
#283 Bookings will not save


I've just installed, configured etc mrbs 1.4.9. I can see no problems anywhere in the config file however when I try to save a test booking I'm told by IE to diagnose connection problems. There should be any connection problems as we are running it as localhost on a server. I've installed it on a local machine (again as localhost) and had no problems at all. Any ideas what is going wrong?



  • Campbell Morrison

    Is it just saving a booking you have problems with? Can you navigate around the other pages (eg Go to Tomorrow, Search, Report, etc.) ?


  • Campbell Morrison

    Does it in fact create the booking? (I'm trying to work out whether it's the redirection to edit_entry_handler.php that's not working, or the redirection after the booking has been made back to the calendar view).



    Last edit: Campbell Morrison 2012-10-10
    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2012-10-10

      No it doesn't create the booking, just kind of times out. Then I have to either click back or reload the page

  • Campbell Morrison

    Strange. Can you generate a report on the Report page? This uses a similar mechanism. Presumably you've also been able to create at least one area and room.

    And, stupid question, you have got edit_entry_handler.php on your server?

    Also, are you getting any messages in your error log?


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2012-10-10

      Have created areas and rooms and can create more as needed. No error messages to be seen, or at least I haven't seen any. Tell me more of this edit_entry_handler, I'm very new to this and have no idea what it could mean

  • Campbell Morrison

    edit_entry_handler.php is one of the standard files in the distribution and should be on the web server at the same level as edit_entry.php. I expect you've got it there as it's part of the standard install, but it's worth checking that it is there before delving further. (When you press the Save button on the edit_entry.php page what happens is that the edit_entry_handler.php is called. This creates the booking and then when it's finished returns to the page you originally started from).

    If you are getting error messages they should appear in your PHP error log, normally error.log, or else in your web server error log.

    Are you able to generate a report?


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2012-10-10

      I have such limited access as its not a web server as such but part of a network set up to resemble a web server. I doubt I'm explaining this very well. I don't know of any error log that I have access to. As for generating a report, I haven't been able to save anything other than areas and rooms so reports are coming back as no matches found. I tried to generate a csv file usign this to see if anything would be produced but to no avail.

  • Campbell Morrison

    That's fine about the reports. The fact that it comes back with No Matches shows that it is working properly.

    When you say you've got two copies of edit_entry_handler,php, one in the MRBS directory and one in MRBS/web, you should really only have one. Where do you go to launch MRBS - the .../MRBS or .../MRBS/web?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-10-11

    It looks like the guy who installed it has renamed localhost. So, where ordinarily I would open up a browser (IE) and type in http://localhost, this is now set up for the same but with http://roombookings. presumably this has been modified in some equivalent of an http.conf file.

  • Campbell Morrison

    OK, but I'm still confused as to why there are two copies of edit_entry_handler.php on the server.

    Also, when IE tells you to diagnose connection problems, what is the address in the browser address bar?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-10-11

    I'm confused as well! The local installs I have doen work fine however if I remove the excess bits that have appeard in this one it stop working completely. The address in IE is http://roombooking/edit_entry_handler.php I hadn't noticed this before. what do you reckon?

  • Campbell Morrison

    You've probably removed the wrong excess bits. Your directory structure should look like this, where the top level is wherever http://roombookings points to:

    lots of files including:

    etc. ...
    (but no web directory)

    When you say above http://roombooking/edit_entry_handler.php was that a typo or did you really mean "roombooking" without an 's'?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-10-11

    It wasn't a typo, this is a local install not an outward facing site. I've attached a bit of what my MRBS directory looks like

    • Campbell Morrison

      I understand it's a local facing site. Why I was asking if it was a typo is that earlier you said that your MRBS system was at http://roombookings (with an 's') but when IE says there are connection problems the address in the browser address bar is http://roombooking/edit_entry_handler.php (without an 's'). If all that's correct then that would explain the problem - for some reason the browser is trying to go to roombooking and not roombookings.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-10-11

    and this is what the MRBS/web directory looks like.

    • Campbell Morrison

      I think you should delete the web directory - it's just a duplicate of everything one level up and will cause confusion.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-10-11

    I've just had a look and that is what the pointing at. Also the web directory came with the original download.

  • Campbell Morrison

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