
#831 Overlapping import tables with executable built with mingw-w64-gcc 9.3

v1.0 (example)

mingw-w64 gcc 9.3 built executable ends up with overlapping import tables:

Import Table size: 00001fc8
offset 00240a00 libcurl.dll
Hint/Name Table: 0043712C
TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 00437598
Thunk Ordn Name
00437598 345 curl_easy_cleanup
0043759c 347 curl_easy_escape
004375a0 349 curl_easy_init
004375a4 351 curl_easy_perform
004375a8 355 curl_easy_setopt
004375ac 363 curl_free
004375b0 367 curl_global_init
004375b4 411 curl_share_init
004375b8 412 curl_share_setopt
004375bc 414 curl_slist_append
004375c0 425 curl_version_info

offset 00240a14 libfreetype.dll
Hint/Name Table: 0043715C
TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 004375C8
Thunk Ordn Name
004375c8 35 FT_Done_Face
004375cc 36 FT_Done_FreeType
004375d0 60 FT_Get_Char_Index
004375d4 69 FT_Get_Kerning
004375d8 108 FT_Init_FreeType
004375dc 112 FT_Library_Version
004375e0 120 FT_Load_Char
004375e4 121 FT_Load_Glyph
004375e8 127 FT_New_Face
004375ec 173 FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes

offset 00240a28 libopusfile.dll
Hint/Name Table: 00437188
TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 004375F4
Thunk Ordn Name
004375f4 3 op_channel_count
004375f8 14 op_open_memory
004375fc 18 op_pcm_total
00437600 22 op_read

offset 00240a3c SDL2.dll
Hint/Name Table: 004371A0
TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 0043760C
Thunk Ordn Name
0043760c 94 SDL_GL_DeleteContext
00437610 107 SDL_GL_SwapWindow
00437614 106 SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval
00437618 99 SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize
0043761c 103 SDL_GL_MakeCurrent
00437620 93 SDL_GL_CreateContext
00437624 96 SDL_GL_GetAttribute
00437628 105 SDL_GL_SetAttribute
0043762c 71 SDL_DestroyWindow
00437630 539 SDL_SetWindowGrab
00437634 537 SDL_SetWindowFullscreen
00437638 389 SDL_MinimizeWindow
0043763c 557 SDL_ShowWindow
00437640 533 SDL_SetWindowBordered
00437644 550 SDL_SetWindowSize
00437648 547 SDL_SetWindowPosition
0043764c 238 SDL_GetWindowFlags
00437650 57 SDL_CreateWindow
00437654 236 SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex
00437658 157 SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode
0043765c 162 SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode
00437660 165 SDL_GetDisplayMode
00437664 187 SDL_GetNumDisplayModes
00437668 163 SDL_GetDisplayBounds
0043766c 191 SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays
00437670 231 SDL_GetVersion
00437674 251 SDL_GetWindowWMInfo
00437678 628 SDL_free
0043767c 518 SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode
00437680 203 SDL_GetRelativeMouseState
00437684 183 SDL_GetMouseState
00437688 560 SDL_StopTextInput
0043768c 559 SDL_StartTextInput
00437690 179 SDL_GetKeyboardState
00437694 312 SDL_JoystickClose
00437698 318 SDL_JoystickGetAxis
0043769c 314 SDL_JoystickEventState
004376a0 342 SDL_JoystickNumAxes
004376a4 346 SDL_JoystickOpen
004376a8 511 SDL_SetHint
004376ac 409 SDL_PollEvent
004376b0 26 SDL_ClearError
004376b4 169 SDL_GetError
004376b8 153 SDL_GetClipboardText
004376bc 506 SDL_SetClipboardText
004376c0 30 SDL_CloseAudioDevice
004376c4 406 SDL_PauseAudioDevice
004376c8 404 SDL_OpenAudioDevice
004376cc 156 SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver
004376d0 414 SDL_Quit
004376d4 594 SDL_WasInit
004376d8 415 SDL_QuitSubSystem
004376dc 303 SDL_InitSubSystem
004376e0 302 SDL_Init
004376e4 1177 CryptAcquireContextA
004376e8 1194 CryptGenRandom

offset 00240a50 ADVAPI32.dll
Hint/Name Table: 00437278
TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
ForwarderChain: 00000000
First thunk RVA: 004376E4
Thunk Ordn Name
004376e4 1177 CryptAcquireContextA
004376e8 1194 CryptGenRandom

CryptAcquireContextA & CryptGenRandom are looked for in ADVAPI32.dll & SDL2.dll. They should only come from ADVAPI32.dll. The thunks have the same address. With GCC 9.2 this recently worked fine, will try to verify if a downgrade helps.

Affected executable is contained in

Source code that was built is

Best regards


Bugs: #831


  • r0q

    r0q - 2020-04-07

    It seems like the overlapping import table parts are caused by strip. But without strip the resulting executable also imports CryptAcquireContextA & CryptGenRandom from SDL2.dll, which fails.

    Best regards

  • r0q

    r0q - 2020-04-07

    This seems to stem from the fact that the SDL2.dll was compiled with a different compiler. When I build all with the same, it works fine. Bug can be closed I guess.

  • jpa

    jpa - 2020-06-25

    In my opinion this is a real and important bug. It makes it impossible to use many third-party libraries with mingw-w64-gcc 9.3.

    I have attached a minimal test case that tries to link against Ximea's xiapi32.dll. When compiled with i686-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 7.3-win32 20180312, the import table is as follows and executable works fine:
    DLL Name: xiapi32.dll
    vma: Hint/Ord Member-Name Bound-To
    64f4 368 xiStopAcquisition

    When compiled with i686-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 9.3-win32 20200320, the import table is as follows and the executable silently fails to execute on Windows 10 and crashes on wine:
    DLL Name: xiapi32.dll
    vma: Hint/Ord Member-Name Bound-To
    64c4 368 xiStopAcquisition
    61ec 2 AcquireSRWLockExclusive
    6206 277 DeleteCriticalSection
    621e 310 EnterCriticalSection
    6236 543 GetCurrentProcess
    624a 544 GetCurrentProcessId
    6260 548 GetCurrentThreadId
    6276 617 GetLastError
    6286 729 GetStartupInfoA
    6298 755 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
    62b2 786 GetTickCount
    62c2 877 InitializeCriticalSection
    62de 973 LeaveCriticalSection
    62f6 1118 QueryPerformanceCounter
    6310 1370 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
    632e 1386 Sleep
    6336 1401 TerminateProcess
    634a 1421 TlsGetValue
    6358 1435 UnhandledExceptionFilter
    6374 1469 VirtualProtect
    6386 1472 VirtualQuery

    The imports from KERNEL32.dll are leaking into the import table for other DLLs.

    With more complex executables, in addition to silent crashes this also causes error messages like "The procedure entry point AcquireSRWLockExclusive could not be located in the dynamic link library ... foo.exe".

  • jpa

    jpa - 2020-06-25

    Thanks to Martin Storsjö / wbs on IRC for some hints:

    • Kai Tietz

      Kai Tietz - 2020-06-26

      That seems to me like a change to linker-script on binutils. The
      import/export tables are binutils related. Gcc doesn't produce them
      at all. As I suspected that nothing like LTO tries to be clever here,
      that issue should be solvable by the linker script, which should make
      sure that last element of table is NULL.


      Am Do., 25. Juni 2020 um 10:52 Uhr schrieb jpa

      Thanks to Martin Storsjö / wbs on IRC for some hints:

      problem is probably in binutils, related to bugs like
      workaround is to link against "foobar.dll" instead of "foobar.lib"

      [bugs:#831] Overlapping import tables with executable built with mingw-w64-gcc 9.3

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0 (example)
      Created: Tue Apr 07, 2020 08:29 AM UTC by r0q
      Last Updated: Thu Jun 25, 2020 08:37 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      mingw-w64 gcc 9.3 built executable ends up with overlapping import tables:

      Import Table size: 00001fc8
      offset 00240a00 libcurl.dll
      Hint/Name Table: 0043712C
      TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
      ForwarderChain: 00000000
      First thunk RVA: 00437598
      Thunk Ordn Name
      00437598 345 curl_easy_cleanup
      0043759c 347 curl_easy_escape
      004375a0 349 curl_easy_init
      004375a4 351 curl_easy_perform
      004375a8 355 curl_easy_setopt
      004375ac 363 curl_free
      004375b0 367 curl_global_init
      004375b4 411 curl_share_init
      004375b8 412 curl_share_setopt
      004375bc 414 curl_slist_append
      004375c0 425 curl_version_info

