
#133 MSYSGIT - recognizing TrueCrypt container drive letter

MSYS (18)

Hi everybody,

I don't know if it is the right place here to place my request because I'm using MSYSGIT non MSYS but in the thread ( which is a "similar" problem, they redirect the request to you, so.

I would like to use a truecrypt container, which contain my GIT repository with MSYS, but it doesn't see the new drive letter assigned by TrueCrypt.
All drives are seen and "mounted" in their repectives drives (/c /d /e /f ...) except for TC container (Y:) which cannot be used by MSYS (bash: cd: /y: No such file or directory). Windows explorer display the TC container as Y: and works fine.

I apologize for my awful english (I'm working on it), and hope that my request could be take into account by your team.

Thanks in advance for answer/advice/tips/solution or patch?

Have a nice day,

Best regards,



  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2011-07-25
    • milestone: 307068 -->
    • labels: 747362 --> MSYS
    • status: open --> pending
  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2011-07-25

    Modifying to a Support Request. I believe your issue is the msysgit version of MSYS. You should replace their version of MSYS with an official version of MSYS. IIRC, one of the modifications of the forked MSYS was to remove the thread watching the /etc directory. Unless you are using the official MSYS we cannot help you.

    There are some who are working to bring the git client to MSYS itself. However, they have yet to find the round tuits to give time to that project.

    I myself took the git executables, DLLs and a few of the scripts and copied them directly to my /bin directory. You may give that a try as well but just replacing the msys-1.0.dll in the msysgit delivered MSYS with the most recent MSYS we deliver should be the easiest thing to do.

    With our MSYS you should be able to add a drive then execute a ``touch /etc/fstab'' to add that drive to your mounted directories. I do not think the same will work for the msysgit version due to their modifications.



    Steve PECHBERTI - 2011-07-26
    • status: pending --> open

    Steve PECHBERTI - 2011-07-26

    Hi Earnie,

    You're right, I have installed the standard MSYS distribution and it works fine with TrueCrypt container. I will test your solution by merging standard MSYS and GIT executables, I hope that it willl work.
    Thank you for your answer,
    Maybe I will come back to you for further information if I get troubles,

    Best regards,



    Steve PECHBERTI - 2011-07-26

    Hi again Earnie,

    So I have copied the msysgit installation inside the standard MSYS distribution, and It seems to work (git init, add, commit, clone, diff, ...). The only missing things (which is more a goodies than a functionnality) is the display after the current path to indicate which branch is active. We can have the information with git branch but it is useful to know rapidely if we are in a git-managed folder or not.
    Maybe you have the solution to get this function available with standard MSYS, otherwise, thank you for time and solution, I can carry on my works, thanks to you.

    Best regards,

    Have a nice day,



    Steve PECHBERTI - 2011-07-26

    Ok, I get what I need, just adds:
    `git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /`
    in PS1 variable give me the result I expected. Everything is OK now, except for all functions in git-completion.bash but if I have the needed, I guest I can add it in the ~/.profile file, so it not seems to be an issue.

    Thank you


  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2011-07-26
    • milestone: --> Instruction_given
    • summary: Adding support to TrueCrypt container --> MSYSGIT - recognizing TrueCrypt container drive letter
    • status: open --> closed
  • Earnie Boyd

    Earnie Boyd - 2011-07-26

    I'm glad what I've suggested is working for you and that you've figured out how to modify the PS1 variable to give you the working directory. Yes, to make that change permanent add it to your ~/.profile file.