



The mingw-w64/w32 package

This is a binary package for GNU Make, patched for use with mingw-w64/w32. It contains 32 and 64-bit executables and has three identical files for each. They only differ by name, and this is to suit everyone needing a particular convention:

  • make.exe: traditional name for GNU Make on popular linux distributions. This will conflict (badly) with MSYS Make
  • gmake.exe: another common name for GNU Make, does not conflict with MSYS Make.
  • mingw32-make: name thought up by to distinguish the win32 variant of GNU Make. This name will be required by several software packages: Qt, CMake...

These three can coexist in a same directory, with make.exe being the only troublesome one which cannot be present when using MSYS.


Just copy any of the *make.exe files to <mingw64>\bin and you're good to go.


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