      offset 00240a14 libfreetype.dll
      Hint/Name Table: 0043715C
      TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
      ForwarderChain: 00000000
      First thunk RVA: 004375C8
      Thunk Ordn Name
      004375c8 35 FT_Done_Face
      004375cc 36 FT_Done_FreeType
      004375d0 60 FT_Get_Char_Index
      004375d4 69 FT_Get_Kerning
      004375d8 108 FT_Init_FreeType
      004375dc 112 FT_Library_Version
      004375e0 120 FT_Load_Char
      004375e4 121 FT_Load_Glyph
      004375e8 127 FT_New_Face
      004375ec 173 FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes

      offset 00240a28 libopusfile.dll
      Hint/Name Table: 00437188
      TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
      ForwarderChain: 00000000
      First thunk RVA: 004375F4
      Thunk Ordn Name
      004375f4 3 op_channel_count
      004375f8 14 op_open_memory
      004375fc 18 op_pcm_total
      00437600 22 op_read

      offset 00240a3c SDL2.dll
      Hint/Name Table: 004371A0
      TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
      ForwarderChain: 00000000
      First thunk RVA: 0043760C
      Thunk Ordn Name
      0043760c 94 SDL_GL_DeleteContext
      00437610 107 SDL_GL_SwapWindow
      00437614 106 SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval
      00437618 99 SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize
      0043761c 103 SDL_GL_MakeCurrent
      00437620 93 SDL_GL_CreateContext
      00437624 96 SDL_GL_GetAttribute
      00437628 105 SDL_GL_SetAttribute
      0043762c 71 SDL_DestroyWindow
      00437630 539 SDL_SetWindowGrab
      00437634 537 SDL_SetWindowFullscreen
      00437638 389 SDL_MinimizeWindow
      0043763c 557 SDL_ShowWindow
      00437640 533 SDL_SetWindowBordered
      00437644 550 SDL_SetWindowSize
      00437648 547 SDL_SetWindowPosition
      0043764c 238 SDL_GetWindowFlags
      00437650 57 SDL_CreateWindow
      00437654 236 SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex
      00437658 157 SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode
      0043765c 162 SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode
      00437660 165 SDL_GetDisplayMode
      00437664 187 SDL_GetNumDisplayModes
      00437668 163 SDL_GetDisplayBounds
      0043766c 191 SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays
      00437670 231 SDL_GetVersion
      00437674 251 SDL_GetWindowWMInfo
      00437678 628 SDL_free
      0043767c 518 SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode
      00437680 203 SDL_GetRelativeMouseState
      00437684 183 SDL_GetMouseState
      00437688 560 SDL_StopTextInput
      0043768c 559 SDL_StartTextInput
      00437690 179 SDL_GetKeyboardState
      00437694 312 SDL_JoystickClose
      00437698 318 SDL_JoystickGetAxis
      0043769c 314 SDL_JoystickEventState
      004376a0 342 SDL_JoystickNumAxes
      004376a4 346 SDL_JoystickOpen
      004376a8 511 SDL_SetHint
      004376ac 409 SDL_PollEvent
      004376b0 26 SDL_ClearError
      004376b4 169 SDL_GetError
      004376b8 153 SDL_GetClipboardText
      004376bc 506 SDL_SetClipboardText
      004376c0 30 SDL_CloseAudioDevice
      004376c4 406 SDL_PauseAudioDevice
      004376c8 404 SDL_OpenAudioDevice
      004376cc 156 SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver
      004376d0 414 SDL_Quit
      004376d4 594 SDL_WasInit
      004376d8 415 SDL_QuitSubSystem
      004376dc 303 SDL_InitSubSystem
      004376e0 302 SDL_Init
      004376e4 1177 CryptAcquireContextA
      004376e8 1194 CryptGenRandom

      offset 00240a50 ADVAPI32.dll
      Hint/Name Table: 00437278
      TimeDateStamp: 00000000 (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
      ForwarderChain: 00000000
      First thunk RVA: 004376E4
      Thunk Ordn Name
      004376e4 1177 CryptAcquireContextA
      004376e8 1194 CryptGenRandom

      CryptAcquireContextA & CryptGenRandom are looked for in ADVAPI32.dll & SDL2.dll. They should only come from ADVAPI32.dll. The thunks have the same address. With GCC 9.2 this recently worked fine, will try to verify if a downgrade helps.

      Affected executable is contained in

      Source code that was built is

      Best regards

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      Bugs: #831

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