
Code Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r11] by ring0_mipt

Delete file before move (Win32)

2006-02-22 20:28:10 Tree
[r10] by ring0_mipt


2006-02-22 19:47:59 Tree
[r9] by ring0_mipt

Compatibility issues; more accurate memory mapping in Unix part of the cross-API

2006-02-22 18:33:37 Tree
[r8] by ring0_mipt

Some Unix-related changes in cross-API (needs further testing)

2006-02-22 14:57:36 Tree
[r7] by ring0_mipt

Documentation update

2006-02-22 12:13:56 Tree
[r6] by ring0_mipt

Added cross-platform API layer. To be thoroughly tested, especially in Unix.

2006-02-22 12:11:20 Tree
[r5] by ring0_mipt

Documentation update

2006-02-22 06:26:05 Tree
[r4] by ring0_mipt

Uploading license file (COPYING)

2006-02-21 18:36:28 Tree
[r3] by ring0_mipt

no message

2006-02-21 18:18:43 Tree
[r2] by root

initial checkin

2006-02-20 21:10:53 Tree
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