
MBLogic / News: Recent posts

MBLogic - ARM CPU support bug fix

A new release of MBLogic is now available. This fixes a bug in creating the "Platform Statistics" data to display on the web interface when the server is running on an ARM CPU.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-04-16

Bug fix release for MBLogic - HMIBuilder.

A new release for MBLogic has been made. This addresses a minor bug in HMIBuilder, where exceptionally long lists of address tags would not fit on the screen. This has been corrected by selecting address tags using a different method. There are no new features.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-03-24

New Bug fix release for MBLogic

This is a bug fix release for the new HMIBuilder program. Due to an error in the script which assembled the final release, the wrong version of the icons were included with the final release package. This fixes that problem.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-03-21

New Release for MBLogic

A bug fix release has been made for MBLogic. This fixes a minor bug in one of the web based HMI Javascript libraries ("libmbhmicontrols2.js") which caused problems with displaying tank columns on older versions of some browsers. This bug appeared in the previous release (on Friday) and was related to working around a browser bug in Webkit based browsers (Apple Safari and Google Chrome). Unfortunately, working around the bug in those web browsers introduced a bug in the Javscript library, which this release fixes.... read more

Posted by mgriffin 2011-03-20

New Release for MBLogic

A new release of MBLogic is now available. A new program has been added called HMIBuilder. HMIBuilder allows you to create graphical HMI web pages for MBLogic and HMIServer without programming.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-03-19

New Release of MBLogic

The new release of MBLogic is now available. This is the release which was attempted last week, but which was delayed due to site problems at Sourceforge. This release contains improvements to the MBLogic Modbus/RTU and HART generic client protocols.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-02-03

Sourceforge Download Problems

The current site problems occurring at Sourceforge are preventing the latest update from being available. The current default version has been set back to the previous release. The new version will be uploaded again when Sourceforge has recovered from the attack they have been undergoing.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-01-29

Release 24 for MBLogic is now available.

A new release of MBLogic is now available. This includes improvements to the Modbus/RTU and Hart generic clients. It also includes the RSS XML template which was left out of the last release.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-01-28

Release 23 for MBLogic

There is a new release for the MBLogic soft logic automation platform available now. This includes many new features, including improved generic client support, SBus client support, new HMI features, alarm and event logging, alarm and event database history search, event RSS monitoring, new ERP support, platform data, and many other features.

In addition, MBTools now includes a new MS Window specific GUI client for monitoring Modbus/TCP servers.

Posted by mgriffin 2011-01-08

Release 9 of MBLibs

A new release of MBLibs is now available and can be downloaded directly through the file manager menu. MBLibs can be used for creating your owh customer Python software with Modbus, SBus, or soft logic functionality. This release brings the Modbus/TCP and MBLogicEngineCK library up to the same levels as the current release of the MBLogic automation platform.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-12-05

New Release 21 for HMIServer

Release 21 of HMIServer is now available. This release includes several major new features including: 1) All versions are now integrated into a single combined package. 2) An all new monitoring and control interface which provides AJAX features, live status update, and loading of new configurations while running.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-12-04

MBLogic Release 24 (All) / Release 22

A new release for MBLogic is now available. This includes Release 22 of the soft logic automation platform. Changes include easier configuration and two new generic client protocols (beta versions) for Modbus/RTU and HART.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-11-21

MBLogic New Release

A new release of MBLogic is now available. This includes a number of new features including live ladder status display, real time soft logic clock registers, HMI animations, various improvements to the status monitoring system, and various minor bug fixes.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-09-17

Browser bug affecting some user HMI web pages

There is a bug affecting some web browsers using some versions of Webkit (Safari, Chrome, Epiphany, Midori, etc.) which can affect the update of SVG gradient "fills" which are used in things like tank levels, column gauges, custom artwork etc. Firefox and Opera are not affected. This bug together with a test case has been reported to Webkit and they are working on a fix for it.

If any users are currently affected by this browser bug, you can either switch to an alternate browser for now, or contact the MBLogic project and I can tell you how to make a very simple change your web page to avoid triggering the problem. ... read more

Posted by mgriffin 2010-07-27

MBLogic - New Release

A new release for MBLogic is now available. This brings new features to the MBLogic Soft Logic system. These include expanded register maps, using unit ID register map offsets with the Modbus/TCP server protocol, being able to specify a different unit ID for each command for Modbus/TCP clients. Various minor improvements have also been made in the HMIServer and MBTools packages.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-07-25

MBLogic HMI - New example on website

A new example showing how to create a simple HMI application has been posted on the MBLogic website. It can be found at:

This shows how to create a very basic HMI displaying a single number.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-07-22

MBLogic Download Link Fixed

Due to an unknown problem the main download link on the main MBLogic project was not updated when the last release was made. This has now been fixed and the link now points to the latest release. If you were looking for the new releases (latest release was 2010-07-05) the link is now on the main page. This is the same release as was already available from the "view all files" link.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-07-17

New Release for HMIServer, MBLibs

New releases for HMIServer and MBLibs. This is a clean-up release to bring the libraries in sync with the recent work in MBLogic. This also addresses requests from users of older versions of Python (2.4) and by Mac OS/X users.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-07-05

New Reelease

Release 19 of MBLogic is now available (also in release 20 of MBLogic All). This is a significant change with an all new and greatly improved status monitoring system. Also the system now has "generic client" capability which allows the creation of communications extension modules to allow adding new protocols or accessing serial ports.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-07-03

New Release for HMIServer, MBTools, MBLibs

This release adds support for a new protocol - SAIA Ether SBus. This results in new versions of HMIServer, SBProbe, SBPoll, and SBusServer as well as adding the protocol to MBLibs. Also, HMIServer is now released on its own as separate package rather than as part of MBTools.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-05-22

Technology demos on line

The project web site has a new section with "technology demos". This shows current and upcoming features in MBLogic. See "" for examples.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-05-05

Release 18 for MBLogic

This release updates the installation documentation for MBLogic to account for packaging and installation changes in the latest version of a third party library (Twisted) packaging for the MS Windows version. If you are not using MS Windows, or if you already have a working installation, you can ignore this release.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-03-14

Release 17 for MBLogic and MBTools

A new release has been made for MBLogic and MBTools. This release builds on the previous work in making creating an HMI easier. The new HMI documentation has now been incorporated directly into the on-line help. SVG art is now more self contained instead of relying on template boilerplate definitions. Push buttons can be enabled and disabled via the data table.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-02-11

New Release for MBLogic and MBTools

A new release is now available for MBLogic and MBTools. This adds a new and greatly improved method of creating HMI web pages. The graphical portions of the web pages can now be edited using Inkscape and the HTML portions selected from templates. A large selection of SVG clip art has been provided, along with extensive documentation.

Posted by mgriffin 2010-01-18


All MBLogic packages are now available in a single combined release called MBLogic-All. This contains copies of the latest releases of MBLogic, MBTools, and MBLibs. This is provided as an alternative to the individual releases to make finding and downloading the current packages easier.

Posted by mgriffin 2009-12-17