
#4666 Santa Anna Missiles Not Calculating Damage Correctly in Space Battles

stable 0.42

Per the rules on pages 130-134 of JHS:3070, Santa Anna warheads should inflict 100 points of capital-scale damage on a successful hit and 1000 points direct to the SI of a spacecraft on a successful nuclear attack roll of 9+

In tests under v 41.11 with the sanity damage mod on, each hit delivered 50 points of damage to the target's hull or 50 to the SI if the nuclear roll was successful - the same damage value as the parent Killer Whale missile accounting for direct blows or other minor randomization.

In tests with the sanity damage mod off, each hit delivered 0 damage to the target, which was in both cases a Leviathan II.


Bugs: #4609


  • Nicholas Walczak

    • assigned_to: Nicholas Walczak
    • Resolution: none --> fixed
    • Milestone: undetermined --> stable 0.42
  • Nicholas Walczak

    Fixed in [4cdde2].

    Ultimately, the issue is that nuclear missiles and tele-operated missiles were designed to use WeaponHandler.insertAttacks. In AmmoBayWeaponHandler.calcAttackValue, it adds up the attack values for each misisle, but for nuclear missiles and tele-op missiles it adds them to the "insertAttacks" vector to be processed later.

    The problem is that, in WeaponHandler.handle, WeaponHandler.insertAttacks is called prior to calcAttackValue, so these attacks were never processed. I moved this to the end of WeaponHandler.handle instead.

    I also did a few things to clean up the reports: I made it so the Missile bay doesn't report the attack if none of the missiles in the bay were non-inserted attacks (there was a "no damage" report otherwise).

    I also fixed some some indentation with the "NUCLEAR ATTACK!" report, and made it red.



    Commit: [4cdde2]

  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2016-01-01
    • Status: open --> closed
  • Magnus Kerensky

    Magnus Kerensky - 2016-01-04

    The fix for this seems to have caused some really weird issues as of 41.13.

    When nuclear missiles are involved, there are numerous fire reports that just don't show up - I think MM may be only displaying a report for the last weapon to fire. The end-of-turn reports and damage bars show that the additional attacks are being calculated and applied, just not shown.

    When a (Santa Anna) nuke hits successfully, it is now doing standard Killer Whale damage to both the armor and the SI as per this report:

    Capital Missile Bay at Naga Destroyer (Caspar II Control Ship) (WoB); needs 2, rolls 7 : - Direct Blow -
            Killer Whale at Naga Destroyer (Caspar II Control Ship) (WoB)
            Naga Destroyer (Caspar II Control Ship) (WoB) takes 50 damage to NOS.
                190 Armor remaining.
                Possible breach on NOS. Roll is 7: no breach.

    NUCLEAR ATTACK! needs 9, rolls 9:
                     50 damage directly to the SI. 1270 SI remaining
                Possible critical hit (Damage threshold exceeded); needs 8, rolls (5+1) = 6 : no effect.
                Possible critical hit (SI damaged); needs 8, rolls (7+1) = 8 : Critical hit on Artemis IV FCS.


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