
#329 PHP 5.6.3


A great script used extensively with no issues until now.
I have recently upgraded Joomla 3 and to PHP 5.6.3 and have lost functionality as the variable information is not passes across with the URL as a variable. I understand this is not allowed in this version of PHP. Is there anyway around this?



  • Campbell Morrison

    I am running PHP 5.6.5 and have no issues. What is it that you understand is not allowed in PHP 5.6.3? Could it be the integration with Joomla that is causing the problem?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-13

    I have tried running it outside of joomla and it is still the same. The main page will display but if you select a date either by the goto button or calendar selector the day selected remains the same so I guess that the variable information is not being passed across. It could be a setting I am missing in my php.ini file. Register Globals on is no longer available I thought it could be that, but if you are running it ok I need to look further.

  • John Beranek

    John Beranek - 2015-05-13

    I can only add that I have no issues as described running with PHP 5.6.1.

  • Campbell Morrison

    I don't quite understand this. MRBS doesn't use register_globals. Have you made some modifications to MRBS?

  • John Beranek

    John Beranek - 2015-05-15

    Agreed Campbell, also further confused, as the PHP site


    This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0.


    Last edit: John Beranek 2015-05-15
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-26

    Thanks for your comments.
    I am not sure why it works but it does, I tried on two different web servers and neither worked until the additional script was added. I had other scripts that where written along time ago that made use of register_globals on an earlier version of PHP so added the script to those and all worked fine so it was just a longshot to try it on MRBS. I will carry on as it is and see if that causes anymore issues, but happy it's working now.

  • John Beranek

    John Beranek - 2015-05-27

    OK, one last bit of feedback. MRBS expects all the superglobals to be available, so don't go changing the value of the php.ini directive 'variables_order'.


    Last edit: John Beranek 2015-05-27
  • Campbell Morrison

    • status: open --> closed