Minor changes from MRBS 1.1. This is mainly to fix a few bugs
in mrbs 1.1 and to make mrbs working with register_global=off
See NEWS/ChangeLog for more details.
We think (John and I) about adding developers. The project starve a little since John Beranek and me do not have much time for mrbs.
Meeting Room Booking System Development version
Dear testers / contributors,
MySql and postgreSQL are fine and free, but some people may want to run mrbs
with their current DBMS and don't want to install a new one just for MRBS.
This is an attempt to replace the existing database wrappers with a new one
that supports more DBMS. We choosed MDB class, not because it supports more
DBMS than other classes (it does not), but because it has the higher level in
database abstraction layer to assure true database independance, making use of
its own database field types.... read more
i've released version 0.9.1. this is a stable release, the currently reccommended version
Because most of the development is going to be large I have decided to branch it off until everything stabilises down a bit. The main branch is called "RBS" (Resource Booking System if you're interested). I'll try to remember to move the relevant stuff across to the main branch.
I've updated the project homepage (http://mrbs.sourceforge.net/) to be a bit different, still lots of text and not too may images, but never mind. The demo should work again as well, which is now the latest version.
Sorry its been so long since the last update.
Since the last time any news was added, there have been several new features added and ownership of the project has moved from Daniel Gardner to Sam Mason.
The most important feature added is the ability to do repeat bookings.
I have also just released a new version of MRBS (0.8-pre6) that fixes all the current issues that I know of and have fixes for.
That's about it for now, Sam.
A new release has been made. Check the "released files" to get it
I've actually got around to making something a little more tarty - take a look at http://mrbs.sourceforge.net
One major bug was fixed which meant that any booking between 1st and 9th of the month couldn't be made.
The first useable release of MRBS has been made. Download it from a page near you!