John Beranek

    John Beranek - 2016-03-09

    If you're savvy with Mercurial, and create a Sourceforge account, you could also fork the MRBS code at:

  • John Beranek

    John Beranek - 2016-03-09

    Or anywhere else that will host Mercurial repositories for you, like Bitbucket: