
#105 mp3splt on Android ?


Is it possible to port mp3splt on Android?
If no, is there a plan to do it in the future?
Thanks in advance for your answers.


  • Munteanu Alexandru

    Hello and sorry for the late reply.
    Of course it is possible to port it on Android.
    However, there is currently no plan to do it for the moment.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-02-13

    I am trying to develop a MP3 cutter on Android in Java.
    My cutter works fine when the MP3 file is well encoding with correct padding.
    But when the mp3 encoder did not insert padding (for example for 48000 Hz - 128 kb/s) I have a big delay. Sometimes more than 30 sec for long podcast.

    I have noticed that Mp3Split can handle incorrect padding encoding mp3 file.

    I was wondering if you could explain how you handle this issue. Maybe just show me where in the source code you treat these buggy mp3.

    Thanks in advance and kind regards


  • Munteanu Alexandru

    Sorry again for the late reply. I am quite busy those days ...

    I'm not sure of understanding your issue.
    What do you mean by padding ? Silent part or silent frames ?
    What is the way you split the file - are you reading frame by frame ?

    You probably already found it, but most of the code is in this huge mp3.c file:

    Mp3splt has two ways of splitting: if the input file is CBR, the cutpoint offset is computed using the bitrate; otherwise (or it can be forced to) process frame by frame and set the cutpoint offset at the frame that matches the given time.
