
#29 mpeg2enc:mpeg2coder failed


Trying to create VCD from a Divx contained AVI. The
following command/pipe is basically from MENCVCD. It
runs for a little while and stops with a mpeg2enc
failure, and it never aborts on the same frame when
repeated. There have been times when a short avi file
(15 s) actually finishes. Of course, I need to convert
larger files. I've tried a variety of switch
combinations and looked on the internet for the same
problem, but don't see anything. I am using mplayer
1.0pre5 amd mjpegtools 1.6.2. I even tried dvd://1 as
input and get the same failure. MPlayer works fine.

mkfifo -m 660 stream.yuv
mplayer -noframedrop -vo yuv4mpeg -ao pcm -v -osdlevel
0 file.avi
cat - < stream.yuv | yuvscaler -v 0 -M WIDE2STD -O VCD | /
mpeg2enc -v 0 -s -f 2 -b 1152 -B 260 -V 46 -S 800 -g 6
-G 15 -r 16 -F 4 -n n -4 2 -2 1 -o file.mpv

Following is mpeg2enc failure. A broken pipe results
after the mpeg2enc failure:

INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 143 P quant=9.21 total
INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 144 P quant=7.13 total
act=9499.32907 8%
INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 145 P quant=6.41 total
act=9531.98911 8%
mpeg2enc: void
MPEG2Coder::PutAC(int, int, int): Assertion
`signed_level == -(encparams.dctsatlim+1)' failed.


  • tbattist

    tbattist - 2004-12-06

    Logged In: YES

    My platform uses an Athlon XP 1800, 512 RAM - meaning
    to say that adequate hardware is available for this
    process, you'd think.

    I am now tempted to look at using encode2mpeg,
    thinking it will provide a cleaner input to mpeg2enc, that
    is given the problem is a difficult input stream.
    Although I must say my DivX/AVI file or DVDs that I am
    trying to convert to VCD look good on the tube when
    viewing through MPlayer.

  • Bernhard Praschinger

    Logged In: YES

    Could you try a simpler mpeg2enc command like:
    mpeg2enc -f 1 -o file.m1v

    That is a combination that works for soure. If mpeg2enc
    still fails, I fear that you have a memory problem, so
    please chack your memory with memtest X86 for example:

    When mpeg2enc fail in random patterns that us usually no
    direct fault of mpeg2enc. I has been by now failing HW.

  • tbattist

    tbattist - 2004-12-18

    Logged In: YES

    I tried the memtest and got 13 passes with no ran
    for 7 hours. Great suggestion. The thought of bad memory
    did cross my mind given the random behavior of the problem
    (not failing at the same frame). Although it was not the
    problem, the test did served to increase my RAM transfer rate
    from 381 to 627 MB/s and up my CPU FSB from 200 to 266
    MHz....and yes, there's a story behind this less than optimal
    operation having to do with compile errors received when
    using memory that's since been replaced. ....and BTW, my
    memory is DDR 133 and CPU is Athlon XP 1800if your
    wondering....and now, if you really think about it, the problem
    occurred under less stringent timing conditions. Gee.

    I also tried the simpler "mpeg2enc -f 1 -o file.m1v", but same
    ol' error. Yikes!

    Now, here's the interesting part. I tried the
    new "encode2mpeg" script, and it worked flawlessly every
    time..... That's strange,...doesn't it use mpeg2enc also?
    And, I not about to disect why "encode2mpeg" works.

    Anyway, it would be nice if someone (like the person who
    wrote mpeg2enc) could explain what this "PutAC(int,int,int):
    Assertion.....blah blah" error is all about so I can sleep at
    night. :-)

    Thanks waldviertler!

  • Bernhard Praschinger

    Logged In: YES

    Your HW sounds Ok.

    If it is no obvious HW Problem, plese contact the mjpeg
    users mailinglist. If you can create run the mpeg2enc ing
    gdb and create a backtrace. It is easier to find out what is
    really wrong. Also include the version of the mjpegtools you
    use and your compiler versions (gcc, nasm) and you

    What command does the encode2mpeg script use ?

  • Steven Schultz

    Steven Schultz - 2005-09-23
    • status: open --> closed

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