
#809 __tmainCRTStartup: copied argv causing memory leakage

v1.0 (example)

crt/crtexe.c(__tmainCRTStartup): The array argv duplicated by duplicate_ppstrings seems to create memory leakage, since it is not freed up until the process is terminated.

Is this something you consider to be remedied - or was it a deliberate decision to omit freeing argv up?

Mem leakage detection tools complain about this which interferes an otherwise clean mem leakage report.

Many thanks!


Bugs: #809


  • Kai Tietz

    Kai Tietz - 2019-08-06


    this memory leakage is well known. We could have used here instead
    stack, which would be even worse. As it would allow attacker to
    manipulate directly on stack with known layout.
    Anyway, we could use here instead Win32 API to allocate, and free it
    later by Win32. A patch for this would be welcome.


    Am Do., 25. Juli 2019 um 17:29 Uhr schrieb Jannick

    [bugs:#809] __tmainCRTStartup: copied argv causing memory leakage

    Status: open
    Group: v1.0 (example)
    Created: Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:29 PM UTC by Jannick
    Last Updated: Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:29 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    crt/crtexe.c(__tmainCRTStartup): The array argv duplicated by duplicate_ppstrings seems to create memory leakage, since it is not freed up until the process is terminated.

    Is this something you consider to be remedied - or was it a deliberate decision to omit freeing argv up?

    Mem leakage detection tools complain about this which interferes an otherwise clean mem leakage report.

    Many thanks!

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    Bugs: #809

    • Jannick

      Jannick - 2019-08-06

      Hi Kai,

      Happy to suggest a patch. Just to confirm: Would GetProcessHeap / HeapAlloc
      / HeapFree be the WIN32 API functions you expect to be used?



      From: Kai Tietz
      Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 10:44 AM
      To: [mingw-w64:bugs]
      Subject: [mingw-w64:bugs] Re: #809 __tmainCRTStartup: copied argv causing
      memory leakage


      this memory leakage is well known. We could have used here instead
      stack, which would be even worse. As it would allow attacker to
      manipulate directly on stack with known layout.
      Anyway, we could use here instead Win32 API to allocate, and free it
      later by Win32. A patch for this would be welcome.


      • Kai Tietz

        Kai Tietz - 2019-08-06

        Am Di., 6. Aug. 2019 um 12:06 Uhr schrieb Jannick

        Hi Kai,

        Happy to suggest a patch. Just to confirm: Would GetProcessHeap / HeapAlloc
        / HeapFree be the WIN32 API functions you expect to be used?



        As crt creates a heap, and we want that arguments remain valid as long
        as possible TLS-routines might be executed on exit, it would be best
        to use here GlobalAlloc (well LocalAlloc is actually the same!). Of
        most interesting is here the point, when this memory is getting
        Such a patch needs some more extentive testing!


        • Jannick

          Jannick - 2019-08-06

          Umm ... Section of C11 (Program startup) might be an obstacle to
          naively free up argv at some point:

          "The parameters argc and argv and the strings pointed to by the argv array
          shall be modifiable by the program, and retain their last-stored values
          between program startup and program termination."

          I am inclined to interpret the term 'modifiable' to allow the program to
          change the strings pointed to by the argv array including reallocations. If
          true the program could legally free up those strings and/or reallocate and
          free argv. This would be a showstopper to naively free up argv at some
          point. Agree?

          I believe that the section cited above did not change since early C

          • Doug Semler

            Doug Semler - 2019-08-06

            You are correct with respect to the modifiable values C89 Hosted environment specifies this exact behavior. I haven't looked at C11 but I do remember that the pointers in the array are implementation defined, but non-const. Basically it boils down to argc and argv are owned by the program once they are passed to main.
            Note: Program termination is the return from main or call to exit()

            Programs are free to:
            1) Modify the value in argv[i][j] , where j is an index up to and including the NULL terminator.
            2) Modify the the value of argv[i] to point to a different location.

            It is undefined behavior to realloc or free either argv or argv[i], because these are implementation defined values and as they were not allocated by the program with malloc, calloc, or realloc). A program may only free or realloc something that it itself has malloc/calloc/or realloced.

            That being said, it should be possible to use the windows allocation routines instead of the CRT routines to allocate the memory passed to main.


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