gergang - 2012-01-09


General Info

Most panels can be switched on or off (see settings.txt).

Many settings like BPM, fontsize or timer wakeup can be changed either in settings.txt or with left and right mouse button. Pressing down the CTRL-Key during mouse click will usually increase steps.

Language can be changed in run.bat (de or en at the moment).

Doubleclick run.bat to start the software.

Instruments (just on top of the piano panel)

The selection box contains the list of bank 1 instruments (i.e. 128 instruments).

The last selected instrument will be shown as shortcut next to the selection combobox. Shortcuts can be toggeled with the small button on the left hand. Definition in settings.txt.

For sound effects (channel 10 / instrument No.128) the piano keys get a tool tip text with their MIDI key number to help identify a sound effect.


Left Click : Play note

Ctrl + Left Mouse Button : play accord

Right Mouse Button : Note + same note on next octave

Ctrl + right click : accord + first note on next octave

Holding down the Alt-Key will play notes on Mouse Over


The color of a track depends on the channel. Most pieces use one channel/one track, but some use one channel for all tracks or even one track for many channels. Sound effects always stay without color and are not displayed on the piano panel.

Copyright- and track-information is written to a log panel when a new file is loaded.

Drag & Drop:
Drag .mid, .kar or .zip - files from file system or browser to the player panel and drop them into the file name text field.
Java cannot handle all compression formats; Midi Player alternatively uses 7za.exe (7-zip´s command line utility) if installed. I plan this to be part of the distribution from Version 1.14


Select a line by clicking on it, then push the yellow marker button.

Playlist is ready to deliver a file or url (the one after the one that is marked in yellow.)

Stop :
It will not/not any more react to requests. Up/Down : Change the current selection .

Start the playlist and start the player at the same time.
Ctrl-Stop: Stop playlist and player.

File import/Export of *.playlist.txt files. Default directory is defined in settings.txt.

Playlist supports D&D of files or URLs from browser and file system.


Beats (each one composed of 4 fields of a sixteenth note) are numbered from 0 to F. 4 beats give one full tone.

N/P/C is for Note/Pause/Continue - those three lines can be used to play notes.

Use CTRL +left click / CTRL +right click on the note change its frequency.

E1-E9: Sound effects from MetrCtl Pane on the right side of the GUI

Field with 0-9 and a-f: Sequence of beats (press the apply button after changing).

Pitch Trainer Panel

Chose one or more intervals, click the test button. A random tone will be played followed by a second tone that is one from the chosen pitches.
Intervals are marked with question marks.
Alternatively right click on one of the piano keys to start a test.


Tool can connect to other instances on the same or a remote PC or to itself. Could be used to play on one connected USB device and output the messages on a remote PC/USB device.
The server(I) acts as receiver of messages, the Client (O) as sender.
This function is beta as there is no guaranty about the correct timing of a Midi message.


Log data, error messages (for instance some MIDI files may be corrupt and cannot be loaded so that the current piece simply continues playing)

Piano Control

Change Scale
Show and play scales
mark/mute non scale keys
Change octave (indicated by the little yellow pointer on the piano panel)
Loudness and speed setting
More scales can be defined in settings.txt

Device Control

Detects sound devices (= Midi Receiver) at start up.
Allows to choose output device, detects connected MIDI-USB devices.
USB is restricted to either in or out.

PC Keyboard Control

Activate keyboard threads if you want to use the PC keyboard to play a scale or a simple melody.
The scale on the three predefined keyboard layouts start on keyboard key "2" for the left hand.
Some PC keyboards can handle more than one or two keys at once.
More keyboards can be defined in settings.txt

Metronome Control

Effect Settings for the Metronome Panel

Lyrics Panel Control

How Lyrics is displayed; Lyrics panel opens automatically with .kar files and closes with .mid files. This behaviour can be switched off in settings.txt. Lyrics content of a midi file is shown in a JTextPane for versions below 1.14. V1.14 uses OpenGL/ LWJGL / Slick 2D.
Switching back especially for older laptops with graphics on board is possible in settings.txt (value lyrics.useOpenGL)

The Slick version can be partly controlled from keyboard or presenters. F1 opens a help window.

Sequence Panel

panel can be activated in settings.txt. Output is formated to be copied & pasted into MS Excel.


Last edit: gergang 2012-12-30