
Tree [07e31c] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 bin 2016-07-25 tuan tuan [a87e57] MOGEN source code
 documents 2017-01-23 tuan tuan [121a8e] add supplementary document
 examples 2016-07-25 tuan tuan [3a8ff6] remove file > 100 mb
 src 2017-01-23 tuan tuan [121a8e] add supplementary document
 LICENSE unknown 2017-01-23 tuan tuan [385445] add question 3
 build.xml 2017-03-10 tuan tuan [07e31c] add buildfile

Read Me

MOGEN: The software for modeling the 3D structure of a genome using Hi-C chromosome conformation capturing data

Bioinformatics, Data Mining, Machine Learning (BDM) Laboratory,

University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211


             Tuan Trieu

             Department of Computer Science

             University of Missouri, Columbia



             Jianlin Cheng, PhD

             Department of Computer Science

             University of Missouri, Columbia


1. Content of folders:

  • bin: contains executable MOGEN and normalizer (to normalize the input data)
  • example: contains example data and parameter files used to reconstruct chromosome/genome structures
  • src: source code of MOGEN in java

2. Usage

To run the tool, type: java -jar 3DGenorator.jar parameters_normal.txt

The file parameters_normal.txt contains parameters needed to run the tool

See in /examples/hiC/ for sample files

3. Output

MOGEN produces two types of output files:

  • 3D models in PDB format and
  • text files containing contact and non-contact scores of each chromosome in the models

4. Disclaimer

The executable software and the source code of MOGEN is distributed free of
charge as it is to any non-commercial users. The authors hold no liabilities to
the performance of the program.

5. Citations

  • Trieu T, Cheng J. Large-scale reconstruction of 3D structures of human chromosomes from chromosomal contact data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014
  • Trieu T, Cheng J. MOGEN: a tool for reconstructing 3D models of genomes from chromosomal conformation capturing data. Bioinformatics. 2015

6. Common questions

1. How to adjust parameters to get good models ?

MOGEN produces two output files, a .pdb file containing a model and a *_evaluation.txt file containing contact and non-contact scores of the model. Parameters are adjusted to maximize contact and non-contact scores. The effect of each parameter on corresponding contact and non-contact scores is mentioned in comments in the parameter sample file.

When there are multiple chromosomes, first, adjust parameters to have good contact and non-contact scores for chromosomes. Then, make sure that chromosomes don't intermingle by increasing inter, non-contact scores between chromosomes (> 60%). Next, let chromosome interacts at their border as much as possible but not intermingling significantly.

It's hard for all chromosomes to satisfy all these conditions, so, it is acceptable to have 1 or 2 chromosomes with low non-contact scores (small chromosomes, whose intra-chromosomal IFs are very strong) and 1 or 2 pairs of chromosomes that intermingle (again, small chromosomes as they co-localize in the center and their inter-chromosomal IFs are also strong). If chromosomes tends to intermingle significantly, try to reduce percentage of inter-chromosomal contacts.

2. Why my non-contact score is NaN ?

This is because there is no or very few non-contacts in the input data, which often happens when the resolution is low (e.g 1MB). Set an appropriate contact threshold to make sure that there is at least 20% - 30% non-contacts (out of all possible contacts), the exact number doesn't matter because models are often similar.

3. what does the message "Intra-chromosomal threshold computed from the percentage: 4.351461" mean ?

If the thresholds are set as percentages (by appending % after the numbers), MOGEN will compute thresholds in interaction frequency (or contact count) and out the above message.